
That time i got reincarnated with world tree in the Apotheosis

A/N: First of all I want to declare that English is not my first language, so if you cannot overlook a few mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. This is my first time writing so bear with it. I am also writing this to pass my time nothing serious, but I will try my best to complete this fic. --------------------------------------------------------------- Game master of a game gets reincarnated with his character but at level 1. But his character has overpowered abilities. Mc don't know about this manhua. Join the MC in his path to see (or read) how he become strongest.

Keshav_garg · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs


POV - Chen Beixuan

After the initial failure, I once again locked myself in my room.

First I designed the floor and also set up an algorithm so that it can design it by itself when it grows. I also kept in mind to program the stairs when new floors are created.

Fixing the spawning of monsters was hardest as new monsters will be added in future and i don't want to fix it every time.

After it I started tinkering with my system. First i added tabs of soul age and body age. Then I made quest tabs as i had thought earlier. After that i set daily exercise of 'One Punch Man'. I honestly liked that anime. The exercise was-"100 Pushups, 100 Sit Ups, 100 Squats and a 10 KM Run everyday"

I also made it so that it don't show my minor skills i acquire in future and group them according to what they do and those which can potentially combine.

Lets go on a dungeon run before i check my new status.

So i once again entered the dungeon. In this dungeon first floor is divided into 7 parts, those are forest, desert, mountain, plain, graveyard, lava and sea. When someone enter in it they are teleported to a safe location randomly in any one of them.

As i opened my eyes I found that i was transported to forest part of this floor.

The monsters in this floor are designed to be minimum of SPIRIT CORE (GODLAND) REALM and maximum of LIFE AND DEATH (LIMBO) REALM, as I am in SPIRIT ILLUMINATION (CELESTIAL) REALM and 1,500 time the average and SPIRIT CORE (GODLAND) REALM monsters will barely be starting fighting opponents for me to familiarize with them. The maximum i can create is weak DIVINE SEA REALM (Lower Rank) due to limitation of lower realm. Right now I can't overcome it but in future when i become stronger I will find my way around it. But right now i only have VOID TRIBULATION (VIRTUAL DISASTER) REALM monsters as creating them takes energy and i probably won't be able to fight stronger ones. I can create them when i reach SPIRIT CORE (GODLAND) REALM as creation of energy will also get faster.

So lets post myself a quest first

<Quest received>

< Mission:- Kill 100 SPIRIT CORE (GODLAND) REALM monsters and consume them >

<Reward :- There skills, Additional 10% of exp received from killing monsters>

(A/N: Yes, he can do something like this using the energy stored in him. But there will be a limit to increased Exp.)

The first monster i met was a SPIRIT CORE (GODLAND) REALM ( layer-1) rabbit. It was fast but I killed it after some time easily. Then I used my skill 'All consumption on it'. I honestly used this skill for first time because i rarely killed something in these 10 years and as my other skills were so awesome that I forgot to use it.

<1,000,000 Experience gained>

<additional 100,000 Experience gained>

< Skill 'Sprint' acquired >

'F*ck, so I have to kill 910 of these rabbits to upgrade 1 layer. Good thing it was easy to beat i should try stronger monster to level up faster'

Then i went to search for monsters

I encountered monster deer, tiger, lion, birds, jackal, armor monster etc. I also encountered a SPIRIT CORE (GODLAND) REALM ( layer-10) undead. Yes undead, i made other part monsters as hidden boss. They give additional exp than normal ones of there power level. It gave nearly 1/20 of Exp needed by me to level up. The fight was also interesting.

I also consumed all of them to gain their skills.

< Notice. You leveled up >

'At last after 11 hours of grinding i leveled up'

I should rest up before continuing.

So I kept on grinding strong monster to level up ( increase cultivation) and acquiring new skills for whole month. I also tried learning laws as other cultivators but they were a bit tasteless as how freely i can control my skills. I also found that my skills and laws are similar so i didn't dwell in them and started develop my laws(skills).

