
A Strange Confession!

After getting reports about the Goblins that were seen at Lugia's Grasslands, Many soldiers were sent to investigate the place.

But they didn't manage to find anything at Lugia, rather than the previous corpses that were arranged and gathered by Jin Rivers.

Days passed, Another incident happened.

A soldier informed that Rigdan Village was completely attacked by Monsters.

Rigdan Village, one of the small towns alongside Nero and Lindon.

But Rigdan is further away at the east, closer to the border walls.

Rigdan was terrorized by Monsters, and not just goblins. It was attacked by a mixed group of monsters such as Goblins, Orcs and Fanged wolves.

The strange thing was that, the monsters were cooperating with their invasion.

Goblins are greedy monsters that wants to take all of their preys for themselves, which causes them to kidnap girls and toy with them.

On the other hand Orcs are Carnivorous monsters who kills their prey and eats them.

More so, the Fanged wolves does not cooperate with other species.

Goblin riding the Fanged wolves was abit surprising for the humans to encounter.

Along side the Orcs that acted as their frontline.

It was a strategy that could level the human's brain.

Rigdan did not stand a chance after that surprise attack.

The Soldiers came late, and reported it to send more reinforcements.

But before reinforcements could arrive, The people of Rigdan decreased it's population by 80%, It was a big loss for Rigdan Village.

The monsters that terrorized were killed but among them managed to escape and wasn't found afterwards.

It was like they just popped out of nowhere and vanished just like that.

Emperium's Military Generals assembled and discussed about this Monster Invasion matter.

Some of them were doubtful since the monsters aren't capable of entering the border walls.

Reports have already been sent that there was no damage on the Border walls, and not a single soldier reported any suspicious movements around the Border walls.

It was as if they were inside Emperium this whole time.

The Generals discussed and concluded different theories.

Some said that maybe the Monsters dug a hole deep within the ground this past few years so that they could come inside Emperium without getting noticed.

But others complained that it was impossible, Since the border walls have Sensor Constructed and was powered with Mana.

Any movements within the Sensor's reach would be detected, Be it underground or up in the sky.

So they all continued thinking about how the monsters came inside unnoticed.

One of the Generals, General Gayul spoke.

He explained that their might be a possible chance that some humans are conspiring with the monsters.

Since monsters are not able to use magic unless they are higher ranking.

The warp portal project which was being develop for the past two months might be connected.

Since there was no way that the monsters could infiltrate Emperium just like that and vanish after.

The generals listened in awe, some were starting to believe that their might be a possibility.

But their problem was, Who in the world was the one that Conspired with the Monsters.

Communicating with monsters is even harder, So no mere human could just order many monsters like that.

Especially ordering them within a strategized formation.

The man capable of doing that might be a powerful being, As they thought of it.


Meanwhile at Freedom Academy, After a few days.

Ma'am Angeline taught us alot of things about weaponry.

Those who were awakened that still picked the Combat Class were taught how to use Sword Elemental.

Sword Elemental was a technique which only awakened ones are able to use.

Ma'am Angeline was an awakened one and demonstrated it to the students who were already awakened.

Sword Elemental, A Technique that coats the wielded sword with Elemental magic and improves it's destructive power.

Just like my Haki, But the difference is that the Sword Elemental gives the Sword an attribute which the Wielder decides.

Unlike my haki that just strengthens the sword's sharpness and durability.

Meanwhile Students like me who wasn't an awakened mana user was taught sword techniques which relied on our agility, strength and senses.

Ma'am Angeline taught us how to hone our senses.

Unlike awakened ones that are able to notice their surroundings by using magic.

Us, normal students weren't able to do so.

So we were strictly trained by her devilish training method.

But it was also a chance to improve our survivability.

While I trained, I told Millis to deactivate my Ultra speed regeneration when being injured lightly.

Since the people around me might get shocked seeing a normal human who did not awaken gets healed everytime I get hurt.

We were given tasks, and sparred along side other Students.

It was a harsh training but somehow I endured it.

Days passed and we've already gotten the hang of it.

Exercising to strengthen our bodies, Running everyday to increase our stamina, The provocations from our Teacher Angeline to suppress our emotions, Enduring attacks from our training partners to memorize the pain and increase our endurance, Sparring sessions to see the Actual improvements of our training and Subconsciously being one with our surroundings to hone our senses.

A training method which actually was made for making elite soldiers rather than just teaching them the fundamentals.

It was like we were being trained to prepare for war.

But ofcourse that was one of my suspicions.

After recollecting and connecting the story hailey told me about the great war of Erendale, and the sudden appearance of the goblins inside Emperium.

It was most likely we were being trained for an upcoming event since the old generation of powerful soldiers were getting old.

Then days passed, I sent my family letters from time to time and they also sent back in order for me to not worry about them.

I sent a letter to Uncle Jin too, He replied that he was currently fine and healthy but was too busy to visit us for now. He said that when he gets some free time he'll visit Freedom Academy to see us.

I was glad to hear about them being safe.

Hailey also sent letters for her mom, and we hang out often at lunch time.

But since we were at different classes, She made friends at her own classroom and so did I.

But speaking of my friends, I could say they're more like annoying pests rather than friends.

Leon, Ryan and Kiba were the three idiots, Followed by the new one who suddenly joined our group, Annie.

She had a gentle personality at first but after spending some time together, She was basically like Kiba.

