
that time I became friends with the Storm dragon

At the moment, it has been 1 hour since I reincarnated.


To be precise, 1 hour, 7 minutes, and 52 seconds.


How can I be so sure? It's a function of the unique skill [Raphael, Lord of Wisdom].


Iya~, this partner of mine sure is convenient! [Raphael] saves the day! I'm too lonely because I have no one to talk to, but when I tried to talk to the monsters in the cave, they just ran away. I wonder why. And [Raphael] is sure a great ultimate skill because it's answered all my questions and


But according to Raphael, for the skill to establish itself in this body, 90 days are needed. And that would be "establish" in this world's sense. But because of my creation, God Yahweh, I created a skill that can alter that to 1 hour, and with that, there's no problem.


And so, since I had nothing else to do in this darkness, I kept asking questions, and you're wondering why I'm not creating a universal sense. I don't want to. I want to learn on Veldora the [magic perception]. And yes, I'm going to follow the canon like Rimuru, and I'm not going to change it maybe a little, but that's on the feature.


And with that, I'm just going to keep eating. Everything that can be seen is important.






That's all the time I had to think as it happened.


My body had suddenly become light—or was it heavy? ... a bizarre situation.


Had I... fallen in water


During these 1 hours, I have never had the experience of falling in water. That is, I was either in a cavern or inside some structure and have thus become negligent.


I seem to have fallen into some river. Since there could hardly be a river inside some building, could I possibly be in an underground lake or something like that? 


I know this part, Rimuru, fell into the water.

I'm going to try that, and so I consume enough water to fill about 1% of my stomach. (The person in question is unaware, but water levels drastically decreased.)


And in one breath, I released it.


I completely lost my sense of place.


Voice of the world: The skill [hydraulic propulsion] has been acquired.


I suddenly heard a voice in my head.


That's the second time I've consciously heard it. That is the "Voice of the World.


Since [Raphael] is busy analyzing or playing my ultimate skill, I can't start a conversation. 


I can't be mistaken, but otherwise, it's exactly the same.


But, I don't even have an ounce of time to verify that hypothesis, but I know [Raphael] in the novel that he likes to play Rimuru's skill and the skills of the executives of tempest, especially the skills of Zegion.


[Raphael]: Master, you know I can hear your thought, right? 😡😡 >> Raphael said witanhe angrvoice.ce 


I forget she can hear my thoughts. 


Slime thought: What do you mean, Rapha?


Rimuru explained his side to Raphael and got interrupted by a new voice. 


Unknown dragon: (Can you hear me, small one?)


O what the o, I forget that I'm flying around like a jet ski. 


Unknown dragon: (Oi! You can hear me, can't you? Responding would be good!)


I can hear you!


But, however! Since this is the first time I'm going to talk in telepathy 


As a test


Slime thought: (Too loud, Baldie!)


That's the answer I tried to project in my head.


Well, I know he can hear it, but this is the first time I've talked to a dragon, so I'm kind of nervous.


Unknown dragon: (Ho, Hoho! To deign us a baldy, aren't you a brave one? It has been long since I have last had company, so I may have started poorly, but this one seems to be searching for death!)


This is bad, I'm nervous. This calmed-down dragon acts like Satoru when he first meets Veldora. 


Well, let's properly apologize here.


Slime thought: (I'm sorry! I didn't know how to respond, so I decided to try whatever seemed appropriate. I sincerely apologize. And on that note, I must note that I have no eyes to see with, so I cannot behold your visage.


Did that reach?


Well, although I can't see him, who would expect him to actually be bald? If that's the case, then any amount of rage can only be expected.


Let's also refrain from thoughtless statements.


Unknown dragon: (Fufufu. Fuhaha. Fuahahahahaha!)


And suddenly, laughter.


perfect, three-step laughter. Simply breathtaking.


Has the anger passed?


Unknown dragon: (Interesting. For some as strong as you Truly, stated without beholding my appearance as I suspected, but for you to lack eyes. I know your a slime species, but you are too strong to be a slime. Typically, slime are thoughtless creatures that only absorb, dissolve, and regenerate. I have yet to behold one leaving their territory. But with that strong magic around you, are you sure you're blind because I'm not believing it?)


Wow, this veldora is sharper than a canon. Well, let's pretend.


Slime thought: (Well, you see, I got stabbed saving my friend, and the next thing I know, there is a voice that is giving me a skill that I desire, and I don't after that.)


Unknown dragon: Wow, this is the first time I've seen a reincarnated person like you, but how many days are you in this cave? 


Slime: I don't know, but my ultimate skill is 1 hour, 7 minutes, and 52 seconds.


Unknown dragon: (What if you have an ultimate skill and it can talk? How is that possible?)


Slime thought: (I don't know, I'm just new to this world, but enough of me and you, who are you?)


