
That time I got reincarnated as an Oni

TheKhorne · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 6 Master Ryujin

After Shiva took a quick bath and put on his new clothes, he sat down next to the fire place and ate breakfast with the ogre princess who was sitting few feet away also eating. She looked up at Shiva and the new kimono he was wearing, it was grey in color.

"S-So...Was it good?"


Shiva looked up at he just after finishing his meal.

"Oh, you mean the stew? Yes, it was delicious. Thank you for making it."

Princess smiled and nodded.

"I am glad. And don't worry about it, if not for you I would never wake up."

Shiva nodded and looked out the window. While Princess cleaned up in the background, Shiva watched as other ogres walk around the village and talk with each other. He then glances back at princess.

"Hey, do you know where Ryujin lives?"

Princess stops what she is doing and placed hand on her chin.

"Hmmm. From what I remember he lives in dojo that is up the western hill."

"I see. I will be going to him then."

"Oh! Make sure to be back for dinner!"

Shiva nods as he walks out from the house and heads west, towards Ryujin's dojo. He walks past many other ogres who watch him, interested by his height and muscles. But Shiva doesn't really cares, it happened in his past life so it's normal for him.

Finally after few minutes walk and stairs, he arrives at the dojo. First he sees a fence that is about eight feet tall and a wide gate. As he walks past it he sees specious courtyard and the dojo itself in further away from the gate. Shiva enters the building and looks around, on the right side of the big room he sees Ryujin sitting down next to a table with two cups of tea. Shiva raised eyebrow at this as Ryujin didn't know when Shiva will come, Shiva still can see steam coming off from the tea. Shiva slowly walks up to Ryujin and sits in front of him.

'Is he...sleeping?'

Ryujin is breathing calmly with his eyes closed. It seems that he feet asleep not so long ago after making the tea. Shiva wanted to place hand on his shoulder but before he could do it, Ryujin's body twitched and he calmly took one of the cups with tea.

"Good morning Shiva. It's good to see you."

"Good morning...I came here as you wanted to show me something?"

Old man sipped some of the tea dn nodded while having on his face small smile.

"Yes, I did. But why don't you drink some of mine tea? I made it not so long ago."

Shiva nodded and took one of the cups and sipped tea from it. It of course tasted amazing as everything that Shiva would eat or drink would.

"It's great, I never drank such good tea."

Ryujin then placed the tea back on it's place and began to chuckled.

"Then you either never drank tea or you are lying just to make me feel good. This tea tastes like horse piss. I never was talented in this kind of stuff...."

Shiva frowned and sighed while Old man chuckled some more. Shiva placed the cup down and placed his hands on his lap, showing them. After few more seconds Ryujin stopped chuckling and looked at Shiva.

"Well then, I wanted you to see this dojo and to hear it's story. Everyone who wants to live in our village has to listen to this story and remember it."

Four armed kijin raised eyebrow and slowly nodded.

"Sure....If I must then there is nothing I can do about it."

Ryujin the began to tell him story of how about few hundred years ago a party humans, offworlders that were born in Japan. One day they where heavily injured and would die if no one helped them. But fortunately for them, ogres decided to aid them and took care of them. As to repay their help, offworlders taught them way of the sword. They also taught them martial arts and other humans taught them how to build better shelters and better equipment. After all of them were healed up, they couldn't go back to their previous life. They bonded with the ogre village and decided to live with them.

'That is why everything seems so Japanese. They were taught most that they know from Japanese offworlders...'

"So, what do you think about that story?"

Shiva caught himself drifting off in thaughts but got pulled back in by Ryujin who was looking at him.

"Well, it's very interesting."

Ryujin nodded his head while stroking his mustache.

"Yes, it is. Especially for me and mine brother as one of those humans is our grand grand father. He was the one to teach way of the sword and martial arts."

"That is why you both seem more human in looks then others. Is that all?"

"Why so impatient? We are almost down if you want so much but I have last question..."

Shiva sighed impatient, but he felt that something was off. Aura around Ryujin became different, thicker. As if he was peppering something.

"Did you put that clothes alone?"


"I asked did you put them alone?"

"Yes...I did-!"

Shiva quickly leaned back as the small table was thrown at him. When it flew past him, he kicked up and was on his feet. As he stood, he saw Ryujin ,who was now also standing up, looking at him. Shiva growled lowly.

"You attacked me. Why?"

"Well...All I want to do is to see if first ever monster offworlder is stronger then mine grand grandfather's marital arts."

Shiva's widen and he frowned.

"How did you...?!"

"Well...It's a common mistake for visitors to wrongly put on those clothes. They also ask about almost anything that they see here...But you walk around here as if you grew up here...."

Shiva tch'ed and glared at Ryujin.

"It's quite a stretch don't you think?!"

Ryujin placed hand on his chin.

"Well, maybe you are right but by your reaction right now I am certain. And if I am still wrong, there is nothing wrong in a small sparring match, right?"

Shiva growled now his Enhanced Anger kicking in. Without a second thought, Shiva charged and send a punch towards Ryujin. With calm face, Ryujin tilted to the side and brought his hands up. His hands flew smoothly like water, first he moved Shiva's fist away and he send his punch to Shiva's gut.

It was so quick that Shiva didn't even noticed until he felt like his lungs are crushed by his ribs. He was pushed back with tremendous force, flying out from the dojo. Master Ryujin followed him slowly and smirked.

"Let's see what are you made off..."