
That One Ephemeral Tale

Arden Veradeo is a noble angel from his own world. In order to claim the throne, he was ordained to fetch a young orphic soul from the mortal world, who was destined to be the sacrificial for the strengthening of his kind. However, things wasn't as simple as it is. As he venture along with the woman, he figured out that day by day, he's slowly drowning by the foreign feeling he had, thus, he wishes not to came back. But would Arden be really able to stay longer in the mortal world, if a week will cost a year in his entire life? Or would he rather bring the woman into his kingdom, as the throne which signifies power and glory awaits for him?

Mayel_Nabarete · Fantasie
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4 Chs


And so being deeply drowned by the peril of venture, Dazea saw herself wondering in the shag, following the lead of the man whom she have only met a moment ago.

Truth be told, she ought not to be impulsive in order to guard herself from anything that could probably harm her. However the unexplainable thrill made all the uncertainties vanished at once, pushing her to be more valorous to come, even without foreseeing what's ahead the path she's about to overcome.

'All rest in fate.'

That's what she bravely uttered. As if Dazea chose to give up her power to hold her life, and let the destiny's desire drown her at any moment they'd like to. After all, she believes that no matter how you rule your life, you will always ended up dancing in the rythym of fate.

" Hey angel! "

Leveling the man's pace, Dazea lively called the enigmatic man who claimed to be an angel; as she could no longer hold the silence between them.

" We've been walking here in the navel of wilderness, where are we really heading? "

But Arden seems to have heard nothing. He continue to walk as if he's all alone , and there's no lady venturing along.

" You said you will explain everything, I'm waiting. " Dazea even added. But again, as if the man wasn't there, she receives no response from him.

Honestly, she's getting pissed by the arrogance of the angel. He asked for her to come with him, yet he wrapped himself in silence as if he isn't interested with the lady. But being forsaken and ignored by her own family for years, Dazea learnt how to hold a longer patience.

Thus, she chose to calm her mind by respiring deep. And with that, she began to talk and talk once more, hoping that the man will reply out of her loudness.

" Angels have wings, do they? ". She asked. " Then where are yours? I supposed you have it too since you claimed you are one of them. Can't you just used it so we don't have t─OHMYGOD!" Dazea's word immediately cut off mid-air as the man who've been dead in silence, suddenly grabbed her wrist out of the blue! —and to cut your imagination, it wasn't a soft touched, but a vemehent one; thus making the lady hardly hit her face on the man's chest!


" Eyes on where you're walking human. " Immensely cold, the man uttered after the quiet half an hour of venture. Along with it, his deep astounding eyes that can probably beguiled all the women in the universe, stares at the lady who is completely daze, not by shocked, but by the unbelievable beauty of the man's features up close.

He even became more alluring in her eyes as he stood blocking the gentle ray of the moon, making the half of his face slightly dimmed by its own shadow.

' No doubt, an angel..'Dazea whispered words of astonishment in her own mind .

But in no time, all her praises faded at once, as the man who's enwrapped with coldness, ruggedly snorted;

" You stares like an idiot."

And just like that, the sudden outburst of annoyance immediately boiled within her.!

Without any hesitation, she violently pushed the man and quickly took a step backwards without projecting what will happen to her afterwards.

But knowing that her action was only a product of her impulsiveness, Dazea immediately regretted it as this became her stupidest decision of the night—

She - just - fell - in - a - shallow, yet - a - very - very - very -muddy pit.

" What the fu— " Before Dazea could even uttered profane languages, Arden voice quickly thundered in the whole space

"No profanity infront of me, woman!!"


But the lady have seem not to be frightened with his growling voice.

Instead of pulling herself first from the mud, she retorted almost screaming;

" Oh really?!" Said with an obvious trail of sarcasm on the tone.

"After ignoring me, calling me an idiot, and now— letting go of my hands even you knew that I might fell on thi— on this— muddy pit! I will figured out that you don't want to hear any words of profanity? Really?! "

" Why? Is it my fault that 'you' choose to pushed me? "

" No! But ' you' didn't hesitate to let go! That's my point! "

As soon as the man have heard Dazea's reply, he immediately snorted as he couldn't dare to believe what principle do the lady have!

But instead of adding fuel to their burning conversation, Arden chose to shut his mouth first, in order to avoid nonsensical argumentations with the human.

However despite the silence of his mouth, he couldn't deny the truth that his mind speaks way too much; more than what his bare lips could did.

And by only meeting a single soul, he quickly then read the nature of mankind;

' I see. ' . He breathed.

'Instead of accepting mistakes, your race will always have this nonsense justification .... that leads on nothing but strife and dissension.

