
That Time I was Reincarnated as a Hybrid

It's going to be based on the anime That Time I got reincarnated as a slime but you will notice the slight differences. Dione was at the prime of her career leading in all fields of business and acting. On the way to one of her shoots in Japan the necks for anime her excitement couldn't be contained but as she was on her private jet she had a gut feeling that something was going to happen and her instincts are usually right. When she was about to tell one Stuarts to have the pilot turn back the plane started to fall. When she next opened her eyes She couldn't believe where she was.

Elijah_Salmon · Fantasie
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33 Chs

[Edit]Reincarnated into my Favorite Anime

As I was on my way to Japan for one of my tv shows rehearsals.

I was watching that time I was reincarnated as slime the last episode trying to Ignore the feeling of something was going to happen.

The theme music is coming on as you see Rimuru walking towards Clayman.

Did I mention I love the theme song it's so ahhh it kicks ass!

But anyways he was walking towards Clayman after he had just awakened as a true demon lord.

But my instinct keeps nagging at me, and when it does it's usually right so I call for one of the stewardesses.

When she reaches me, I say "too tell the pilot that I wish to go back home".

The female Stuart says but Ms.Dione where already 15hrs into the flight to go back now it would...

Trailing off after seeing my stare, sighs and bowing before saying yes Ms.Dione.

I will inform the pilots of you wishing to back before leaving me.

I sigh and say you think I don't want to go to Japan It's the crown jewel for anime and manga.

But when my instincts tell me something is wrong that means there's something wrong with the choice I made.

It has gotten worse the closer we get to Japan, I have been trying to ignore it because "I WANT TO GO TO THE MECKA OF ANIME"!

So I have no choice but, as soon as I was about to go back to my anime the plane started to fall.

The pilot intercom comes on, when he says Ms.Dione

please fasten your seat belt and, brace for impact one of our engines has given out.

We are making an emergency landing, fastening my seat and grabbing my seat arms rest I start saying in my head.



But as I say that I am engulfed by darkness, before opening my eyes to see I'm in a field, of flowers as I feel something touching me that is slimy.

Lifting my head I see a light blue ball stretching its makeshift arm to shake me gently.

When I hear a voice that is feminine but also has a little masculinity to it.

Slime: Are you ok? did something attack you, I say it like I could protect you but if it's still around we should run.

Just in case I should heal you, but um scratching my slime cheek I say "it's going to be in a weird way but is out if I do"?

Thinking I say my body does hurt and I am kind of feeling hazy but.

Wait how is a weird blob talking to me and where am I?

Slime: Nervously I say I know it's weird but I mean you no harm it's just that when I saw you laying here.

I was going to run away but, let's just say something told me that you and i are the same and with that you needed help.

So after confirming it was safe, I decided to check on you as you were laying here unconscious.

As for where we are I think, were in some kind of cave of sorts that's what I have concluded.

The reason I'm able to communicate with you, is because we're both monsters.

So being that we are both monsters were able to speak to each other telepathically.

I mhmm so that's why, I see wait did you just say we were both monsters! jumping up to only collapse back on my side from the pain.

Slime: Careful your injured sliding, over to her I say "I can heal you by enveloping you inside of my body before releasing you when you're healed is that ok"?

Nodding to answer him as I say "as long as you can help me get rid of this pain I'll accept any kind of help".

Slime: Mhmm after I will explain how we got here begin that I guess you got here in a similar way.

After saying that I slowly let my body melt to envelope her so that she can heal inside.

After a few minutes I am released, and feel the pain has been subsided.

I stand up lifting my leg and moving around, feeling completely better, I lower my head to the slime and say thank you.

Slime: Mhmm no problem you have calmed down rather quickly after hearing you're a monster.

Well I've always been quite adaptable, with my situations plus you said you were going to explain.

As I say in my head "if you are who I think you are then i have a pretty good idea where I am".

After thinking I say I have a pretty good idea of what happened but I just want you to confirm it.

Slime: I see well the reason I said we are the same and our coming here is similar is because you must have also reincarnated here just like I have.

The reason I say this is, because you have a similar skill to mine and through it i was able to tell you wasn't a enemy.

I say mhmm as I look around, and say are we in a flower field that's in the cave? even though half of it is gone.

And can I ask what kind of monster I am?

But before the slime answer, I hear a voice in my head yes.

You're a hybrid more specifically, a werewolve mixed with a vampire you are the only one of your kind.

Saying so you must be the skill that is similar to his skill that he mentioned.

Voice: Yes I am your skill spacial awareness, nice to me your master.

Seeing me in a daze, the to be Rimuru asks" did your skill answer your question for you as he smiles.

Smiling back I say "yes, it did apparently I am the only of my kind of hybrid".

To be Rimuru: Widening my makeshift eyes I say "so cool I could tell you was a monster with fur but to think you're not only a werewolve".

But you're actually a hybrid, how cool and your the only one isn't that awesome!?

I giggle at his excitement, and looking around before answering "yea I guess it is with blush on my face".

To be Rimuru: Well what do you say about getting a move on and trying to find a way out of this cave.

(30 minutes later)

After having small talks as we navigated the cave, and running from monsters as the to be Rimuru collected materials like the hipokute herb and magiculs stone.

I see a multi color light that is dim, I say Satoru I see some kinda light ahead.

Satoru: Do you think it led to the outside Dione?

I don't know it seems multi colored, it could be a reflection of something that is multi colored?

Satoru: I see let's approach it cautiously, if it seems dangerous we'll run away.

Saying ok we head towards it, as we are about to reach it I take a step, and start falling as I scream before I feel my head hit the ground .

Opening my eyes feeling dizzy I hear Satoru calling out my name, and see him hoping to me before closing my eyes falling unconscious.

(20 minutes later)

Slowly opening my eyes, I hear a voice that is masculine say.

It seems like your friend Dione is regaining their consciousness.

Satoru: DIONE! You're finally awake releasing a sigh of relief as I say "you really had me worried are you ok"?

Slowly getting up and getting out of my haziness, I smile and reply "yes I'm ok I'm sorry for worrying you".

But what happened I remember falling, and then hitting my head on the ground but that's all.

Satoru: Mhmm you feel down the stairs, they were pretty steep that caused you to miss a step making you fall.

But you really do have beautiful fur you're black and white looks so elegant.

I blush saying thanks wait mhmm "YOU CAN SEE ME NOW"!

That's when I hear a loud laugh, HAHAHAHAHAH you two are such good friends.

Looking where it came from, I break in to a nervous sweat 😅 saying.

I..IS..IS THAT A DRAGON! As I jump back from the shock.

Satoru: Calm down Dione seeing that Dione is about to run away.

I say this is "Veldora he is a friend, he taught me how to use the skill magic sense that allows me to see what's around me".

I want you to learn it too, so that you can see not only with your eyes but also be able to see what is around through magic magiculs.

Finally calming down, I nod looking away from the dragon saying "if it can make me stronger I don't mind".

Satoru: nods saying I'll give you the run down of everything Veldora told me later but for now Veldora has offered to name us as.

A sign of our friendship, so that we can be monsters with names to evolve to be strong enough to protect ourselves.

But also he wants to name us because i plan on helping him out of the seal he's in.

By having him sealed inside my body, to help analyze the seal from inside and out.

Making us one until, he can break out from it but I wouldn't do anything intil you were conscious and was ok with it.

I say if you have decided that it's a good idea, i trust your judgement and will agree with it as long as you do.

Blush appears on his face, as he looks away and says thanks let' get you to be able to use magic sense.

Close your eyes and try to sense all the magiculs around you using your senses.

It takes me a few minutes before I'm able to, see them the blue and purplish lines as I see the rock, magiculs ores, and the hipokute.

Seeing the look on Dione face, I smile and ask are you able to see them?

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