
That Boy Next Door

Gwen Margaux Venice, An Eighteen year old girl living in a nice village, has a perfect family, and Two neighbors--- On the left side of their house, there lives her childhood friend: Ash Kyle Delvant; And on the right side, there's her new wealthy neighbor: Jayden Clyde Seer. Which boy next door will her heart pick?

itsXyy · Teenager
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3 Chs


After spending our day at the beach,we finally arrived at our house. Mom and Dad quickly got off the car and so is me and my brother. Mom and Dad went in the house together, I bet they're exhausted.

My brother was also near the door but I called to him.

"Hey, Hey, Come on here, Grey." I said, gesturing. I'm just looking at our house, causing him to be curious and stand besides me to also look at the house.

"What's wrong?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"Look here.." I looked at it carefully. "We.. We have.."

"WE HAVE WHAT?!" He said, losing patience.

I looked at the right side of the house and saw that the house beside us has open lights inside!

"We have a new neighbor!"

"Oh, I knew that, whatever." My brother boringly said and walked in the house. I pouted before running towards Ash's house and knocking.

"What is it? It's late?"


"I know, they moved earlier this morning."

"Really??? SO they really did buy that One Billion House?!" I confusely asked. It's been years when that house was built but no one could buy it because it's too expensive.

"Mm-hm." He said while rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry, Were you sleeping?"

"Yeah, I was."

"Sorry, Did I disturb you?"

"You surely did." He seriously said, causing me to furrow my brows at him and walk away but he called to stop me.


"Come in, I cooked you lasagna." He said while putting his hands in his pockets.

I turned to look at him with bright eyes and a wide smile. Lasagna's my favorite! Luckily, My bestfriend cooks the best Lasagna!

He's the best cook I have ever met. He's even better than my mom!

I went in their house but I removed my sandals first. It's full of sand, I'll dirty their floor up.

I went straight to the kitchen and sat by the counter to wait for him to serve it to me. He pt the plate of lasagna in front of me and also gave me a fork and a knife.

I was about to say thank you loudly but he suddenly covered my mouth with his palm. "They're already sleeping. Shhh."

I slowly nodded so he took his hand off.

"Thank you. You're the best." I whispered.

"Of course I am." He winked. I rolled my eyes at him and started eating fast. "Is it good?"

"Om coursh ish gudd." I said with my mouth full. He chuckled before standing up and getting his guitar beside the couch in the living room.

He sat in beside me while holding his guitar.

"I learned a new song. Wanna hear it?" I nodded continuously. This is a rare opportunity, I need to grab this! He's not the extrovert type and he doesn't sing around people except me. He doesn't share his talent but he's really good.

"I think it's called "An Art Gallery Could Never Be As Unique As You"" He said before chuckling and placing his fingers on the guitar and started strumming.

"Here I go." I finished my lasagna and listened to him carefully.

He cleared his throat.

"Darling don't move too much

'Cause you might break the things that you have touched

But let me tell you

Don't go too far

And just enjoy this artistic room of ours."

He sang with his angelic voice. His voice and his talent of playing the guitar will make you fall in love with him the moment you hear him.

So Am I in love with him? Yes, yes I am. I liked him since high school. I won't tell him because when I asked him once back then, he said: "No, I wouldn't want a girlfriend, ever!" That was in middle school. Maybe he changed his mind?

"This empty canvas

That they misunderstood

I wanna paint you in it

But I'm not good

'Cause I wanna look at you

When we are apart

'Cause you're not just a human being

You are art."

I blushed, understanding the meaning of the song. Stop it, Gwen! This song doesn't mean he likes you! It's just a song he learned!

"Here comes the chorus, listen." I nodded, looking at him.

"So darling, darling don't be scared

'Cause even if I look everywhere

Your colors caught my eye

And you're my favorite sight

To see

It's from the way that you move

And everything that you do

And after that it's when I realize

That I love you."

He smiled and stopped strumming. "I can't do the next part yet, I'm still learning."

"O-oh really? That was g-good." I feel my cheeks hot. Fuck.

"Hey, Are you okay?" He asked while touching my forehead with the back of his hand to see if I'm sick. "You're red. Are you sunburnt?"

"Y-yeah, I guess.." I am not! I'm in love with you, dummy! "But don't worry, this will be gone tomorrow!"

He nodded while putting his guitar down. "You should go home and sleep. I'm pretty sure you're tired." I nodded and ran towards their door. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said while watching me put my sandals on.

"Y-yeah! Thank you!" I said and ran to my house. I'm out of my mind!

I slowly took off my sandals and put it on the shoe rock, avoiding to make a noice. Mom and Dad's probably asleep by now.

I was slowly walking towards the stairs but almost jumped out of shock, hearing my brother's voice.

"Where have you been, Gwen?" He suspiciously looked at me while sitting on the couch and slowly shaking his glass of wine in a form of a circle.

"I— I- I-" I stuttered, couldn't talk about what just happened in Ash's house.

"You're from Ash's house, aren't you?" He teased.

I cleared my throat. "Yeah, so?"

He put his glass on top of the coffee table and quickly walked towards me and held both of my shoulders.