
Instant Incinerate

Smoke occurred as it slowly dispersed. I stood beyond and watched both Ragnathor and Greyskim be heavily wounded. I could see their noses inhaling and noticed that they were still alive despite the holes in their chests.

But now that it has come to this, without realizing it, I hurriedly ran towards Greyskim without any second thoughts.

Just as I got close to his face, Greyskim turned his head and faced me.

"Why are you here, boy? I left you back on the lower island. How did you get here?" He asked while his voice sounded so low.

"I needed a Dragon's blood to pass through that blue barrier."

"I know, but I left you there for a reason."

I knew that he left me there for a reason, and the reason was this. In his battle against the teranium, he never wanted me to get involved; that's why he left me there. Even without proper explanations, he still thought about my well-being.

"Thanks." I mumbled, looking at his critical state.

"Well, there's no need to thank me now. You can drink my blood right now and escape this place before my brother gets down here." he said in a truly lowered tone, as if his normal arrogant voice had turned into a pale and unstable one.

After he spoke, I did not bother replying. Seeing as he somehow cared about me, I felt angry towards Teranium.

Teranium stared at us as if we looked like dying comrades spouting our last wishes towards each other.

"You three look cute together." Teranium uttered, mocking us altogether.

"Shut up! How dare you use sly tricks!" I yelled without realizing it, unable to accept the fact that he did them dirty.

"Shut your mouth, filthy human! How dare you try and talk back to me!" His voice rang inside my head as if it were gamma rays being sent inside my head.

"This was his plan all along... Ugh.. I should not have participated..." said Ragnathor, who was enduring the unmeasurable pain he took from Teranium's sly attack.

"You're an idiot to begin with." Greyskim said, trying to tease Ragnathor even when they were both nearing their deaths.

I felt sad seeing them tease each other while Teranium was unscathed and flying above, mocking both of them.

"Teranium, you should be the one dying." I muttered and took a deep breath.

"What are you going to do? What can a human child do in this situation? Haha! You're so cute that I want to stomp you with my feet." said Teranium, who was soiled in arrogance, completely knowing that the two dragons behind me could not move their bodies anymore.

But it was good for me since I was sure that he wouldn't dodge my attack.

"What am I going to do? You should just see it for yourself, you old dragon." I said, raising both of my arms as my gun appeared in front of me.

"You think such a weapon can harm me? Hahaha!" Teranium laughed, ignoring any signs of threat towards me. Well, it was indeed great for me. He'll never know it anyway.

"System, I accept." I muttered, while both Ragnathor and Greyskim heard it and were a bit confused as to who I was talking to.

[Warning: Five years of your life span will be deducted. Do you still wish to use the Skill Instant Incinerate?]


"Who's he talking to?" Asked Greyskim.

"I don't know; why don't you ask him." Ragnathor replied.

[Answer Confirmed.]

[Beginning initialization of the forbidden skill.]


[Five years of your life span will be deducted after the skill has been released.]

My gun turned white. I meant as white as the whitest among the whitest that you could ever imagine.

Teranium still laughed at me, Ignoring the things that were happening to me.

While I began aiming my gun at him, "I hope this works." I said in a quiet tone and clicked the trigger.

Releasing a beaming light that grew larger than Teranium and his remaining wyverns combined. The attack that just came out of my gun did not make any sound. It was silent. It was Indeed the speed of light that even the sound could not follow.

With a blink of an eye, Teranium and his wyvern subordinates disappeared without leaving any traces behind.

Not even a single ash was found in the place they flew.

And after that, my gun disappeared, and as I turned around, I saw Ragnathor, already breathless, with a satisfied look on his face.

It seems he felt glad that Teranium died in the end before he died. While Greyskim vomited a small sphere that was completely covered in red aura. It was the size of a chewable gum.

"Eat this boy and leave this place."

Huh?" I wondered.

"Hurry!" Greyskim said desperately, which made me grab the sphere he had vomited and eat it in an instant.

Just then, Greyskim glanced at the sky and blew me away with his breath. Causing me to get blown away and fall.

Just as I fell, I heard Greyskim's last words in my head.

"Live on, boy."

And after that, I saw a glimpse of several flashing wings swaying back and forth up above and noticed it was another dragon.

"Ah, even in your death, you still thought of me." I muttered after realizing why Greyskim suddenly blew me away up to the point that I had fallen from the eighth island.

And so, as I fell continuously, I passed through the border barrier and fell deep into an unknown sky filled with steaming clouds.

[Notice: The compensation for using the skill "Instant Incinerate" is about to take effect.]

[Five years of your life span will be deducted.]

A loud thump occurred in my chest as my bones began cracking with each passing second.

It was an unbearable pain to deal with that caused me to faint while I continuously fell from the sky.

Passing through an unknown area filled with steaming clouds that engulfed the sky.

As I fainted, I dreamed of Greyskim smiling at me as he stood on the highest island, looking at me directly in the eyes.

"Live on, boy." He said, while somehow our distance grew and grew wider until I could not see him anymore.

With that, I finally woke up and noticed that I was in a gloomy forest surrounded by drought-looking trees.

I raised my head and noticed that the sky seemed dark. It was still nighttime, I presumed.

"Where am I? Did I survive the fall?"

"I should get up and look around." I mumbled.

[Answer: You have survived thanks to your passive skill, "Pain Nullification" which can absorb pain for five times and has finally evolved into "Immortality" which absorbs high damage for ten times and upon deactivation will enhance the host's body and activate Immortality that lasts for ten seconds.]

[When Immortality is in effect, all taken damage will be nullified, and the host will be invincible for ten seconds. Completely neutralizing "Instant Death" Skills.]

"What? Did my passive skill evolve? But how?" I muttered after witnessing the pop-up notifications that the system showed me.

I inspected the holographic tabloid's contents, and my passive skill has truly evolved. I'm guessing there were a lot of things happening when I fell unconscious and immediately opened my status to check it.


[Displaying Status]

[Status Display]


[Name: Heinz Kruger]

[Age: 18]

[Title: Dragon Slayer]

[Level: 3,799]

[Mana Energy: 5,720/5,720]

[Race: Dragonoid - Male]

[Usable Skills: Summon Gun, Motionless Reload, Inventory, Analysis, Magical Bullet]

[Passive Skills: Immortality, Illness Immunity, Elemental Resistance, Light and Darkness Resistance]


[Gorment's Armor Buff]

[Bonus Buff: + 10% All Elemental Resistance]

[Bonus Buff: + 10% Damage Absorption]

Nothing really changed that much, and only my Passive skill, Former: "Pain Nullification" has evolved into "Immortality" and...."

Just then, I saw my level and age, along with the new title and the Dragonoid race, which instantly made me shut my mouth.

"I'm 18? And my level? Also my Mana energy? What an absurd amount! My title changed into Dragon Slayer? And what's that Dragonoid? I'm a human though." I spoke in a shocked manner, yelling it abruptly without any concern for my surroundings.

But after I got up and felt something strange, I immediately raised both of my hands, only to witness something that truly shocked the hell out of me.

Chapter End.