
That time I got reincarnated as an abyssal Phoenix

In the world of that time I got reincarnated as a slime there are seven sins. Prideful king Lucifer. Greedy king Mammon. Envious king leviathan. Wrathful king Satanael. Slothful king Belphegor. Gluttonous king Beelzebuth. Lustful king Asmodeus. But what if there was one more sin, a sin that everyone who knew about it thought it was almost impossible to obtain. Follow our young mc as she tries to find her place in the world, while trying to get over her horrific past. This is the story of the sin of Sorrow. I do not own that time I got reincarnated as a slime everything belongs to their respected owners. I also don't have any right to the image above. If the artist wants me too I will take it down.

Dark_light · Anime und Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 38 Judgement Unleashed Part 4

(A/N. Just a little warning before you start reading. There is going to be a lot of new creatures in this chapter, as you all may have guessed, so to make sure that this chapter isn't just me describing a lot of different things, I will be using images to help me speed things along. Please note that I don't own any of the images that will be shown in this chapter, also even though I'm using images for this chapter there will still be a few descriptions in it, so just be warned if you don't like that kind of stuff)

=========Fuyuko pov==========

"Seems that things have really gotten a bit hectic over there huh"

(Hmmm... it's seems that the plan really has become a little bit more complicated but it should be fine as long as we can get over there in time) I thought to myself as I stood on top of a hill looking at the battle currently happening in the city of in the distance.

Behind me stood a large army of around three thousand, most of which was made up of abyssal creatures, however, there were several members of the former slaves that had volunteered to help out in combat. There were about one hundred and five elves, about two hundred dwarfs and finally, about five hundred humans that had decided to come with us. The few of them that actually knew some kind of healing magic were sent over to the medical area while the rest were mainly kept in the back as support as they were a lot weaker then us, however, the ones that actually helped the most in my opinion were those with commanding or leading experience because they could help with guiding troops in battle.

"This is totally bulshit! I should be out there fighting too, DAMN IT! I'm missing all the fun and destruction!" I could only shake my head at Yama who was yelling angrily in the background.

"Calm down little Yama, the battle is only just beginning to get started so we still have time to get there in time and look, it would seem that our enemy is coming to us anyway" Gramps said confusing everyone a little as he pointed off into the distance at something that was high up above the city.

Looking over to where he was pointing everyone saw what he was talking about, coming over the top of the mountain was a rather huge group of flying puppets. After watching them for a moment it was clear that they were completely ignoring the battle in the city and were heading in our direction.

"It's probably the reserves they had waiting in the back in case they needed reinforcements, they have probably been ordered to stop us for getting to the city in time to help out or at least just slow our advance long enough for them to deal with the battle going on in the city" Rai said while summoning his lightning sword.

"Hey errr, captain Yama" one of the gargoyles who was standing close by him spoke up.

"What is it weakling?!" Yama growled as he stopped his ranting and turned around to glare at the person who had so rudely interrupted him.

"If those guys get in our way and end up slowing us down a lot then wouldn't that mean that we will take even longer to get over to the main battlefield?"

"What! Those bastards are trying to keep me from all the fun! HOW DARE THEY!" Yama yelled in rage while almost sounding taken aback at the cults apart boldness.

"This isn't going to end well is it?" Rai groaned in annoyance next to me.

"Gargoyles! Kill them all!"

"Sigh..." I could only facepalm while shaking my head as dozens of gargoyles took to the air.

(I'm surrounded by idiots)

=========third person pov========

While the newly arrived cult reinforcements moved to stop Fuyuko and the others things weren't going well back over at the city, for the cult that is. Hundreds if not thousands of strange insect like creatures had begun to pour out from the sinkholes that had been created around the whole place. To deal with this most of the puppets and cultist have turned their attention to the ever growing swarm that threatened to completely over run them.

The most common of these odd looking creatures were a small tennis ball sized insect that flew in massive groups of several hundred individuals. These small creatures were rather armoured at the front but there backs were covered in glowing red and orange protrusions that seemed to radiate heat. As these massive groups flew through the air some of them would separate from the group and latch on to nearby targets, once attached the red protrusions would explode covering the area in a somewhat large fire ball.

(A/N. Image, Abyssal hive ???, couldn't think of a name for this one, give me suggestions if you want)

The next type of these creatures also seemed to travel in great numbers, however, they didn't seem to have the ability to fly at all. They was somewhat large dog sized creatures that could crawl over buildings with ease and spat both a strong acid that could burn through metal in seconds and a strange wax like substance that would stick to things before then quickly hardening with in several moments of being exposed to the air, once completely hardened the wax would end up becoming as hard if not harder then concrete.

