
That time I reincarnated as an Outer God

Nightmare does it just a dream or a life you have experience. This is a Nightmare that born from a human that access to The Outer Of Apocalypse, Nightmare Of Existence. the Journey Of Living Nightmare my first discord https://discord.com/invite/d9Tfhwq2

Thanh_Tran_0715 · Anime und Comics
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chap 17: bully Kakashi and babysitting

After a conversation between the three families, they accepted Naruto's relationship with Hinata and Sasuke's relationship with Sakura. Hizashi Hyuga is strict with Naruto.

Hizashi: "If you dare to make my daughter cry, I will hunt you down."

Naruto didn't know what to say other than just nodded. As for the three mothers, they hope to have a baby soon. The next day the three went to the training ground to meet Kakashi. The three knew that Kakashi would be late, so they lay down on the tree and slept, waiting for Kakashi to arrive. Exactly an hour later, Kakashi also arrived.

Kakashi: "You guys are all here, right?"

Naruto: "We've been waiting for you since early in the morning, we knew that so we should stay home and sleep."

Kakashi:" I was looking for a lost cat. Okay, now let's do a little test. Now you will try to get two bells from me."

Naruto: "Are you sure we don't want to be called students who bully teachers?"

Sasuke: "That's right"

Kakashi: "Oh really, so if someone doesn't succeed then they don't have lunch. Let's start."

Naruto looked at Sakura and Sasuke who both nodded. Naruto created 3 clones and rushed towards Kakashi to create a distraction while Sasuke formed seals and attacked.

Sasuke: "Fire release:Great Fire Annihilation."

A large pillar of fire rushed towards Kakashi. Kakashi opened his eyes wide in surprise. Forcing him to dodge it

Kakashi: "You can use that Jutsu!"

Sasuke: "That's right, I thought I was still too weak, so I asked my brother to teach me and read more books about fire release."

Sakura: "Don't treat me like an outsider either." She threw her fist at Kakashi, forcing him to dodge when her punch missed and hit the ground, causing the training ground to crumble and create a huge tremor.

Naruto: "What about me, teacher? Flying Thunder God: Rasenshuriken"

Kakashi:" Nani!!! "

BOOM Kakashi was thrown away and lay there unable to move. Sakura reached out to Kakashi and let out a green light that enveloped his body, causing the wounds to heal quickly afterwards.

Sakura: "I've been practicing hard and developing my recovery skills. Now I can heal large areas without getting too close as well as wearing weights and doing strength training to develop my physical strength."

Naruto: "That's why we asked you."

Kakashi: "I'm really old"


The familiar gate opened, Raiko carried Rimuru in her arms, she walked over to the three and put Rimuru down.

Raiko: "Hello everyone, I'll leave Rimuru here so she can play with other kids her age. I'll ask the three of you to help take care of it. It's not too important. Rimuru's mother created a protective device already given to the baby, so it's just like a babysitter. If the she is hungry, just take the pearl from the bracelet and it will turn into a bottle of milk for the her. I have busy work to complete."

Naruto: "yes"

Raiko:" ok Rimuru be nice and listen to brother ok don't cause trouble for him ok."

Rimuru cutely nodded her head.

Raiko:" oh I almost forgot here take this teddy bear. Now I must go your mother will come and play with you too ok. "

Rimuru:" um! "

Kakashi:" Naruto can you tell me who she is ?"

Naruto:" ah she is a maid of a Goddess that all and this cute child is her daughter."

Kakashi:" ok a child of a Goddess. "

Naruto:" you don't look surprised much ? "

Kakashi:" well I don't even surprised anymore so ye "

Naruto:" so Ri-chan let go to play ground ok"

Rimuru:" um "

Then Naruto picked her up and carried her in his arms. He went to Hinata team to asked her out for a date. Hinata was just chill right now while watching the two boys of her team training with her teacher.

Naruto:" Hinata "

Hinata:" oh Naruto what you doing here? And is that her child. "

Naruto:" yes her name is Rimuru and let go on a date."

Hinata:" um ok I doesn't have anything to do anyway. I win against my teachers and then watch the two of my team training. "

Naruto:" ye I win against my sensei too"

Then Hinata go and asked her sensei then go a date with Naruto and carried Rimuru in her arm. Man nodded and gave a thumbs up while woman looked jealous. They looked at the two like new married couple.

They buy some food and eat also let Rimuru eat her snack. This causes a huge wave in the Hyuga. Hizashi went straight to Naruto house to know about the child.

Hizashi:" Naruto you come here right now. "

Naruto": what is it father in law."

Hizashi:" who is that child, is that you and Hinata child."

Naruto and Hinata looked at each other and laugh

Hinata:" no father this isn't our child this is someone else child me and Naruto is babysitting her. "

In Riza dimension, her cocoon begin to crack and boom. Raiko absorb all the energy immediately. She went to Riza and cleaned her from all the black blood around her body.

Raiko:" congratulate master, for your asenced to higher dimensional realm. Now you has the same level like your grandfather and father. "

Riza:" show me my status. Also does Rimuru like my gift and how is my daughter."

Raiko:" yes master your daughter like the plushie you give her and here is your status."

( Riza Rosemary

Age 200 billions years old

Tier high 1A

Tile: Chaos, True Dragon God of The End, Nightmare, Outer God of Apocalypse, The Chaotic Abyss


Chaos manipulation

Reality manipulation

Death manipulation

Fate manipulation

Time manipulation




Beyond dimensional Existence (type 2)

Power Nullification

Conceptual Manipulation


Reactive Evolution


Anti narrative.

Resident to mind manipulation, reality manipulation, time manipulation, conceptual manipulation.)

Riza:" um that good also. " She looks straight at the author who write this story. That author laugh.

Author:" well now you can see me right."

Riza:" hm I wonder what i am, I am the character you created or I.am.you "

Author:" you can say like that. I am you and you are me, you just not a character you are my dream, my nightmare."

He waved his hand and the wall fix.

Raiko:" master who are you talking to ? "

Riza:" Oh nothing Raiko just some fun things that all." Her eyes shine purple and look at the reader, she smiled creepy.