
That time I was reincarnated as Rimuru too

You know the usual isekai bulshit, this is the same..A wish fulfillment. * A guy die by the hand of a ROB, who mistakenly killed him thinking of another. So, the Rob give him a choice for reincarnation. So, the guy choose to be Rimuru. Was it a right decision or wrong? Was it a heaven or hell? It's remain to be seen. * ~A/N~ Personally? I don't think anybody can replace Rimuru Tempest. Mikami Satoru, became Rimuru because of his character. So, I don't know where this story would go. ___ Make some magic beasts that can be found in Tensura and their skill. I didn't find many. List some skill as well. I'll make a auxiliary chapter for it. Remind me if I made a mistake, but don't be too harsh..ok? Thank you. I started writing this story after reading first chapter of “That time I got reincarnated as Rimuru Tempest” fan-fic. Read it if you can, I don't know if it's good or bad. I don't want to criticize others. Ok then, Happy Reading.

ShadowJon · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Naming and feast.

I order them, mostly the goblins, to rest for today. Goblins in the village and wolves outside, just to be safe. The next morning it would be true beginning of my story and I'll name them.

~Few hours later~

The sky is bright blue, the air is fresh. Today is the day after the fight, I've gathered everyone, goblins and wolves alike. I'm standing on an elevated platform with the goblin elder and would be Ranga standing behind me. Everyone, other than the two standing in front of us, wolves on one side goblins on the other, waiting for me to speak.

There are roughly 74 fighter goblins and 93 wolves. Even if I pair them with each other there will still be 18 wolves left, Ranga is mine so he doesn't count, I'll just have them patrol the areas around the village until other goblins join.

"Ahem! Everyone!

Today will be a new beginning for us, today and the future, we'll work with each other, help each other. So, I'll have you all form pairs and live with each other, Understood?"I watched them as I said that, but, I don't think they understood, as they didn't do anything and waited for me to continue. 'Then again, they were enemies yesterday.' Hmm... let's do it like this then.

I used my thought communication skill and projected the pairing idea to them.

"Okay, now pair up." slowly they began exchanging glances with whoever was in front of them and meekly followed my order.

Now paired up, not separated by two groups, they waited for me to continue.

"All right, Now I have good news. I'm going to name you all!"

All eyes looked directly at me, making eyes as big as the moon. They did not made a sound.

Only the wind was moving with a whooss.. sound, even the kid goblins were the same.

From behind me, the would be Rigurd spoke with a shaky and excited voice,"L-Lord Rimuru... are you sure about this..? We know you are strong, but naming all of us..." I cut him off.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry." As soon as I said that, the whole group, the goblins, the wolves, the kids, the old ,started cheering and shouting.

I know why they're cheering. It's a lifetime opportunity for a monster.

I know naming monsters is dangerous and all but I have prepared for this. I have developed an art with predator, magic manipulation and magic sense. Well, It's simply cultivation, I gather magicules in my vicinity using magic manipulation and use predator to collect it. It helps me recover faster, from 3 days to 1 I think..

Affirmative. With the speed of magicule recovery now, it'll take roughly 15-17 hours depending on the magicule density in the vicinity to fully recover from the acceptable threshold.

It also can increase my magicule but it's small compared to if I eat a monster which give me a large boost.

I also have veldora in my stomach. So, naming wouldn't be a problem.

"Now, line up, Goblins first." As soon as I said that, everybody excitedly started to line up.

First was the elder. " I name you, Rigurd."

"Thank you, my lord!'' Next was his son with a red bandana.

"Your name will be Rigur." This continued for several minutes.

Other than Rigurd, Rigur, Gobta, and Haruna, I named everyone whatever came to mind. I didn't remember what Rimuru named them specifically. Heck, I didn't remember Haruna's goblin form. But with the help of great sage I recognised Haruna, I wanted to name her Haruna.

