
That Time I reincarnated as The Overlord

Arthur Gets reincarnated into the Earth of Overlord and then gets transmigrated but what's this? Instead of the New World he's in Tensura? 500 years back in the past! Thrust into the World of Tensura of the past, he will have to decide which route to take. The path of a World Conquerer? Or live a simple Carefree life with his NPCs? Note: The story Will loosely follow the OverLord Elements and Tensura's Power system to some extent. This Fanfic will be an AU meaning changes! yay!, but not much changes will be in the original plot. Characters may appear when they shouldn't but it's the effects of 'butterfly fluttering away' so relax and enjoy! Also Obviously I don't have any rights on Overlord Anime/LNs or Tensura/TTIGRAAS. OCs are ofcourse mine though.

_Raphiel · Anime und Comics
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74 Chs

Chp-27 Pre-Victor-Y?

3rd POV:

A few hours has passed of the surprise attack on the Bandits.


A sound of something heavy falling on the ground was heard. This impact caused a sizable crater to form around the said falling 'object'.

After the dust, created by the crash, subsided it is now clear what that 'object' was. It was the Leader of the Bandits, Victor, who in our previous chapter fought with the Team leader of Golden Tear, Armin or as we all know, Bael.

We see Armin approaching near the crater whose formation he is indirectly responsible for.

"I will be honest, you are the strongest person I have met till date." 'Excluding Guy, he doesn't count', thought Armin.


"And you are the most terrifyingly strong person whom I have Found the honour to die to." *Cough*, Victor replied while coughing up chunks of blood form the Las blow.

"Oh? Then I am honoured. But we both know you are just stalling for 'that' to happen right?"

"So you expected it huh?", Victor grinned, but he had expected to be found out by this guy.

"Not expected per se, I sensed the mana around you going rapidly inside that sword of yours. It's hard to ignore you know?"

[A/n When in human occupied or in any common place I will refer to Magicules as mana cause it makes sense for me that Humans will call it Mana, also if this is not canon then it is fanon now in my fic.]

"Then...take my final attack..My worthy Opponent!! [WORLD SLASH]!!", With eyes determined to make his final move successful, Victor Exclaimed.

With a heavy mana induced atmosphere and an equally larger mana induced sword, Victor struck at Armin who stood smiling and seemingly taking the attack head on.

Just as the attack was about to connect with Armin's neck, a blinding flash of light hit the area....


Rewind to 15 minutes.

.....The Light subsided to show Gil, Tsuzu and Misu...All three panting heavily, Misu looking the most out of breath of the three.

While the area around them was already destroyed before with the constant fire and explosions of Tsuzu and Gil. Now, whatever remained of the little vegetation got withered away as if all their life force was sucked away.

Dark clouds formed above their vicinity.

The dark clouds around them swirled in a cyclone-esc behaviour, the overall atmosphere seemed gloomy and a little bit of Death aura could be sensed.

Taking a deep breath, but still unable to collect herself, Tsuzu whispered to Misu.

"This is Bad Misu san, VERY BAD!.

Earlier I had the advantage because of my skills with elemental magic but now he's shown his true colours, BLACK to be exact."

"You are right Tsuzu san, I don't know why such a dangerous and powerful dark magic user is doing here. I am almost at my limits.", Huffing and taking large irregular breaths Misu replied.

"Yeah, I know... I can't counter his Dark Magic, only you with your Holy Magic can dispel it but...."

"...My skill is not enough", Misu narrowed her eyes.

During the interval of the start of this magic fight, Tsuzu had the upper hand due to her proficiency in Elemental Magic which she mixed with her Scientific theories that slowly but surely suppressed Gil.

Backed in a corner, Gil had no choice but to use the form of magic he excelled the best in, Dark Magic. This type of magic, unlike elementals are unpredictable, their only indication is that it always carries with it a Mass of dark smoke.

This particular mass of dark smoke is large or small according to the type, strength and amount of mana inputted in it.

