
That specific scent

Alex Collymore is a cold devilishly handsome man. ava Ortiz is a very beautiful gorgeous woman. what happens when these meet up at a night which was never meant to.

kimyunie · Teenager
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11 Chs


It's been 3 days but Alex still doesn't get the fact that I don't wanna meet him anymore. sometimes I truly think what did I do the world wrong for me to deserve this. I sigh at my thoughts.

after about 5 complete whole minutes I get a call from Leah saying olive will arrive soon with her family. I couldn't be more thrilled and the thought of meeting aunt and uncle after a long period. me Leah and john decide to do a surprise party for them so I was occupied this night and gave Alex no choice but not to visit me, I knew Alex has a watch on me.

I and my friends decorate Leah's house, they will stay here because her apartment is very big. after we had finished doing the whole thing I return home and take a much-needed nap.


I wake up to my phone buzzing beside me on my bedside table.

"ava gets ready fast olive said their flight will land 30 minutes earlier" she screamed at the other side of the line and then cut the line. I quickly got up from bed and went to take a hot shower, I had picked my outfit yesterday itself so I won't need to rush. or at least I thought so.

I had picked a white long-sleeved Cleo tie front top and a high stretch-clear light blue mum jeans and fine pearl necklaces in gold to go with the outfit.

by the time I was done, John had already arrived in front of my apartment building.

"hey!! ready" john asks after giving a warm smile. I nod and get comfortable on the seat, john alone was the one going to pick them up. I and Leah just keep jumping here and there out of excitement, john won't be back until 7 because the airport is a bit far away from where we live.

it has been 5:30, we both have made all kinds of food olive loves. my phone started buzzing, I picked it up to see the caller id as 'annoying mafia' (aka Alex) I never knew how he got my number but again he is in the mafia.

I went to another without Leah noticing as she was making something.

"Hello," I quietly spoke to the man who was on the other side of the line.

"come out I'm here to pick you up" he spoke without replying to my greeting

" I'm not at home"

"I know " I sigh that he knows me more than I fuckin do.

"Alex I cant my friends are coming, and I don't want to"

"you don't want the city to go dark right?" he says which makes my jaw clench

"Alex I'm, not the girl you're looking for, go fuck someone else," I say and quickly cut the line before he could reply.

my screen lit up again showing a message from the annoying mafia,

'im five minutes away babe' he sent with a winky face. if I had a chance I would tear his handsome face but I know before that I would be dead.

it took about 10 minutes to ask Leah for permission, yeah yeah and olive will hate me but I don't it to do dark and ruin their surprise. when I reach the front gate I open it to see a black Porsche and guy and his smirk. after getting into his car I couldn't control myself but ask

"why the fuck do you need me"

"because you are mine"


thank you guys so much for reading, hope you enjoy it.

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