"Now, You wolves have to wait a bit. I'm low on juice." I'm at 56% of my initial magicule. It'll take 6-7 hours to recover. Until then, I would'n name the wolves. I don't want to go to sleep mode. They're stronger than the goblins so they need more magicule to be named.

"It's okay, Master. We'll wait for you to recover." Aww... Ranga is such a sweet child.

~few hours later~

I exited my tent and ordered all the wolves to gather near me using thought communication. And then I named them and it sucked 71% of my magicules all at once. I had only 90% of my full capacity before I named them and now I'm on 19%

'A-rrgh! this doesn't feel good at all' I quickly returned to my tent. I need time to recover.


The next day I recovered fully. I used the recovery art alongside I asked Veldora for his magicule. I knew he could listen to my thoughts if great sage didn't block it, so I asked great sage to regulate it when I talk to Veldora. Though it's only a one way connection. He could listen but I don't.

As soon as I came outside I was stunned... Wearing nothing but bare minimum rags that couldn't even hide their assets, big assets, were the goblinas, working and chatting around. There were Hobgoblins too, but my focus was elsewhere.

'What tha fuc...' Like really WTF!. How can those little green creatures become so hot! And those Malones....I want to...A-hem!

'My eyes, even though I don't have any, are now blessed. I thank the lord for this wonderful experience, I thank the world for being a drug addict. Thank you...'

"Ah! Lord Rimuru. You're out. I'll go call elder Rigurd." It was Haruna. I didn't know why she was near my tent.

"Yes, please do so." Wow, she's hot. I didn't even see that many human beings that hot! Maybe, it's the perks of magicules.

'Anyways, enough distractions. It's time for work.'

Few minutes later Rigurd came.'Fuck!...' 6-feet tall maybe taller, full of mussels only wearing simple loincloths to hide his nether region.

"My lord, you wished to see me?" Rigurd asked me while towering over me.

"Y-yeah... Rigurd call your son. I have to tal..." I couldn't finish my sentence because Ranga came out of nowhere and said excitedly

"My Master!"

"Wow... You've become really big and handsome Ranga!" He really became awesome just like in the anime. ' And These fluffy fur... I want to cuddle'

"It's thanks to you naming me, I've evolved into Tempest wolf, My master." He said excitedly and happily wagged his tail faster and faster. 'He looks really happy, huh!..'

Now then where were we... Right. I looked at Rigurd and said"Call your son Rigurd, I've something to ask." This is really important.

"Alright, my lord.'' With that he went to get Rigur. I waited a few minutes with Ranga. And then, Rigurd and Rigur came.

"You call for me, my lord?" He asked as he stopped in front of me.

"Yes, Rigur. You know I can mimic Right?"

"The one where you turned into a Direwolf, lord Rimuru?"

"Yes, that one. So listen, I don't have a humanoid body so, I want to mimic you and have the body. I'll have to consume you for a moment, are you ok with that?" I asked, not sure if I worded it correctly.

"It's okay, lord Rimuru. I trust you." Well, that was fast...

"Thank you. I really appreciate that." I really appreciate loyalty.

'Great sage, be ready, analyze every part and sense of the body. I don't need to have descendants but I want to feel. I want to have sex, I want to experience it. So, you have to mimic it. Ok?' If I can mimic eyes and ears then why can't I have that organ too?!


I asked Ranga and Rigurd to wait outside. And went inside the tent with Rigur alone.

"I'm going to start, Rigur. It'll take only a minute"

I don't know if I have to kill him to analyse and mimic. Well, here goes nothing.

And I consumed him.

.....Analysis complete.

Mimic: Hobgoblin obtained.

'Analyse again, and...it's possible right??' great sage knows what I mean.


Received. Mimicking the reproductive organ of Hobgoblin is possible. However it'll be infertile as the individual Rimuru Tempest's species is sexless and reproduction method is different.

We'll worry about that later when I become a True Dragon.

After finishing the analysis I quickly expelled Rigur from my stomach.

