
That Night section 1

Marinette and Adrien are in their terminale year of Lycée (senior year of High School) and still fighting Hawkmoth under their secret identities as Ladybug and Chat Noir. After all these years fighting together the two are closer than ever, so close that the fighting pair might have crossed a dangerous line. Now Ladybug is pregnant, but that means that so is Marinette. How will Paris' superheroine adjust to this new change, and how will the people she serves react? More importantly, how will Marinette break the news to her friends and family? Chat Noir is thrilled with the changes in his relationship with his partner, but finds himself more confused and uncertain than ever as her behavior and overall health begins to change. To top it all off, outside of his superhero life, Adrien is starting to experience new emotions as he notices that something is changing with his friend Marinette. What will all these changes mean for the dynamic super duo of Paris? Will Adrien be able to sort out his conflicted feelings between his love of Ladybug and something budding inside him for Marinette? Can Marinette balance being a teenage parent with all the drama it brings and still keep Paris safe? Paris' two favorite people must not just fight villains, but learn how to cope with all that's happening to win their own happy ending. Cover art credit: @whaticalldoodling Best Rankings: #1 in Adrienette #1 in MiraculousLadybug

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32 Chs

Chapter 1 (updated)

Updated 8-12-21

Marinette woke with a jolt, sitting up in her bed. She raised her hands and buried her face in them, groaning in embarrassment.

After years of working together, her and Chat were finally a little closer. They had gotten comfortable with each other and, after each battle, shared a hug and spent time talking with each other about the battle, or sometimes just sitting there in comfortable silence. Last night, after an intense akuma battle, they were sitting on the top of a building, as usual, but their emotions were higher than usual as they discussed the battle, and eventually the topic shifted to disappointments that they had had in their lives.


Oh my gosh! Am I really doing this? With Chat Noir?

Marinette leaned forward in her bed and laid her face in the midst of her comforter and other blankets. "Ughhh!" She groaned, the sound muffled in her blankets. Tiki flew out from her little bed on Marinette's nightstand and leaned against the girl's face.

"What's wrong, Marinette?" Tiki asked in her tiny, little voice.

"You were there," came the moan. "You know what I did last night!" Marinette hid her face in her hands again as she continued speaking to her kwami. "I'm so embarrassed! I never should have done any of the things I did, I can't believe that I did " she grimaced as she said the word and thought about what it meant,with the guy that I work with every day. I will be able to face Chat again!"

"It's ok, Marinette," cooed Tiki. "You know Chat, I don't think you have to worry about him making a big deal about what happened if you tell him you don't want him to. You just have to talk to him." At the bluenette's horrified look at the thought of talking to her partner about what they had done, the kwami changed her focus and decided instead to just comfort her owner in any way she could. "We all make mistakes, the most important thing is that you learn from your mistakes."