That's where the advantage ends for identification. Dark magic can be in any form, from a small leg locking curse to a spell to summon Demonic beings.

There is no physical, or elemental way to counter it perfectly. The only feasible way is for you to have a vastly large mana and high proficiency in magic. Which Tsuzu didn't have.

The only other way is via Holy Magic or Light Magic. So after the initial battle, the following became a one on one duel between Misu and Gil, which Gil was winning.

Misu was a healer by heart and had less magic defence or attack spells in her hands.

The attack was covered by Tsuzu's constant assault on Gil. But what remained was Misu's lack of combat experience against a superior dark user who is also experienced in dealing with holy users.

As the fight prolonged both sides tired eachother to this point, where either side has little mana left.

*pants* "Impressive...to be able to make me go this far in...you are Truly the God's Favoured One", Gil Declared.

This title was given to Misu by the humans because of her never seen before usage of Holy Magic. Although she lacks experience, her ample mana and affinity in Holy Magic was so high that people started to call her the God's Apostle.

"But even you are helpless in front of my dark magic", scoffed Gil, with a grin of contempt on his face.

"Why are you doing this? Why take this Truly dark path? I can see in you...feel the little glimmer of light you...you can be redeemed ", As always, our kind hearted Misu spoke the words of a true saint.

"Then I will crush that glimmer too, for I have no use for that useless redemption. What I walk is the right path. And noone can say against it! I am only powerful all because of this.. I will defeat you now because of this 'dark path' you speak of", Gil, now no longer holding his grin said.

While Gil was monologuing the common villain monologue, he was interrupted from further continuing by Tsuzu.

"I don't think so!! [NAPALM BURST]!"

[Napalm Burst], a high tier form of fire magic, it can latch onto anything and burn them into a crisp by sucking the oxygen out of the area. It is a spell most used by Guy Crimson, but the spell casted by Tsuzu is comparatively much less effective.

But to Gil whose eyes widened in horror, it was a death sentence if he were to get caught up in the flames.

'How did I not notice that!!? Shit!'



Soon the spell worn out, along with the ending of the flames Tsuzu collapsed on the ground. She was now more tired and exhausted of Magicules then she was Before.

"Tsuzu-san!..[Heal]", running towards the now collapsed Tsuzu, Misu chanted.

*pants heavily* "Thanks Misu-san...I Think...we won.."

"We did Tsuzu -san."

As Misu healed Tsuzu, Misu facing her back to the place where Gil was burned along with Tsuzu who was now laying on Misu's lap, they both did not notice the dark mist that started to form from the place where Gil burned.

Slowly, the most formed a outline of humanoid a started to move towards Misu.

But just when the most touched Misu's shadow which was elongated because of the sun now starting to set, that mist instantly got sucked inside her shadow.

For a second a pair of slited yellow eyes was see which soon disappeared.


Sensing a light tingling on her back Misu turned back to see nothing.

'Was it my imagination? I felt a dark presence for a second?'

As the magic battle drew to a close, another intense battle was happening on the side of Haku and Ari.

*Clank!!* *Boom* *Swish!*

Sounds of metals hitting blunt metal and cutting sounds echoed.

Haku with his Unique skill: Sword Maker was constantly dominating Bilo by dropping different sizes of Buster Swords and many more such broad swords.

If Billo was not careful then, his death was only a butter slice away. Those swords were no joke for him, each a deadly weapon with equally deadly enchantments. The only solace he got was that it quickly disappeared as soon as it was formed except for the one Haku wielded, and their intervals of appearance were enough for him to take some breathers.

And not even to mention about the Miss fighting him. Her proficiency, strength and skills made him slowly respect her that he unconsciously started to not even address her by her name. Thinking it might be disrespectful to her.

Compared to him constantly fighting with Haku this whole time, He only clashed with This Miss for a count of Fifteen which was much less to the clashes he and Haku did, that was about A Hundred.