"Ugh.. L-Lord...Rimuru is it done?"

"Y-yes, Thanks Rigur. You were a big help. again, Thanks." I genuinely said from bottom of my heart.

"Think nothing of it, Lord Rimuru. I'll gladly sacrifice myself for you."

Rigur... Thanks man.

"Ok, You can go and rest if you want."

With Rigur gone, I'm now alone in the tent. I'm still in my slime form. But it's now the moment of truth..

'Let's do it, great sage.'

So I mimicked Hobgoblin. And soon enough I was standing on my own two feet, I was seeing through my eyes, I waved my hands. But for the most important thing...I look down.

There, my little brother was sleeping....



"Are you alright,lord Rimuru?"

"It's ok.. I'm ok, no need to worry. And, don't come." Take a deep breath Rimuru "uuuuff..f" now exhale "haaa.."

Fuck! finally!! who said slime can't have it. If I don't have it I will just mimic it. But I'll never mimic a girl. That's taboo.

Now I have to wake up the little Dragon just to be sure. And that was easy, just one look outside and bam! My dragon is up. Or maybe I'm too horny? 'I should control my horniness.'

"Anyway, I haven't checked my appearance yet. Let's check it now." So I made a big block of ice in a way that reflects lights with the help of sage. There stood a lean muscular Hobgoblin, the appearance was very similar to Rigur, the only way to differentiate us was the eye and hair .While his eye was black mine was golden and my hair was short blue.

''I really did 'Mimic' huh!" Well it's just temporary. I'll make my own unique physique when I get Universal Shapeshift. But it feels weird,like I'm wearing clothes, maybe I'm doing it wrong? I'm using Rigur's full height which exceeds my slime body. 'Should I try...ok, let's try.'

I canceled the mimic and tried again but this time only using the slime body. This time the weirdness is so miniscule that it's almost nonexistent.

'But my height went down. I'm a child now!' well it doesn't matter. I can feel and test, That's all that matters. It's time for a feast.

But first "Rigurd. Bring some clothes for me."

Few minutes later Rigurd came inside with a loincloth in hand. "Here you go, my lord." I really should go to Dwargon as soon as possible.

"Thanks, Rigurd." I quickly wore the loincloths. 'I feel like I'm in some barbarian tribe.'

"Rigurd, prepare for a feast, while we go hunting." I called Ranga using thought communication and looked at Rigur "You too Rigur, prepare a team and come with me."

After that, we went hunting and brought the prey by noon. It took time to prepare and cook.

By late evening, all was done, we're sitting around a large campfire, Rigurd, Rigur and Ranga by my side.

Few goblinas served us the foods. Well-roasted meats, cut into bite size pieces 'It's looks delicious!'

"Lord Rimuru, please start first."

I gulp down my Silva.

"Ok..." took a bite of it, chewed it and tested it.

"hhmm~" fuck... even though it's not seasoned properly, it tested almost divine.

"Mmm~ that was delish!" I looked at everyone and said loudly

"Start the Feast!"


The feast started in full force.

After some time,

"Eat this one too my lord" Haruna gave me a piece, She was serving the food for me.

"No, eat this piece, it's more delicious." From out of nowhere Linena ,a curvy goblina, said almost shoving a piece into my mouth.

"Hey! I was serving food for lord Rimuru." Haruna said irritatedly, not liking the new goblina one bit.

"Hmph! Nobody asked you to, and I can also do it if you don't."Linena said, trying to shoo her away.

Gotta say, she really has guts. Everyone is somewhat afraid of me as I'm stronger and maybe not as approachable as Rimuru. But she?.. not that I mind, 'In fact, I'm liking it quite a bit actually.'

So with a smile I said to them "Come on, take it easy girls. I'll eat both" Roasted meat of course...

"You guys eat too. Here, sit down. You too, Linena," I said, offering them seats on both sides of me.

The feast continued into the night, we danced, we sang. It was fun...