
That time I got reincarnated as chainsaw man

the tittle says it all.. . . . . . . . . also the worlds original expect one chapter per week

twenty8 · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 4


The first thing I did after reaching my destination was to cast a basic detection spell my parents taught me. The detection spell I cast should scan everything within the radius of 50m.

Since I didn't find anybody near me other than a few rabbits and squirrels, I decided that it was safe to proceed to my next course of action, to test my powers.

Taking a deep breath I reached my hand out to grab the chord extended from my chest. After holding the chord for a while, getting the feel of it I pulled it as hard as I could.


The sound of chains revving and engine noise reverberated through the entire forest. But somthings not quite right, I don't have chainsaws on me nor the helmet but I do have those sharp teeth tho.

I decide to look for a pond or a lake to take a better look at myself. Fortunately there was one nearby. My aapearence does not resemble chainsaaw man not at least the one I know of, but this appearance seems pretty familiar.

Gravity defying white hair, two thick vertical stripes across my eyes, and a dark jaw mask with multiple row of teeth. My physique didn't change much, I got a little leaner maybe?.

Wait aaint this the power of that boy who uses turbo granny's power. Yeah this definitely that, but what about my chaainsaw. Thinking that the way to transform back to my human form is by pulling the chord, I pulled it again.


But what greeted me was the same sound I made when I transformed first. This time taking the appearance of what I should've taken in the first place. That's right now I look like the proper chainsaw man.

My head morphed into a demonic mechanical shape with long jagged fangs and a chainsaw handle on the back. I have large chainsaw emerging out from my forehead and arms. One thing I noticed is that I didn't lose any blood while transforming like the original did. Well it's not anything bad so I will think about it later.

Also I have this gut feeling that this isn't my final transformation. So like anyone would normally do I pulled the chord once more, and this time there weren't any engine noises but a motherfucking lightning fell on me. I transformed like a Titan.


A huge bolt of yellow lightning hit me and sadly I am not 30 m tall titan now but a 7 foot tall buff guy who wares intestines as scarfs, I am covered in black scales? Oh and my favourite part is that I have four arms each having a chainsaw attached to them.

I pulled the chord once more to see if there were any more transformation left. Unfortunately not, also HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TURN BACK INTO A HUMAAAN!!.


I don't know what happened, but after saying that I turned human after a bright flash of white light. Hmmm gotta experiment with this.






[1 hour later]

Ok so I have been testing powers for about an hour now, and I have found out these things about myself and my power.

1. Once I transform I don't feel strong emotions or more like it gets suppressed kinda similarly to Ainz.

2. Each transformation gives me a significant boost in my magicalpower. For example, my first form or hybrid form as I call it, gives me 10x increase, my second form, hybrid 2 increases my magic by 20x, and lastly my devil form gives me whooping 35x increase that will make even the strongest Grandmage in history bow down to me.

3. As for by how much my physical prowess increased, I am not sure. But I have feeling that I can fight a dragon easily with my devil form.

4. I didn't notice this before but I have a passive healing factor even in my human form although weak, but it becomes stronger with each preceding transformation.

5. In order to transform I have to pull the chord manually, but I can turn into a human by thinking or saying the word 'Human ' out loud.

With that being said it's time to see my powers in action. For that I decided to go to the deeper part of the forest where C-B rank monsters are. Goblins are the specialty of this forest, hence we will be hunting goblins today.



After walking for a while I finally reached a small goblin settlement , it resembles a make shift village.

"20 goblins huh, it should be pretty easy to subjugate this much."


Without heastion I changed into my hybrid form and dived straight into their settlement. I punch a goblin in his chest, and voila! He's hollow now, turns out that a strong punch with the speed of 100km/h is strong enough to put holes in a body, ..... noice. Poor guy he wouldn't even have the slightest idea what killed him.


I was spotted, not like I was hiding in the first place. Since they are kind enough to offer their heads to me, it's time massacre them chainsawman style.


[3rd POV]

The sun was setting the sound weapons clinking and running foots could be heard.

A hoard of goblins armed with swords and spears ready for battle, could be seen running towards the direction of the setting sun. Their opponent the fearsome chainsaw human- devil hybrid.

Seeing the goblins nearing him, the man started jogging towards them, increase his pace each second and finally it became a full on sprint with his max speed . For him what was nothing more than a normal sprint was akin to teleportation to the goblins.

The goblins were gobsmacked seeing the target disappear from their sights. But the screams of their dying comrades from there rear made them feel fear. The fear of an unknown enemy that can kill you without being seen, and the fact that you were his next target made them even more scared.

The massacre continued with a head falling down each time the chainsaw waved his arms. What was once a group 20 was left with no more than 4 goblins?


The goblins are weak, or is it that I am ridiculously strong? It feels like I am cutting butter instead of goblins. Only 4 left huh? Might as well end this fast.

As If sensing what I was going to do they threw their weapons aside and kneeled down. They closed their eyes waiting for their imminent death.

"Accepting their fate huh, ...how cute" I ain't gonna show mercy to monsters especially goblins. Why?well goblins of this world are exactly what you expect them to be. I ain't gonna describe how disgusting they are, you more or less got the idea of how bad they are right,, thats enough


With just four swings they lost their lives effortlessly and painlessly. I am sure goblin slayer would be proud of me.




"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAH" I hear a girly scream from behind me.

Turning back to look at who the person in question is I ask the most logical question one would ask in this situation.


«To be continued~»



First time writing a fight scene, so please do comment on how it was.