But this few clashes were enough to show that This miss was Absurdly strong. Her frame was a complete opposite to what he thought of someone who had this much explosive powers.

But all this time, both seemingly reached a stalemate.

With another dodging of a Buster Sword and backflipping to a distance, he looked over at the now dissipating dark clouds at the distance.

'So he lost huh? It now makes sense why my instincts always seemed to scream whenever I was near him. He's a dark user for sure. Good thing he died.'

Haku, Noticing his gaze wanting to taunt him to reveal a flaw spoke up.

"Your companion lost it seems, your next."

"hm? Oh, Gil? He's not really our companion. He's a new guy."

"What do you mean?", confused of what Billo meant, Haku asked.

"Humph, I don't usually answer to nobodies who will ultimately die, but you have shown your worth so I'll humour you.

Gil is a new member of our group really. He joined us a few months ago, talking about loosing his home Village and all that shit.

Never believed him really, he reeked of distrust and darkness, he disgusted me really. The way he looked, his mannerisms and all."

"Is that so..."

Haku looked at the same direction that Bilo was looking at. Both did not notice the slight frown in Ari's which in a millisecond changed to the normal stone face.

"Regardless, we will be capturing you now. It seems you have some important things with you", having lost the opportunity to aggravate Billo, Haku said.

"I disagree, either I kill you or you kill me, no inbetweens."

Saying that, Bilo jumped at Haku intending to finish the fight. Bilo now started to release his killing intent and blood lust which made Haku waver for a moment, making him a moment late against Bilo's strike.

The Hammer connected with Haku's abdomen, harshly knocking him a few metres away. As he coughed spit and a little bit of blood he flew and made two parabolas, perfectly backflipping and falling face first on the ground.

Struggling to stand up, he stabbed his sword on the ground, using it as a support.

*cough!* "That hurts. "

"Meaning You're still alive. Feeling pain means you're not dead.....yet"

Again, Bilo flashed to Haku but was blocked midway by a strike aimed at him by Ari.

Swiftly blocking the attack with the handle of his hammer, he then jumped back.

"Right...I almost forgot about you Miss"


"Can't you say anything other than that? People might actually mistake you for a mute"

Seriously, this woman. It was clear that she was infact, surprisingly even, not mute because she responded to the orders of her leader in PERFECT SENTENCES! Why can't she speak to us like THAT!?

It was just frustrating him now.

"I will now get serious miss. Maybe you'll learn some new skills...like speaking for god's sake"

Jumping at her, both started an intense fight where Bilo now looked serious with a frown on his face compared to the earlier smirking one.

Ari on the other hand had the stone face...as always. From the start till now, no real change in her expressions could be seen. As if she's Mastered the Art of a Neutral face that it might Become a stone any second.

"Either you die or...speak something damn it!!", A aggrieved screamed echoed in this battlefield.


On the 'Main' Battlefield, the fight had already ended and everyone bar the injured and tired rushed to aid Armin and his companions.

"Form groups and go to where you can sense them! We'll go to where Armin is, he is most probably fighting the Leader, Victor. Quick! Go!", The Guildmaster, Robin quickly gave orders while simultaneously killing and rogue bandits on the way.


With a shout of affirmation, the Adventurers formed four groups, three of which went towards the direction of Haku and Ari, Tsuzu and Misu, and also where Riku was respectively.

The main and larger group rushed in Armin's direction, hoping to help him in any way possible to defeat Victor.

This larger group consists of Robin, the guildmaster, Karyo's Group, and Filguf's group along with more B and C Ranked groups.

As they drew closer to where both the leaders of their respective group was, they

Could sense the intense battle instinct and Magicule density in the air which was pressing upon them as if a weight equal to a horse had been dumped on them.

This invisible Pressure reached its peak when they arrive at the scene. Where none of the C ranked were able to even breath properly, retreating midway.

The B ranked and A ranked were not doing good either but were able to hold on.

