
That specific scent

Alex Collymore is a cold devilishly handsome man. ava Ortiz is a very beautiful gorgeous woman. what happens when these meet up at a night which was never meant to.

kimyunie · Teenager
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11 Chs


It's been about a week since the whole incident I and Alex are a bit more closely, I've said about Alex to Leah, and olive they asked me to stop contacting him and to cut all ties but it's just too late I can't do that anymore.

Alex asked to meet me at a place which I had no clue of, seems he wanted to introduce someone. he wasn't bad, he isn't like his father he dints like to kill innocent people he told me about these when he took me out when the olive was about to arrive and we talked about lots of things from each other's habits to movies and stuff. maybe I could say we became friends, the only problem with him is he throws to pick-up lines from nowhere and I hate it.

the door to my apartment door burst open with a frowning john, that's unusual "help me ava" what's the matter with him he is acting weird . "what is it" I ask him with my arms crossed on my chest.

"I think I'm in love," he says with a low sly voice.

"Oh god what did I hear" I almost fell at what he said

"I'm serious ava," he said noticing my disbelief at his words

"oka fine !! who is that girl who broke your stone heart," I asked him while slightly punching on his chest where his heart is (that sounds weird lol) he laid his head on the sofa and gave me a slight glance before saying her name.

"Julie," he said as he covered his face from the pillow

"awhh see who is she, but I've never heard of her though," I say which refreshing my brain from whether I know a person with this name.

"it's love at first sight," he says with a low voice, I check the temperature on his forehead before getting slapped away from john.

"you're not helping," he says as he gets up from the couch

"fine don't leave ill help so what all do you know about her," I ask him

"her name," I ask him with a sigh

I and john sit together and try to find her on social media and the most common websites.

after failing the attempts to find Julie we give up john went home with a bitter look on his face I truly feel sorry for him. after freshening up and wearing my PJs I closed my eyes to enter the dreamland.


thank you guys for reading

pls support this trashy story

love yall