They did get along well since they're the same with having twisted personalities.

And the students I got to know other than those four also kept mistaking me for a girl.

Even the students from other class kept seeing me as a girl.

One time, I was called over by someone to meet him at the Garden.

As I went to the garden, I saw alot of students staring at me, Even the students at the Second floors of the buildings were focused on me.

I felt like the whole students at this academy had their attention at me.

Then after reaching the garden, I saw a young man who had a muscular body, Handsome looks and had a short blonde hair waiting at the middle.

So I came towards him...

'Ms. Luna, I'm sorry for calling you out like this. But I thankyou for your consideration on showing up.' As the handsome guy spoke in a gentle manner.

What the--- Ms. Luna?

'Um, No worries, hehe. By the way who are you and why did you call me?' As I asked.

'I am a mere humble human named Dante Lemexis. And for the reason I called you is.... First of all, here take this.' As Dante gave me a bouquet of roses.

Wha--What is this?! Why A bouquet!?

"Notice, The Individual called Dante is giving off Romantic aura."

'Umm, what are you doing Dante? Why are you giving me this bouquet? I think you are mistaking me for someone?' As I spoke in an awkward tone.

'Fear not Ms. Luna! I did not mistook you for someone! I am merely a fledgeling asking for your Hand in order to have an Intimate relationship with you! So Please answer me Oh pretty Luna.' As Dante kneeled and reached my hand as he kissed it.

The students were shouting out of excitement.


"Answer, Most likely."

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING DANTE!?' As a Girl ran towards him and punched him at the head that made Dante kiss the ground.

A blonde Girl who had a pretty good figure with Tomboyish features appeared infront of me.

'Um, what's going on?' As I asked the Girl.

Am I somehow getting involved at a love warfare!?

Is this girl inlove with Dante? But this idiot dante is into me!? But wait! What am I thinking! I'm a man! What the heck is going on!?

'Elder sister! What are you doing ruining my moment!?' As Dante yelled in an angry tone.


'What are you an Idiot!? Luna is a guy! Why are you confessing to a guy!? Are you an Idiot who's into men!?' As the Girl replied in an angry tone.

'Yeah dante, She's right. I'm actually a guy.' As I spoke.

'Wh--Wha--What!!??? But--But, the Rumored story was indicating that you were a Girl! And surely your looks are a massive proof! You're very pretty you know!?' As dante mumbled as he spoke.



So I tried to stay calm as my blood boiled after always getting mistaken as a beautiful girl.

I explained to Dante that I was really a guy, His sister also helped me at my explanation.

After some time Dante finally believed me, But he seemed heartbroken and ashamed after confessing to a guy.

Well all guys would feel the same, Especially when alot of students saw what happened.

Dante's Sister, Maris Lemexis. Introduced herself to me, she was a friend of Hailey and they go to the same class, that's why she knew that I was a guy.

After that incident, I finally made my decision to cut my hair. To prevent any further incidents such as this from happening.

I went to a Hairstylist at Winder City and got my hair done.

I described my preferred hairstyle to the Hairstylist since their Haircuts here were pretty different.

After some time, It was finally done.

Mullet cut, It was the famous haircut at my previous world before I died.

The Hairstylist loved the Cut I taught him and added it to his Haircut list.

After that, I got out of the Salon, People gazed at my appearance. They were pretty dazzled seeing a new haircut such as mine.

'Hey look at his hair, Isn't it pretty cool?'

'Yeah, He just came out from that salon. Let's get the same hairstyle!'

As the people around gossiped about my looks.

His hair huh? I guess I'm seen as a guy now after getting my hair cut. Keke!

After walking for several minutes, I finally reached Freedom Academy.

The atmosphere was still the same as when I was at the streets of Winder.

Students stared at me as I walked around the school grounds.

I guess this hairstyle really stands out. Keke!

In my previous world, This hairstyle really stood out all the time.

'It makes me feel like a Celebrity....' As I put on a smug look on my face.

'Luna!' As Hailey waved at me.

'Oh, Hi hailey. How's it been? Hehe.'

Do you notice anything? Hehe anything? I look different right? Hahaha! (Is what's inside my thoughts)

'Still same old same old, By the way. You got yourself a new hair cut?'

'Yeah, I kept getting mistaken as a girl. That's why I cut my hair, haha!'

'Oh, But I preferred you with long hair... Too bad hehe.'


'Haha, It's okay! It'll grow back someday anyway. Haha!' As I spoke with an awkward expression.

'By the way Luna, I heard that the Academy would be hosting a tournament. Are you gonna participate?'

'What tournament? I never heard about it.'

'It's a tournament where you'll be paired with another student from a different class, For example Me from Mana Class and You from the Combat Class. And we'll have to fight against other paired students. The reward will be grand they said, And this Tournament will also grade your performance.'

'Oh, so something like that huh? I guess I'll have to participate right? Haha!'

'Yeah, So let's team up okay? They said that Each student can pick their pair. So It'll be possible for us to team up. The tournament will be announced after two days.'

'Okay hailey, Let's pair up. Hehe'

'Okay, I'll be heading back now. Bye luna!' As she ran while waving her hand at me with a smile.

I guess I'll have to train harder in order not to let hailey down if we're gonna be paired together.

Tournament huh? I can't wait...

But for now, I'll have to train my Swordsmanship in order to perform well, Since I can't use my skills in the tournament.

Chapter END: