
The "Spirit of Death" Project

Ive stopped typing this, a failed work

CozmicCatto · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1- The Apocalypse is at Hand

The year is 20XX, and a great event is at hand! A gathering of the world's smartest scientists have gotten together and after years of arduous struggle and pain, they have formed a formula that can cure any and all diseases. Sadly, things won't go the way they expect it to...

Our "hero" is currently filling out a waiver on why he should be picked to be used as a demonstration for this new drug.

My name is Lunari Taurus, and despite been given a female's name...I'm a guy. All my life I've lived in the slums, surrounded by various diseases, and yet I've still lived to this day. I know that I'm just another nobody among the masses, but I will do as I'm told and serve my country to the best of my abilities. It would be an honor be a part of this event.

*Lunari fills out the rest of the paper, his date of birth, age, race, address, ect., and slots the paper into a sliver mailbox. It has no markings whatsoever, and there are mailboxes that look like this all over the city*

I guess all I can do now is wait. Well, back to the lab I guess.

*Lunari makes his way through the crowd back to his motorcycle*

(I wonder what's gonna happen with this new drug, hopefully it'll go better than the last one)

This isn't the first time scientists have tried something like this, but this IS the first time they're asking for volunteers to show off this new "miracle" as they call it, and it has peaked the public's interest

*Lunari slows down his bike, and comes to a stop in front of an abandoned building. However, this building is different from the others around it. For starters, it still looks somewhat maintained. This is his home and workshop all in one. Lunari is a freelance engineer of sorts. In his workshop he works on random pieces of equipment and constructs different devices depending on parts he finds out on the street and the junkyard, which was left to him by his late parents. Lunari has no family to speak of so to say, so he's lives alone*

Man, what a day. At least I can get back to this arm. Should come in handy one day. Even if I'm not accepted and given the bonus of money, I can still release this as the first fully functioning prosthetic! I'll be famous!

*Lunari picks up a blowtorch and a welder's mask designed specially by him, and enters his garage/make-shift workshop. He walks over to a weirdly designed giant mechanical arm. It's all metal, no paint, straight up iron. It looks like a normal arm, except its longer and thicker than any arm you'll ever see. It'll fit into a shoulder just fine, but as it approaches the hand, it gets thicker, like a badly designed body. The hand itself looks somewhat human, if it wasn't for the fingers looking like claws. Honestly, this thing looks like it belongs more on a robot than a human. At the end of the arm are two giant straps, they're probably supposed to keep the arm attached to your body, as the weight of the arm itself looks like it'll tear itself right off of you*

All right, time to get to work!

*He puts on the welder's mask and fires up the blowtorch, and starts working on his invention*

He takes hours on his work, well into the night as well, until...

FINALLY, ITS FINISHED! Before I put it on, I should probably take a shower, and wash this thing at the same time; it's covered in oil.

*Not long later...*

Ah, refreshing!

*Lunari walks up to his fragmented mirror. He's a 6'4 African American with straight black hair that covers one of his eyes, which are blue, and has the build of a high school athlete. He'd look pretty handsome, and combined with his toned body, would look somewhat of a model... if he wasn't covered in oil all the time... and was missing his left arm. Due to an accident when he was younger, he not only lost his parents and his original house, he also lost his arm, which had to get amputated. Everything went downhill from there, as you can clearly tell*

Alright, looking good, no new burns...all right! I think it's time to test this baby out!

*Lunar walks over to the arm that's currently on the floor and picks it up, and lines it up with his body*

Welp, here goes nothing

*He readys himself for the pain that he's about to endure, and stabs the arm into his stump*


*He suppresses a cry of pain, as the arm starts linking up with his entire nervous system, and he sits down to make sure he doesn't rip out the arm before it's done. He can't take the pain, combined from the exhaustion from staying up past midnight, and passes out*

6 hours later...

Ugh, it huuuuuurts. Hmm? What's this?

*He shifts his new apendage*

Wait...*bends wrist* WAIT *bends fingers* I DID IT! HELL YEAH!

*He raises his right arm in victory, and hastily starts strapping himself with the leather straps, and slowly gets up*

Cmon, in I can stand properly, this will all be worth it!...Success!

*He pumps his ARMS in victory*

That said, I think I got the proportions wrong, BUUUUUT when I remember how I'm gonna use it, it's JUST right. Wait, what's that on the floor?

*Lunari walks over to his front door, with the fingertips of his new arm just ever so slightly scraping against the ground, almost as if their kissing it*

Lunari reaches for the letter with the arm, and opens it