
That Fateful Night By Renee' Stone

23-year-old Annmera who's never dated, never had her first kiss starts to fall for her sister Rebecca's best friend Logan. She's really confused about these feelings and one night at a bar this handsome model named Zac sweeps her off her feet. What will Annmera do? Which guy will she choose? Twists and turns are everywhere.. let's see what happens!

Renee_Stone45 · Teenager
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22 Chs

Let's Get To Work

After being held in my sister's arms crying, I passed out along the way. Waking up she is still holding me tight in her arms watching her favorite show "Unforgettable".  Moving to go to the bathroom, she asks if I'm feeling better now but all I can do is nod. Coming back Rebecca has cookie dough ice cream (my favorite) with a big fat spoon waiting for me as she eats her baby mint ice cream. We watch movies together as we eat our yummy delicious cravings. She then looks over at me saying " I'm sorry too Annmera. I knew you liked Logan and I knew Logan liked you but it wasn't my place to tell you. Plus with him having other girls around him I didn't want to hurt you but you got hurt anyway. I'm really sorry!" It's not her fault I hate that she's apologizing when she did absolutely nothing wrong. " Sis, you don't need to apologize. You did everything to keep me from getting hurt and also keeping a friend's secret. That just shows how much you care and how amazing you are to have as a friend & sister. I'm not mad at you or upset with you". 

Rebecca gave a half smile. I smile back at her. Looking at her I realize even more how much I admire my big sister. Holding her hand in mine looking at her I say " Rebecca I'm sorry you got in this. You had to be put in a place where it was between your best friend and sister. You should have never been put in that position. Besides you said earlier we're friends and we'll work all this out. I won't let our friendship with each other fade away. I promise!" looking at me she smiles ear to ear telling me " When did you get to be so mature and strong? I guess my little crybaby sister has really grown up before my eyes". We finish up the movie and ice cream then head to bed.

Tossing and turning half the night I finally fall asleep. Beep, beep, beep, is all I'm hearing, opening my eyes I see the clock it's 5 a.m. already. Getting up to turn the alarm off, I head to the bathroom to get ready for work. I can't wait to see my kiddos at school, they always make my day! Finally ready I head to the kitchen grab some food and hug my sis goodbye then head out the door. Starting my car I see Logan's vehicle pull up. He's here to get Rebecca for their job. As he walks up to the front door he passes my truck, turns, stops, and knocks on the window. I made a promise to Rebecca this friendship we all have won't die. Time to walk it out. Rolling the window down I tell Logan good morning. He's taken aback but says "Good morning to you too Annmera" I smile and say that I have to get to work now but I'll see him later. Pulling out of the driveway I can see the confusion on his face and I just decide to ignore it by putting my stereo on full blast.

Driving with my favorite song playing "Seven by Jungkook" I arrive at my destination pulling into the teacher's parking lot. I'm so excited to see my kiddos! It's gonna be a great day and they get to do some fun activities so they're not bored out of their minds. Heading into the building I see one of my teacher's friends her name is Izzy, she teaches 9th grade. I love talking to her in the morning cause it brightens my day. She's got a big personality with a smile that could put the city lights to shame. You can feel the love and compassion that she has for her friends, the kids, and her job. As we're talking the school bell rings so off to class we go. Reaching my door I see my students. They are really gonna love this English lesson we got planned today. Standing in front of the classroom I greet the students, they smile and say good morning. Most of them aren't excited to learn anything, let alone be at school but hey I don't blame them. 11th grade isn't easy to teach most of the time, especially with some of the kid's attitudes but it's also fun to see how they react when I do something that most teachers don't do. 

"Today's lesson we are going to be reading "Batman: Dark Knight Returns" by Frank Miller. We are gonna have a peculiar take on the comic ("It's about a world that has become so tough that Batman has to fight Superman"). The main theme is a fair enough one, which is that "heroes" and "villains" are sometimes hard to determine.  This graphic novel is as important to its style of literature as any other book you can think of. It's about a world that's become so tough that Batman fights Superman. You will tell me why he does that. over the next few days".

The kids have been reading the comic for a few days now.  Let's see what they have learned. Walking to the front of the classroom, I began to greet the students. " Today I want y'all to explain what you learned during this graphic novel lesson". 

Student #1 - "In Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, the keyword is dark. He doesn't write about the heroes and villains that you're used to. You have to really think about what's right and wrong."

Student #2 - "The pictures make you work too. You have to look up down across and sideways. I think he's trying to show us what our world has become today. Up down across and sideways."

Student #3 - "Heroes that should be friends with a common goal fight each other instead. One hero was trying to inspire his old friend to take a look at the world and realize it had changed so he needed to change too. But he wouldn't so he fought against it which was hard to look at. Because the world is dark enough already and heroes are supposed to bring light."

I'm so proud of what they have learned during this lesson. " I'm so proud of y'all! Now with the statements that y'all have made, I want y'all to keep that same kind of process as we read 'To Kill A Mockingbird' by Harper Lee. For homework tonight I want you to read the first 3 Chapters as we will discuss them Monday in class, y'all are dismissed".