Unknown dragon (I'm glad you asked, My name is Veldora, the one of the 4th true dragons of this world, Fufufu. Fuhaha. Fuahahahahaha!)


And there we go again; he's to Loud. 


Veldora: (And what is your name, Strong Slime? Oh, I forgot you were just born. Hmmm, how about this become a friend of mine? I'm going to name you and you're going to think of our family name. In this case, we're going to become the strongest Fufufu. Fuhaha. Fuahahahahaha!)


Wait, wait, wait. This is too fast, and I'm the one who is going to say it, but ow, well, it's fine.


Slime thought, (But are you sure I'm just a slime? You are a dragon. I didn't even have the sight to see your face."


Veldora: (I'm sure, and beside, as I said before, you're almost as strong as Guy Crimson in terms of his magic count.) 


What the guy Crimson is stronger than Michael when he fights Rimuru in the suspended time? Oh, this is a different timeline in the novel I read. I just have to be careful not to lose this is my new life. I have to protect, and I'm going to promise that I'm going to protect all of my followers and friends even if I sacrifice my life.


Veldora (hey, hey, hey, are you listening to me?) 


Slime thought: (Oh, sorry, because I'm thinking something else. Sorry, what are you saying again?)


Veldora (since you say your sorry, what I'm telling you is do you want to see again because there is an extra skill called [Magic Perception] that you can use.)


Slime thought:  (No, I cannot. What type of skill is it, and are you forgetting that I've just been reincarnated in this world?)


Veldora (no, who do you think I am? I'm the Storm Dragon. Veldora, do you think I forgot that kind of information?


What's this? Just like I read about Tsundere in the novel, this is the first time I'm witnessing a dragon with Tsundere's voice.


Slime though: Okay, and back to magic perception, let me try it.


Raphael:<<Verified. Extra skill [Magic Perception]... has been successfully acquired.


Raphael, will you use the extra skill [magic perception]? [YES]/[NO]>>


Eh, just like that, I'm not even trying. 


Did I really just acquire it that easily?


Well yeah, of course, yes.


As expected, of me, I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of glad I'm a genius 


The moment I activated the extra skill [magic perception], my mind was filled with information.


Never, even as a human, had I processed that much information at once.


Little by little, magical energy is moving along—waves of light and darkness.


Having grasped all of the incoming information, I converted it into one I could understand.


And so, I can now see 360 degrees around me without a single blind spot.


A boulder's shadow, the scenery 100 meters away—if I direct my consciousness there, I can see it.


If a human's mind was filled with that much information... It just might fry.


But I am slime. Every one of my cells is a muscle and a brain cell!


I can definitely manage this much.


And so...


Raphael: Linking extra skill [Magical Perception] and ultimate skill [Raphael]... complete Hmp😡>>


Oyaya Raphael is angry and doesn't even know what I did.


Slime thought: (Raphael, are you angry?)


Raphael << HMP>>


What the she really is angry yikes I have to apologize


Slime thought: (Raphael, I don't know what I did, but please forgive me. I'm going to do anything for your forgiveness, please.🥺🥺)

With a cute voice 


Raphael <<s..i.nce master said that I'm gonna forgive you but you have to do what I have said and gonna save it  and record it >> Raphael said with a nervous voice and blush


I don't know, but for some reason I feel Raphael is bushing.


Slime Thought: (Raphael, are you blushing?)


Raphael Raphael, no master, it's just your imagination.


I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.


Veldora: (Hey, hey, hey, you are just going to keep ignoring me.)


Slime thought: (Oh, sorry about that, I'm just lost because this is the first time I've seen an actual dragon.) 


Veldora (Hmp 😡 don't compare me with thosereptiles;s there are just overgrowthlizards;d I'm a true dragonn not alizard.d)


Slime thought: (Oh, sorry, I'm sorry because I'm just born in this world and I'm not familiar with it.)


Veldora: (It's okay, and back to what I said, are you going to accept me giving you a name and you giving us a family name?)


Slime though: (Of course I accept, and what is around you that shines like a shield?)


Veldora (oh, I'm glad you asked that 300 years ago I sort of got Accedentale Born an entire town That one time, and I made the mistake of underestimating a small nuisance... had and I went nearly all out, I would not have been defeated!) 


Slime though (accedentale?)


Veldora (yes)) 


Somehow, the way he announced "defeated" sounded more prideful than anything.


Honestly, Chloe is too strong and doesn't really seem like a sword or spear, and certainly not magic, can even wound this guy, but...


Slime thought: (Was he really so strong?)


Veldora: (so strong indeed. Clothed in divine protection, the humanity's "hero").


Hero. Ha, I'm sure Hinata is strong in this world. What a troublesome 


I'm rather familiar with the term from gaming.