(A/N. Image, Abyssal hive workers)

"This one suggest that you move out of the way at this very moment as to not received great damage!" A member of a group of cultists yelled as they hurriedly moved through the city.

"Why should this one listen to yo-aaah" the other cultist wasn't able to finish that sentence as just then a massive rhino like creature that was about the size of a very large elephant came charging through the building next to them crushing their body under foot.

Moments later around thirty or so humanoid creatures that were covered in large spines came charging out behind it, these insectoid creatures then began cutting through the group of cultist with their long scythe like arms. Something else of note about these humanoids was that they seemed much more intelligent then the others of their kind as they seemed to almost give telepathic commands to the rhino like creature.

(A/N. Image, Abyssal hive soldiers)

(A/N. Image, Abyssal hive Knights)

Just as the group of creatures were about to move to there next target a hundred or so puppets appeared hovering in the air above the group, however, the humanoids didn't really react all that much to their presence, instead one of them that seemed to be the leader let out a loud insect like screech while looking up at them. Moments later a swarm of the small exploding insects came out of no where and began to attack the puppets along side a new type of creature.

This new creature looked very similar to a wasp or hornet with green colouring, the only real difference between it and it's normal counterpart was it's massive size, the thing was over three and a half metres long. These new creatures grappled on to the puppets midair and began ripping them apart limb from limb, they also injected a dark purple liquid into them using their frightening looking stingers that melted their bodies from the inside out like acid.

(A/N. Image, Abyssal hive drones)

As soon as all of the puppets were wiped out and dealt with the group of humanoids and the rhino like creature moved on to there next destination while the swarm in the sky continued to hunt down any enemies they could find.

Back over with Mika she had gathered together with some of her Wraiths and were now currently escorting some slave to a much safer area away from all the fighting. Of course it was a little bit awkward as they were still possessing the bodies of Cultists which made the slave just a little nervous around them.

"Seems like the Hive is really letting loose now that they're out of those crammed tunnel" one of the Wraiths said.

"Yeah... your damn right about that..." another one spoke while looking up at the swarms of insect like creatures that were flying through the sky in massive numbers.

"If this keeps up the main army won't have anything to do when they finally get over here... I bet that captain Yama is gonna be pissed if that ends up happening" Mika could only nod in amusement at that, however, moments later she was forced to stop as several creatures crawled over the buildings in front of them and block their path forward.

The creatures that had appeared before them were rather strange to say the least, they looked something like a hybrid between a horse, a hornet and a praying mantis. There were about seven of them and they were all making rather threatening insect like noises. Mika seeing this immediately moved to the front of the group while partially removing her body from the cultist.

(A/N. Image, Abyssal hive hunters)


Seeing that she was a Wraith and there for an ally the creatures paused for a second before turning around and leaving the area. Seeing that the strange, somewhat hostile creatures were gone the Slaves let out a collective sigh of relief.

"That was a close one, we almost got attacked by our own guys"

"Captain, do you think that we should drop the disguises?" One of the Wraiths said as they turned to look at Mika who was now staring off into the distance.

"No it should be..." Mika tried to say something but trailed off before she could finish.

"What is it captain?"

"Seems that she has finally shown herself" hearing what she just said everyone followed her gaze to see what she was looking at.

There, hovering gracefully in the air not far away from them was a strange yet beautiful moth like humanoid with four arms that was obviously female. She was covered in a white exoskeleton with some blacks and browns mixed in here and there, also she was holding a spear that seemed to be made out of a similar material as her exoskeleton.

Around her were about thirty to fifty massive creatures, this new variant of the hive dwarfed even the rhino type creature that was seen before in size. They're body's would occasionally spark with electricity while there wings made a loud humming sound that could be heard from quite the distance away.

(A/N. Image, Elizabeth)

(A/N. Image, Abyssal hive royal guards)

"Hmmm... it is good to see my children having so much fun, they were so bored before in those tunnels with nothing to do" the humanoid hummed in a soft yet intelligent sounding voice.

"Huh... oh and what's this now?" She asked as she saw Poe fighting in the distance, he was slowly being pushed back as hundreds of glowing fists made of a red aura slammed into his shadowy barrier.

"Someone dares to actually attack a fellow creation of my queen in front of me, seems these simple minded idiots have even less brain cells then I had originally thought" as she said that a black and white aura slowly began to leak out of her body as a hungry almost predatory look appeared in her wasp like eyes.

"It looks like I'll have to get my hands dirty, oh well, it just means that I'll have more food for my children, after all, you shouldn't waste precious resources now should you"

(A/N. Just want to let you know that there is as small chance that the next chapter will be a little late... it's definitely not because I'm going to be playing Pokemon Legends Arceus... no absolutely not...)