
That Time I Got Reincarnated in a Fantasy Magic World!

When I died, I was given the chance of a lifetime! I get to reincarnate into any world I want with wishes. The only problem is, I don't know what world to go to! So many choices, so little time! "What's that? I can mix worlds!?" *Rubs hands together evilly* "Excellent!"

Golden_Slime · Anime und Comics
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50 Chs

Wishes and the big Oof

"First off, I wish to fuse the following worlds together: 'Overlord', specifically the region Nazarick is located in, in the New World, The Magic Continent of 'That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime', the world of 'In Another World with my Smartphone' and 'Bleach'. Can you also throw in some other worlds to flesh it out a bit" I state.

"Sure, but I have to ask. Why the smartphone isekai?" She asked curiously.

"It's so contrived and the people are so simple in the anime that taking it over would be trivially easy," I say. "I think I'm going to go for world conquest lifestyle. Go big or go home, am I right?"

"I suppose. Also, Bleach will be changed since the eras don't line up, I hope you're ready for some extra contrivances."

"My second wish is that I wish to reincarnate into the world of Overlord's Earth, as a male, and an orphan but I want a lot of money, like enough to buy an island and still not even scratch the surface of my wealth."

"I can do it, but you know that world is awful to live in right? I know what you want, you want to create a Guild in Yggdrasil and have it brought with you to the New World when it shuts down right?"


"Alright then, it's done. I'll even set it up so that the events of Overlord's main story start a year after you arrive. The events of the smartphone isekai will start two years after you get there. Your guild will appear just outside Veldora's Sealing Cave a few days before Rimaru would have canonically been reincarnated. I'll also remove Nazarick for you if you don't join them."

"Thanks. I'm going to conquer them and move all their assets and NPCs into my own custom Base. I want it to be a massive Palace rather than an underground tomb. Also if I don't have to waste another wish on it, can you make them only the anime versions of the Smartphone isekai plus some of the manga? I didn't read the light novels."

"Yeah, I'll do that with the other fused worlds too. I'll only make them the versions you have seen. It won't cost you another wish, I'm feeling generous! Worship me! Hohohohoho!" She says getting haughtier as she goes on.

"Are you so generous with everyone?" I ask.

She stutters and becomes beet-red again before shouting "SHUT IT!"

"Alright alright. All hail the mighty and generous Rob-sama." I say sarcastically.

"Rob, your annoying," she mutters to herself. I almost do a spit-take at that. 'Did she seriously swear to herself?' I think briefly before going back to my wishes. I definitely didn't do it because of the killer intent Rob is giving off. Definitely not.

"My third wish is for skill creation. I can create a ton more skills with it in that world." say, getting a little excited.


"My fourth wish is for [Magicule Breeder Reator] so I can power all those skills!"

"Alright, let me stop you right there! I can give you that skill, but you'll explode the moment it's granted. Without anywhere for those Magicules to go, then you'll literally blow yourself up the moment you get it."

"Oh... then can you add an infinite battery to the skill so that I won't die immediately?"

"I can do that, but I'll have it start out as a Unique Skill called [Magicule Core] to begin with. The more moment you begin to transfer over from the old world to your new one, all of your NPCs and you will gain skills like Minami Satoru did, though, since they are your NPCs, you will gain a copy of all of their skills, similar to Beelzebuth's Food Chain ability. During that time, your body will transform into an 'Ultimate Existance' like that of a Demon Lord or a 'True Dragon' and you can gain Ultimate Skills."

"Sweet. Just to clarify something though. You said earlier that no Reincarnator can go to the same world right? Doesn't that mean that Rimuru won't come as well? What about Toya?"

"Ah! That's a good question. If you'd like me to turn them off for the setting I can do that for you without wasting a wish, since it's a technicality within the system."

"If you would, that would be great."


"My fifth wish is for [Great Sage EX]. The reason I am asking you for it and not making it myself is that I want you to upgrade the [All of Creation] aspect of it so that it has all of the information available in the Omniverse. I also want it to be able to update me when events are happening that would normally be covered in the manga, like the E-Rantel undead uprising or the Imperial Rebellion from Smartphone Isekai."

Rob simply raised her eyebrow before nodding her head. 'I hope I didn't just waste a wish' I thought before continuing.

"For my sixth wish, I want the ability to summon items and people from other worlds to mine. They should also be 100% loyal to me, the same loyalty as the NPCs are. I should be able to customize or change any of the items I summon as well, like removing limitations or welding requirements."

"You want the servants from Fate. Don't you?" she said with half-closed eyes.

"Maybe, but I also want stuff like their noble phantasms without the person. EA is going to be my guild weapon but I could do without Gilgamesh."

"It's kinda a waste of a wish, but fine," as she waved her hand.

"For my seventh wish, I want to erase all references to the works of fiction I'm going to be stealing from."

"You mean you don't want others to know that you stole the Noble Phantasms and Servants from Fate right."

"You've been rather mean to me lately..." I say as I cry silently to myself.

"Well, your kinda wasting wishes... a lot of lonely weebs would kill for what you're getting you know."

"I know, but with skill creation in the world of TTIGRAAS, I don't really need anything else. Eventually, I'll just become Omnipotent with it, so I gotta take what I can." She simply shrugs at my response.

"For my eight wish... I wish for all those lonely weebs to get the chance to reincarnate when they die too."

Rob is genuinely shocked this time. "Wow. Self-less much. You know all that stuff about Karma is BS, right. You don't have to go out of your way to help others!"

"Yeah, but I felt like I should give back to the community, tough try to only get the good ones. A few people who would get wishes would straight-up be r*pists and ungrateful asshats so it would be best to keep them out of it."

"Done... HA!" Rob said as she looked out into the distance for a moment.

"What's wrong?"

"Well since millions of people just got crushed by trucks, there is now a new religion back in your world where they literally worship Truck-kun! Also, anime pretty much died, since nearly all the men and like a hundred women who support the industry all died."

I begin to sweat profusely as I realize I may have actually started the apocalypse back home but I push that thought down to continue my wishes.

"Can I- ugh... save my other two wishes. I may need them in the future."

"I suppose so, but you can't use them when your in your new world, so when you die, I will use them to revive you safely. If you live and somehow keep them until you die of natural causes, I'll let you come back here and add them to your next few wishes. Since a second time through only grants three new wishes, you'll have five."

"Wait! You said I'll die! Wha-" I begin, before blacking out.

"Have fun!" Is the last thing I hear before losing consciousness.

Hey yall. I know most of you aren't going to like the wishes he made but in truth, Idk. If you want to drop, then go right ahead. I purposefully don't make my characters way too overpowered for their settings, only slightly stronger than the main villains because I want there to be at least a little bit of struggle.

Other than that, I'll see yall in the next one.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts