
The "Anoltablupch"

Ella's whole life is a story out of a novel, a twisted life filled with struggle, sadness, sweetness, romance and despair. Her friend discovered her huge Change on personality and understanding, so despite knowing it she deliberately asks about the whole history so she could let it all out by her own will! (based on true story)

0_ALkei_0 · Geschichte
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4 Chs

chapter 4.

"After returning home I started doing everything mom likes, tried my best to please her. But one night at 3 am..I was in a sound sleep. suddenly I felt a hand touching me all over my body in wiered places. then I felt like someone kissing me they had a cigarette smell and-

"it's ok it's ok Ellaa!!! calm yourself you don't have to say it in detail I know i know" I said while grabbing her she was shook!!

"I was a 13 years old kid.. I didn't have that much energy to fight back still when I got my sense back a little I pushed that man and screamed my mom's name

my voice wouldn't come out then that man grabbed my mouth and said don't scream don't scream!! thankfully mom heard me while she was coming to me that man ran way! mom came to my room and saw my dress unbuttoned and I'm covering myself with a blanket and crying... She completely broke down" What happened to you love? what happened?? why're you like this??what happened to my child??" She called dad. Dad went to check then he saw main entrance was open and dad's phone and 1500$ missing!! when mom kept asking me what happened I was too embarrassed to say anything so i only said that thief took off the blanket, nothing happened. But I Started feeling traumatic after that day everytime i saw a boy! I felt disgusting and chills all over the body . I wanted to run to my room and cover myself with a blanket. Back then I didn't have any idea about S*X so i couldn't get what he did to me completely i was confused. I started distancing myself from everyone. I never even went in front of my dad. Then my grandma got hospitalised so we had to go to the capital again! I never wanted to go there. I knew something bad will happen again and it did!

Mom was staying at the hospital so I had to stay with sis and my 4th aunt and uncle! of course mom informed them about the incident! At night sis started forcing me to tell her what exactly happened. I kept saying the same thing. Then she slapped me and I started crying so she hugged me and said sorry it's ok go back to sleep.

Those people kept pushing me about this incident and kept making jokes About this....that time it was my first time having killing intension...!!" Ella said while clinching her fists. she was facing down clenching her teeths.

"why didn't tell your mom? and leave capital?" I said

"ah! If that would've worked i would've done so! My mom never tried to hearing me out back then. but thankfully we left quickly. After that I had my finals. In the middle of my exams my grandma passed away. mom and dad left me home alone cus of my finals. But her death didn't even make me sad. I just didn't feel anything cus she was almost like a stranger to me . pretty cruel don't you think!? i do too but can't help it! As usual I scored the highest grade in the whole school!

Dad bought a smartphone. that was my second time seeing one back then! the first one was stolen and that one was forbidden to touch. so It was my first time seeing a smartphone. I was allowed to use it for 1 hour daily cus my finals are over! I used to watch Barbie and different animations. Then one day i saw a clip with a spiky red haired and green eye boy He was totally my type. Turned out his name was Ayato! After all the investigation I found where those clips were from. The series name' Diabolic Lovers' My first light and my first anime the name I'll never forget! Ayato sakamaki was my first crush" She said while laughing

I laughed with her then ella continued.

" I kept watching diabolic lovers in secret..I used to hide my phone whenever mom came to me. it was a bad thing to do. Because of this they started to doubt me. Well I did it cus I thought there's a lot of kiss and bite scenes what if they think something else?. But they thought I was dating another guy that's why I'm hiding my phone so they took and prohibited me to use phone. I started feeling anxious day by day. I did know it was called anime. I only thought it's some sort of cartoon!

so My next year, age 14 passed smoothly while i kept missing ayato. that year passed like a robot study school eat sleep tution and continue. after I got into high school they gave me the phone and I completed my season! my first days in high school was fun!

after 2/3 months I met 'HER'. the loner of our class who always sat silently in the last row! She sat with me that day cus of the seat plan made by the homeroom teacher!

she was so tall and moody . she was in her own world. i kinda hated her! she seemed like she hated me too. No, she accually did hated me cus i was the topper!

who knew that seat plan would bring This huge change in our relationship!!!"