Now may be I can fight weaker LIFE AND DEATH (LIMBO) REALM monsters but i hadn't tried as I don't like to be beaten up.

< Notice you leveled up >

< Notice cultivation realm increased to SPIRIT CORE (GODLAND) REALM (Layer-1)

'At last i leveled up to SPIRIT CORE (GODLAND) REALM'

I suddenly felt like some shackles on me got loose. The genuine energy inside me also got denser. Creation of genuine energy also became much faster. The control on my power is also good. I just need to stabilize my realm like other cultivators.

" Status"

///Name: Chen Beixuan

///Cultivation rank:- SPIRIT CORE (GODLAND) REALM (layer-1) (610,094/1,000,000,000,000)

// Body age : 10,010 years

// Soul age : ???

///Race: Worldman { it is combination of world tree and human}

///Titles: Creator, World will, God, Energy creator, World tree, YGGDRASIL, Reincarnator, First Worldman

///Class: Cultivator

Physical Health : 100%

Soul Health : 100%

Genuine Energy : 100%

Primordial Chaos : 0% (sealed)


World creation (sealed)

Genuine Energy creation (partially sealed)

Matter creation (partial sealed)

Primordial Chaos creation ( sealed)

Item creation (sealed) => Item transformation from hairs

Skill creation (sealed) => Skill copy and skill changing

Soul creation (sealed)

Avatar creation (sealed) => Clone creation

(Clone creation:- Can create 3 clones to fight for 30 min at 50% power.)

Magic creation (sealed) => magic copy

Ultimate Analysis (sealed) => Detail Analysis

Ultimate regeneration => Immortal body (level-2)

Reincarnation (sealed)

Ultimate manipulation (sealed) => Genuine Energy manipulation

=>Law manipulation (level-2)

=>Matter manipulation (level-2) (A/N: like psychic powers)

Ultimate resistance (sealed) => resistance to abnormal status effects

Infinite dantain

All consumption

Auto cultivation (level-2) (2%/day)

Infinite Body Refining

Status Hide

// Items:

World tree seed(in dantain)

Genuine energy stone: 65,080

(He used them in dungeon creation and to buy house in the city)



'I need so much Exp to level up. Looks like i have to fight VOID TRIBULATION (VIRTUAL DISASTER) REALM and some weaker LIFE AND DEATH (LIMBO) REALM monsters to level up, but i think i will take some break before it and visit city.'

And what's up with age. Although i can understand soul age as i had expected it to take years to find a world with compatible rules, but i think it had taken more time than expected. Good thing I had kept myself unconscious with self protection measures at that time with the skill or I might have gone crazy if I had woke up in middle of it. But body age should be 10 not 10,010. All i can think of is when my skill found this world it started creating my body on world boundary and it took it 10,000 years. I don't want to be like an old man so i will pretend that i had never seen it and remove age tab from status.

Now let's go and visit the city.

POV – Luo Xiao

After fixing the dungeon he started killing the monsters in it. It was surprising to know that he increased his cultivation from SPIRIT ILLUMINATION (CELESTIAL) REALM (layer-1) to SPIRIT CORE (GODLAND) REALM (layer-1) without sacrificing the control over it. From his progress it looks like he will catch up with my son even if he started late. But at what realm he catches up depend on him. As he is planning to take a break not to directly increase his cultivation and his lazy and carefree way, most likely the will catch up with him in divine sea realm. I am thinking should I give him a ray of primordial chaos as Luo Zheng or maybe it will interfere with his growth as he is different (higher) being. I will ask him when he reaches LIFE AND DEATH (LIMBO) REALM.



Hi guys

No one asked questions.

Looks like you guys don't it.

Well i won't do it again.

I will try make chapter longer but it is hard to think what to write in arc I am writing in chapter.

Hope you like it.


I want to ask a suggestion that, should i partially unseal primordial chaos in VOID TRIBULATION (VIRTUAL DISASTER) REALM or LIFE AND DEATH (LIMBO) REALM.

Give your suggestions with a bit explanations so i can decide.