How awful humans are...'

Witnessing the man gazing at her with an unreadable stare, Dazea aggressively growled as she couldn't dare to hold the man's dark—

—but soft stare?

If she have just said a moment ago that his features could be the most of all the most; his pair of deep eyes can metaphorically signify the brightest diamonds in the night sky.

The star in which was treated as the most valuable gem in all time, yet only a few were given a chance to witnessed it shine— wether in broad daylight, or amidst the wild shot of the nimbus clouds.

And so fighting the power of the mere stare, Dazea uttered, almost stammering in control.

" What?! H-have you already accepted that it was all yo— "

But as she was about to end her own words, she unintentionally cut herself up, as she thumbled once more after failing to pull herself from the muddy pit.


Witnessing her in an awful situation, Arden sighed and calmly uttered:

" You can talk while you walk, but never walk while you're staring at someone. "

Dazea, who's recovering from being wrapped with dirt, quickly retaliated.

" Are you saying that I've been staring at you?! God no, I didn't!"

Instead of replying once more, Arden just hissed and choose to ignore her words.

' Okay, starting from tonight ' ; he said in his mind, ' I now hate the idea of arguing with the human. Not because they're loaded with endless reasons, but they're too loud.

Cant they just defend their selves without raising their voice? ' He said snortingly in his own thoughts.

Exhaling silently, he just sighed once more, and chose to kneeled on the ground afterwards.

As soon as his right knee touches the surface, he then immediately handed his hand with the intention of helping the lady.

But instead of being happy, Dazea immediately panic— not because of the possibility that he might also fell in the pit, but by the idea that his unblimished white suit will be covered with dirt!

" Hey hey angel! Don't do that! I can manage myself! Your shirt will b— "

But Arden immediately cut her off, and said;

" Oh! Just shut up and hold my hand! "

And so sluggishly reaching Arden's hand, Dazea naively asked for the last time that made the angel hissed in response;

" Sure no problem with the bleaching? "

" Definitely none of your business. "

As soon as both hands collided, Arden quickly pull the lady, and in no time— Dazea was on the ground again.

" Oh god, thanks! " She breathed in relief.

But watching her own white floral dress covered with nothing but mud, she continued to asked:

" I'm all covered in dirt. Are there any extra dresses on the place where we are about to head? "

The man just nodded in response.

" How about foods?" Dazea immediately asked grinning widely, hoping that the man would say yes.

But Arden only raised his brow, as if he couldn't believe this woman infront.

" What?!"

" I thought you didn't know how to eat— breathing broomstick. " He uttered mockingly.

And right after that, he quickly turn his back against the lady when Arden noticed the unexplainable sudden curved on his lips which is truly unusual for him.

" How dare you insult me?! Are you really an angel?! "

But Arden just ignore her words, and start to walk ahead.

" Follow me, I knew a place where you can wash yourself up. "

And so without any blabberings, Dazea quickly followed the man, as her body is asking for it, too.

But just after a short moment of quietude, Dazea broke again the silence, as she called the angel by its own name.

" Arden...

In response the man only paused after hearing it.

But as what Dazea have expected, he didn't answer in return.

'Well atleast, you stop. '

She silently muttered in her mind.

" You've been here, don't you? " She asked.

Arden eyes squinted in an instant— spine frozen in chill, as he didn't saw the question coming.

' What does she meant? Did she already knew? ' He immediately whispered in alarm.

With the fearsome question running in his head, Arden quickly look at the lady!

" Have you.... already....."

But as he was supposed to asked her in a straight manner, his own voice faded in no time— as he immediately decided to be silent rather than spilling anything that might triggered the lady.

' Don't be reckless Arden! ', He screamed on his own mind.

What he need is to be heedful in every moment.

He must be cautious in handling the situation in order to fulfill the last ordain of the present reign— or else, he will brought everything into darkness.

He's not only doing this for his own intention, but the 'golden mission' signifies the hope of their kind. If he fails— then there will be nothing to be seen on his irises, but a helpless paradise on it's scariest downfall.

" Uhm... Did I say... s-something wrong? "

Noticing the uneasiness in Arden's eyes, Dazea awkwardly asked if she uttered anything wrong.

But like the usual, the man didn't wasted any words. After mumbling 'nothing' ; he immediately face around again, and continued to walk the path ahead.

Right from there, they venture the vastness of the woods with awkward silence between them.

Dazea didn't even asked for more. She followed the man in quietude, savouring the calmness of the night's melody.

Not taking a long while, the gentle rythym of the sleeping falls starts to linger on their ear.