Recently, the "stumbled into the position of a hero" plot line has been popular, but I don't remember them being so overpowered.


In this world, seems like they are truly strong. But I'm gonna do my best to protect my family in this world


Veldora: (Speaking of, the hero referred to himself as the "Summoned."  Could the hero have been from your world?)


Slime thought: (Eh? No, no! No one is that strong in my world! But it's possible it's Japanese because recently in that world there were several missing teenagers.)


Veldora: ( iwas right that world of yours is truly interesting 300 years a strong hero that capable of sealing me

And now it's you a slime that ridiculous amount of magicule)


Slime thought: ( and veldora when  you say summoning, do you mean calling something out with magic?)


Veldora: (As you say. It is a three day ritual involving thirty people. The success rate is low, but success is typically met with a powerful weapon.)


Slime thought:( uh? Weapon?)


Veldora: (Ay. The summoner engraves a curse into the soul of the summoned to prevent rebellion.)


Slime thought: (What's with that?! Are summoned people not recognized as humans?!)


Veldora (Humans? ... world travels sometimes complain about that. That type of thing is but an illusion in this world. Survival of the fittest, that is the only truth in this world.)


I see...


It's pretty hard to accept this worlds summoning with my world's stories in mind but I'm gonna stay strong


Slime thought: (In that case, would the "World Travelers" also be treated much like slaves?)


Veldora: (That would depend on the person. They have not received the "Monster Warding Charm"– those that do either live quiet lives or become adventurers, or something like that

Truly, among the many foes I have


Repelled, quiet a few came from another world! Fuhahaha!!!)


Slime thought: (other words, forced labor is only limited to the "Summoned" case, huh?)


Veldora: (I do  not know whether it is appropriate to call it "labor"... but, so be it I know much about humans, but certainly not everything.) 


Anyways, just talking makes him seem so happy, and he answers any question.


So for now, the dragon and I, will continue or conversation.


About how he fought the hero.


About how strong the hero was.


White skin.


Deep crimson, small lips.


Jet black, long hair.


Not too tall, petite and thin physique.


And though the eyes were hidden by a mask, that the hero was beautiful was clear.


A woman.


Slime thought: (So... was it her looks that got you? )When I asked that


Veldora: ( "Don't be spouting nonsense!")–came the angry reply.


She carried a peculiarly curved blade – called a "katana" – and fought without a shield.


Unique Skill [Certain Severance]


Unique Skill [Endless Prison]


With these skills, and every form of magic, she overwhelmed me! — so he happily exclaimed.


I understood the tale but, this dragon, he just loves humans, huh.


He calls them small fry and trash, but it seems he has never killed any of them.


At least those that have not earned his wrath. And due to that incident, the hero was dispatched, and Veldora was sealed.


By the hero's skill [Endless Prison].


I doubt I can understand the dragon's feelings.


More than it just being someone else's emotion, in the end, imagination can hardly lead to true sympathy.


But, at least I can say that he isn't a bad dragon.


And hey, I like him.


I'm no longer nervous of him


Veldora: ( back to where are we ah yes are gonna think of a family name yet?)


Slime thought: ( wait let me think hmmm tornado strom hmmm how about tempest sounds good right?)


Veldora ( TEMPEST That you chose)


Slime thought: ( you don't like it?)

With a sad voice


Veldora: ( what are talking about I like it What a wonderful name!)


He liked it!?


Veldora: (From now on, I am Veldora Tempest. And you...Shall be called "Rimuru," Rimuru Tempest shall be thine name!!!)


And that name was etched into my soul


From what I can see and feel, I don't feel any different. But my magicules Count become bigger than before 6 times at exactly


But somewhere deep in my soul, I felt something change.


That would be something to mention to Veldora, wouldn't it?


Of course, both us noticed this


Veldora: ( Rimuru are you alright you took 5 percent of my magicules)


Rimuru thought: ( what how many count does your magicules?)


Veldora: ( I don't know but ramiris check out my magicules count before i got sealed and he's say  forty eight billion


Rimuru almost Almost passed out from the information but hey he recover


Rimuru thought:  ( wow just wow and here I thought I'M strong compared to you I'm just mosquito in terms of magicule count )


Veldora ( Don't be discouraged Rimuru and your just Born and I know your nearly as strong as guy compare to magicule count so so don't be discouraged ) veldora said to Rimuru to comfort his new friend


Rimuru thought: ( thanks veldora to comfort me but I almost forget I have 9 ultimate hehehehe)


Veldora nearly past out in revelation in what Rimuru said


Unknown: Ara ara looks like you got absorbed friend of yours younger brother of mine


Veldora: ( s....iss..s.s sister ) and veldora pass out from the shocked it's seem like it's like veldora nearly pass out and he's sister of him come to visit him and shock


Tobe continue


Author note: thank you for reading this trash of fanfic of mine