

life is good.

Those where the thoughts going through my head as I laid in my hospital bed, my daughter and her son were standing over me with tears in their eyes.

I had a relatively peaceful life, I was a sculptor ever since I left high school, I worked on nearly all levels of the trade Clay, wood, ice. you name it I've probably sculpted with it; my favourite method however will always remain to be sand.

Call it childish if you want but nothing will get rid of the amazing things you can create with sand, the only downside of using it is that it's never permanent.

Anyway, I was born in 1943 to Elizabeth Brown who raised me alone throughout the last two years of the great war, as a child my mother took me to the beach regularly, sprouting my lovingness towards making sandcastles and sculptures.

Throughout my teenage years I further investigated my passion for sculpting by becoming an Apprentice for a small sculpting shop down in the village where we lived. During my time there I met Daisy, who was a student who also joined for the same reason.

One thing led to another, and we ended up dating. We had a connection over sculpting and as a result after we finished our apprenticeships we got engaged and five years later we were married. It was the happiest moment of my life with her joyful smile and goofy grin still being shown in our wedding photo to this day.

As an added joy to my life, nine months after our honeymoon Daisy gave birth to a beautiful baby girl that we named Bonnie.

However. The joy of that day didn't last long, as my wife tragically suffered an infection from the birth. She was bed-ridden from that day onward, not being able to even able to smile anymore. Her condition didn't improve either, in fact it was the opposite she was getting worse and worse every day.

And then 2 years later she passed away.

I clutched my clueless daughter in a warm embrace as we looked at the coffin being lowered into the grave.

"Daddy why are they putting mommy in the ground like that, she needs to go to hospital doesn't she? if they don't let her go now she might miss her medicine and get more poorly!" My daughter exclaimed

All I could do was hug her tighter in order to try and comfort her that her mum was in a better place now.

Skipping forward a few years I had attempted to move on from my wife's departure, but it was never the same. Looking after Bonnie without her help was also taxing, we lived in near poverty only managing to scrape by selling the sculptures I made.

Later in life Bonnie left the house to make her own living, it was a tearful experience for me, but I understood her frustration of wanting to escape from the living hell that is poverty. A few years passed and she announced her engagement to a man she had been dating for the last year, I had already evaluated and accessed the partner in question and declared him suitable. I spent the remainder of the next ten years living on my own with my daughter and her now husband visiting me. She always said about giving me money, but I always refused in the end as I didn't live my life in order to be a burden on others.

My days where normally quite quiet and dull the most exiting days being when Bonnie visited me. However, one day she came to me bearing some terrific news, she was pregnant. I hadn't been this exited since Daisey had announced her pregnancy.

A few years latter Bonnie gave birth to Harry and unlike Daisies pregnancy Bonnie didn't have any complications, medical technology sure had come a long way in just a few decades huh.

Harry grew up to be a fine child, when he and his mother come down to visit me we always end up going to the beach to play in the sand, as he grew older he asked for me to show him other sculpting and modelling techniques. Which I enthusiastically showed him; however, age had got to me, and I was nearing my 70s now, along with constant use of my hands throughout my life I was developing arthritis. So, I could only really guide my grandson through the process and not interfere.

I had never really bothered to catch up with media throughout the years. The last piece of entertainment media I had consumed that wasn't a gameshow was a film called Star Wars I believe. So, you can imagine my surprise when my grandson came up to me asking if I wanted to watch a type of show called aname or was it anmie.

Wanting to at least have one thing in common with my grandson that wasn't just sculpting I gladly accepted his request. We tried multiple different shows and genres however none of them stuck with me, until we landed on one it was called attack on titan. The concept was amazing and (most of) the characters where wonderfully written.

Me and my Grandson gladly conversed about the subject we even constructed wood carvings of all the different titans and our faverout scenes.

However, that was coming to an end now. two years ago, a damn pandemic hit and with me nearly reaching my eighties now I was extremely susceptible to the virus. it got even worse when a few weeks ago I caught the virus, it was horrific I could hardly breath through all my coughing and hacking.

It led me to where I was now, I was officially covid free however the virus had left me practically on deaths doorstep. My daughter stood over me with tears in her eyes, I wanted to comfort her just like I did when her mother died however my body betrayed me and all I could do was look at her with a feeling of agony inside that I was useless to help her in these trying times.

To my side was Harry, he was solemnly looking at me tears welling in his eyes. With all my effort I managed to say a few words.


he looked at me looking like he was going to burst into tears at any moment "y-yea Gram-mps"

"Don't give up on art harry, it will beat you and frustrate you but always remember you will always get a beautiful outcome" talking was getting harder and harder I was slowly slipping in and out of consciousness.

"You where always a natural at modelling, you surpassed me long ago on those beaches we went to I'm sure if you put your heart to it you could be something gigantic"



I could hear other voices, but they seemed to be far away.

So that is what they mean when they say your life flashes before your eyes huh, it sure was strange but those days of watching that show with Harry sure where nice. I still stand with my thought that the founder Ymir is my favorite though, I'm probably just biased to someone who gets sculpt with sand all day through. To bad about the curse of Ymir and the fact that she's a slave.

[{granted fulfilling wishes}]


I have no idea what im doing, i will try my best not to drop this and i will try at least 2 chapters a week.

Sorry you have to read my terrible writing.

A_Living_Potatocreators' thoughts