
That time I got reincarnated as an Oni

TheKhorne · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 12 Interesting Night

It was middle of the night, everyone in the village was asleep by now. Besides two souls...

Purple Ogre Girl walked slowly through the quiet village, she was headed towards Shiva's house to do what the village chief ordered her to. She was wearing beautiful purple yukata with light blue flowers on it, she got it from Princess's mom who overheard what kind of task she had. By Chief's Wife's words, the color purple matches her very well.

Ogre girl's head was down as from the time she left her house she was blushing madly while thinking of what she has to do. She can't say that Shiva isn't...handsome, but while she thought about it for some time and even tho Shiva seems nice....

'He is too big!! He is the tallest Kijin anyone saw! Even blacksmith's Son is shorter! What if he breaks me!? And what if he finds me unattractive?!'

She stopped for a second and griped her head in embarrassment and anguish. She was really lost on what to do....

She sighed and continued towards her goal that she already could see. She walked up the steps to Shiva's house and took few deep breaths before slowly opening the door. When she walked in she saw the main room where the cooking pot was and some storage units.

She walked past it and griped the edge of doors to the room where Shiva was sleeping, she closed her eyes and squirmed a little. She opened it quickly but as quietly as she could, then she walked in and closed them behind her.

She opened her eyes only to be meet with darkness. After few seconds of blinking her vision adjusted to the darkness in which monsters see much more then humans. Her gaze scanned the room before she saw him....

He was leaning on the wall while sting with one knee up. He had only his pants up, revealing his muscular chest and arms, his massive body took up to 1/3 of the room. Just as she was about to take a step Shiva;s eyes opened, his vibrant orange eyes glowing in the dark. What was weird, his horn also slightly glowed red.

Ogre girl jumped slightly from the fear before calming down, her head was hung low as she didn't dare to look him into an eye. Slowly, she sat down in front of him. Her yukata fell of from one of her shoulders, Shiva noticed it together with the fact that her whole yukata was more loose then normal. Her hand went up to take a hold of another side of yukata, and she slowly began to take it off.

Her hand was shaking a little as she did, she knew that Shiva wouldn't do anything bad to her. But the whole situation isn't what she imagined her being in when she would become a full ogre woman.

Just as she was about to take her clothes of and reveal her naked chest, her hand was taken by much bigger one. She opened her eyes and looked up to see Shiva sitting close in front of her while holding her hand. He took it away from her yukata and placed it on her lap. When he did that he then stood up and thrown his wolf cape on her.

She was lost for few seconds before sighing and covering herself with the cape. Meanwhile Shiva light up one of the candles and placed it in between them. He then sat down on his previous place, his gaze locked on the ogre girl.

They sat like that for few second before ogre girl looked up at him, her blush almost nonexistent.

"W-Why? Am I not into your liking...?"

Shiva raised eyebrow at that before laying down and looking up at the ceiling.

"I didn't say that..."

Her face turned into a confused one as she heard what Shiva said. From what she remembered, ogre man like strong women. And she knows that many of the young men in the village would be ready for her in a seconds, that is what her grandfather said at least.

"Then why?"

"Because I know you are not doing it from the heart. I know what chief told you to do..."

Her eyes widen realizing that Shiva also must eavesdropper at the meeting. She looked back down and began to play with her fingers.

"Oh....I see."


Silence fell upon them again. Girl watched the flame of the candle dance slowly before she sighed and stood up. Shiva looked at her and he sat up.

"Well then, I will be going."

She turned around and slowly began to go towards the doors. Shiva watched her go before sighing and standing up.


She turned around and looked a him with raised eyebrow.

"I want to show you something..."

He took his shamisen and strapped it to his back. As he did, ogre girl's eyes widen a little again and small smile made it to her face. She heard him play on it only once but wanted to listen more as she found his music very calming.

Shiva opened one of the windows and slowly crawled through it, his big body making it harder for him. When he was on the other side he reached with his hand to her to help her on the other side.


With few quick steps she was by the window, she took hold of Shiva's hand and began to crawl though the window. When she was on the other side she looked up at him.

"Did we really had to crawl though the window?"

Shiva shrugged while smirking.

"Not really...But it's faster that way."

After he chuckled, he began to wander into the forest while mentioning her to follow. After a minute or so the found themselves with another problem, the palisade. Girl was looking around it to find any way to go past it. Just as she was about to turn towards Shiva, she felt how he lift her up above his head.

She looked down at him with panic and blush on her face.

"H-Hey! What are you doing?!"

Shiva simply smiled before throwing her over the wall, she screamed as she was in the air but quickly came back to her senses and grabbed a branch of a tree on the other side. Then she let go and landed safely on the ground, she growled and screamed.

"Are you a mad man?! I could get wounded!"

She glared towards the wall and awaited Shiva who was using his sharp claws to climb over the wall. When he was on the other side he smiled once more and took off ruining into the forest.

"H-Hey! Wait for me!"

Having no other choice, she run after him. After few minutes of running she saw Shiva standing in a clearing full of purplish flowers. She stopped next to him and looked around, flowers seemed to glow in the moonlight that came from above.

"It's beautiful..."

She smiled while seeing this big clearing, she wanted to say something to Shiva but noticed him looking up. She did the same and saw something marvelous. There was no clouds on the night sky, showing moon and every star clear. It was an amazing sight...

While she continued to watch the night sky, Shiva took his instrument and sat under a tree. He placed it on his lap and whistled. Girl looked back at him and took few steps closer.

"I heard that you like to dance. Is that true?"

Shiva asked while making sure that all strings are taunt well. In the meantime girl scratched her nape and blushed slightly remembering how she and Shiva danced on the festival.

"Well....Yeah. My mother liked to dance and so do I..."

Shiva stopped what he was doing and looked at her.

"I like to do it too. So how about I play you some music and you dance?"

Her eyebrow rose confused why should she do it but then he began to play his music. It was calm and soothing, she smiled remembering it from the last time. She closed her eyes and her arms began to sway by themselves.

With every second as the music began to pick up the pace. Her movements were quicker and sharper until she was dancing around the forest clearing, among the purplish flowers. Shiva smiled as he watched it, once again being marveled by her grace and beauty while dancing.

And so, for almost a whole month, Shiva and his new friend spend time at the Flower Clearing. Almost every night they sang, danced, play, laughed and talked together. Their friendship growing more and more as the Ogre Girl told Shiva how her parents died and Shiva telling her some of his past, which was changed to match this world of course. She became Shiva's third friend, Young Master and Princess being first and second.

Everyone in the village saw how their relationship changed. While all thought that chief's plan worked, only Young Master was told what really happen. But there were also some bad things, during that month of growing friendship, Princess began to spend less and less time with both Shiva and her only true female friend that is the Purple Ogre girl. Young Master saw how sad she seems as of lately but decided not to ask.

Now, after the almost whole moth went by and a real storm is coming....