Robin who was the strongest among them was also sweating due to the pressure that was exerted by the fight they were witnessing.

Both sides seemed to blink and appear in milliseconds in different places at the same time while sparks and stray wind gusts from their clashes flew in all directions.

In small intervals, they could see the pauses between the fight where Victor stoped for a second to catch his breath and again restart their duel. During this small periods, the spectators could see that Victor was visibly tensed. It could be interpreted that he was losing against Armin's onslaught who on the other hand looked like he was strolling in the royal garden.

This scene shocked the spectators, a fight against someone who almost was on the brink of being a special A was being cornered by someone who, in paper, was a A ranked adventurer who they have never seen.

And even then it was not a fight where luck and great effort was with that unknown guy. No, he was fighting Victor as if fighting a Novice knight.

Tricky to handle, yes but easy to defeat. Such was a scene before them. This new guy toying with Victor, an Infamous Leader of the Equally Infamous Bandit Group.

This scene Baffling them was further exaggerated when Armin practically bitch slapped Victor who crashed onto the ground making a large boom.

Getting up with some heavy breaths in between, he spit some of the blood and spit mix out on the side. If anyone curious enough looked at it, they might see a tooth of two in it.

Approaching the crater created, Armin spoke.

"I will be honest...you are the strongest opponent I have met till date"

[A/n: And the conversation continues as seen at the start but for those who forgot, do not fret cause it will be repeated, a simple Ctrl C+V won't hurt anyone]

*Coughs a chunk of blood**cough!*

"And you are the most terrifyingly strong person whom I have Found the honour to die to." *Cough*

"Oh? Then I am honoured. But we both know you are just stalling for 'that' to happen right?"

*smirks* "So you expected it huh?"

"Not expected per se, I sensed the mana around you going rapidly inside that sword of yours. It's hard to ignore you know?"

"Then...take my final attack..My worthy Opponent!! [WORLD SLASH]!!"

With a heavy mana induced atmosphere and an equally larger mana induced sword, Victor struck at Armin who stood smiling and seemingly taking the attack head on.

Just as the attack was about to connect with Armin's neck, a blinding flash of light hit the area.... Blinding everyone present.

....but when it subsided, the only thing

Visible to them was the sword perfectly connected with Armin's Neck. The only thing was that it didn't even went through the armour.

Seeing this every one present was left agape. An insanely powerful attack from a Peak A+ ranked which could slay a greater dragon in one Slash physically blocked by a piece of Armor?

"Wha-?", seeing what his attack's result was, Victor couldn't help but widen his eyes in disbelief.

"Your attack and that name doesn't suit well, for the best part, it can only destroy a fortress, not the world. And It seems I forgot to mention...that my armour can negate any physical attacks."

"But this was a mag-"

" Also magical...", Armin interrupted Victor's reasoning.

"I- see....then *drops sword and kneels* .. I have lost....you may kill me now"

"You were a worthy Opponent... Victor. "

Saying so, Armin raised his sword above, but before he swinged it, he said a few more words that only Victor heard.

For a moment Victor looked shocked but soon he smiled and shook his head. Immediately afterwards, Armin struck, perfectly beheading Victor.

This marked the end of the battle and the Victor-y of the Adventurers. Thunderous cheers were heard all around.

During the cheering, a large blast of Magicule was sensed from a distance.

Looking at the direction of the origin. Karyo, who knew who was fighting there muttered which was heard by everyone.

"That's where Riku is fighting, if I am correct"

"Let's go and look. Maybe Riku- san might need our help"


Everyone readily agreed Armin's words, it was a truth that the weak admired the strong and Armin proved that he was the Strongest present here. So they obediently obeyed his proposal, besides there was no harm in looking at what was happening on that side.

So everyone moved towards Riku's direction.


Chapter Ends here....

What is Riku Doing? What will happen to him? Read the next chapter to find out!!...

Which will come after [x-0.0029468549944, where x= 197110÷98410]...days...