
That's The Spirit

Jaune arc was just like any other kid just wanting to make his dream a reality of wanting to be a hero and thought of asking for help from others in his family to train him but of course sadly non of them would but then out of nowhere two ghost of strangers had appeared infront of him and decided to help train and not just that but they were HEROS TOO! AWEEEEESOOOOOOOME~ I don't own anything related to RWBY or Final Fantasy does belong to their original creators, and i don't own any of the paintings or videos that will be used for reference

Joyboy325 · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

A new beginning 

- 9 years later-

As an older looking Jaune Jaune was standing in front of his father's grave with a bouquet of forget me not he gently puts them down on a pot as he sadly smiles at the tombstone that contains his father's name reminiscing all the sad, angry happy exciting, moments they were able to enjoy even when they were short till this day it still haunts him that he wasn't able to save his father that he couldn't get there fast enough to save him it was his fault that the bastard Marcus made contact with the Branwen tribe and that it was his fault that the village was attacked because they were after him 

as Jaune's thinking was going down a negative spiral he shook his head stopping himself from thinking on something that he couldn't control and that was only a kid yeah he was able to get incredible abilities that anyone could ever dream of but had to work hard for it as well trying to show that he's worthy of the gifts he has been given to learn and master them he still has a lot learn and he's willing to go through the struggle to protect what he holds dear 

"you have my word dad I'll make you proud" he said to the Tombstone as he laid his hand a top of it 


Jaune looked up and saw a Raven on top of a tree as Jaune smirked and walked towards the Raven and then in front of him stood a woman with black hair scarlet red eyes looking at him blankly

"So what's up Ray, how are Merc and his girlfriend?" Asked Jaune teasingly as she chuckled with giving him a letter

"Look, yourself" she said as she tossed him a closed letter as he looked at it raising a brow but opened it as it shows Mercury and Venral both drunk and unconscious on the bar as there was another hand in the picture holding a marker drawing on their unconscious faces and it was hilarious As Jaune couldn't help but laugh at the picture that he was given by Raven

But she still looks at him seriously as he knows what she's worried about

"Raven I'll be careful I promise" he said look at her as a soft smile and she let's out a sigh she really softend after the fight at the bandit camp she after his little speech she confronted Tai and gave her reasons why she left both him and their daughter that she was being hunted and that she couldn't stay and more and he took it better than she thought at least they were on speaking terms and she looks after her daughter from a distance

'That's what she told me anyways' he thought as he remembers that she took him with from time to time for bounties with Venral trying to "teach him who's boss" and he easily was able to beat her as she constantly kept trying and failing in fighting him

And also that Mercury was adopted into the Arcs by his mother and it was pretty scary when Mercury accidentally made his mom angry but he was able to become better thanks to their mom like seriously the woman is terrifying when angered as he shuddered in fear of the memory

" I know you can handle yourself I'm more worried of Ozpin will be trying to manipulate you without knowing and remember Don't go all out it will cause him to be more interested in you and your capabilities and he will try to Win you over so Don't believe all the words he tells you cause he always says the half truth or withholding an important piece of information that will be vital but I can see that he means well but that doesn't mean I like it" she warned Jaune as she warned him and opens a portal to go back

"Keep your guard up kid" she said as she walks through the portal

"Bye aunt Raven" said another female voice as it turns out to be Noir as she wears a black leather jacket a black regular shirt with some jeans

As Raven waves without looking back at them 

as Noir looks at him 

"Jaune you ready to go?" she asked him as he nodded his head as he looked at her and then smiled softly at her as they begin to walk back to the village

-few minutes later-

as they are in front of the gates of the village the guards get on a stance as they see silhouettes walking towards them 

"It's Jaune and Noir!" yelled out someone with binoculars 

"open the gate!"yelled another as other guards were opening the gates for letting the two in the village as the two entered one of them walked towards them 

"so why were you two kids at the graveyard and what's the rush? "asked the soldier generally curious 

"oh today's the day that Jaune is going to-" she was interrupted by the guy 

"what! Jaunes leaving today! damn time flies by" he yelled in shock as the other soldiers obviously heard as they as well were shocked 

"What is it today?" one whined 

"damn well good luck kid even though we all know you won't need it" one wished him luck 

"try not to make all the girls fall head over heals for you to make sure not to make any enemies trust me it's just going to be troublesome" another advised 

"but try to bag a good one Jaune cause seriously do you know how crazy it's starting to get right now like by the gods" said another just telling to get a girlfriend already so that they get a chance to get one in a kind maner

As they all say their farewells and words of encouragement and some advice the Two begin to walk away

"OK NOW STOP DILLY DALLING AND GET THE FUCK BACK TO YOUR POSTS" yelled out a sgt to his troops as the soldiers were scrambling to their posts

As Jaune and Noir walk back home as people were living their everyday lives as some families were just enjoying themselves as they the laughter of children as they play some games as some people noticed the and were waving at them smiling and they waved back at the people

with then Jaune feels something bump into him


as he looked down seeing a kid with a black leopard tail and black hair with golden eyes as he rubbed his head as he fell on his butt

"Hey are you okay" Jaune asked as the boy's rose pink eyes look up at him and the look of recognition was seen in his eyes

"Im ... I'm very sorry Mr.Arc" said the boy in a nervous tone and quickly stood up and bowed to Jaune

"Hey lift up your head" Jaune said softly and the boy did Nervously "its ok no harm no foul and just call me Jaune, Mr. Arc is my father And it's makes me sound completely old and I'm barely seventeen" he said and he then noticed his tail wagging side to side as it meant the boy was happy but he didn't want to show it and Jaune wasn't the only one that noticed as did Noir as a soft chuckle left there lips as the boy saw he was confused at first but then saw his tail wagging and looked at it with indignation and it caused him to blush in embarrassment and then felt a hand on top of his head he was still as a board as Jaune was giving the kid head pats as the kid leans into the head pats and a purr is heard

As the head pats stop he looks at Jaune as stares at him shocked with Noir looking at him like it was the most adorable thing she saw but biting down her tongue trying her damndest to not squeal at that moment and when the boy realized what he did -unknowingly- he blushed in embarrassment and did the only logical thing a 6 year old could think of

And that's run away in embarrassment

And Noir was laughing at the adorable interaction and Jaune just smiled at the kid running, as he walks away as his sister follows him still laughing

"Noir it's not funny so stop laughing the kid was embarrassed" Jaune lightly chastised his sister as she trying to control herself as she calmed down she puts her hands at the back of her head and smirks at him

"Sorry not sorry, it's just that you have this 'aura' around you that gets people to like trust you instantly even brats that behave and your able to make like any girl turn into pudding by just by talking to them like what the hell and not just that after the funeral a bunch of grimm tried to attack the village and then you come here a swoosh in like some hero from stories and came up with ideas like the turtle formation"

"it's tortoise" Jaune corrected her

"Whatever it was called and because of you they, no we were able to make it through the day you were able to save this village Jaune and not just that Jaune you were able to help with the money problem we were having your a-" Noir was interrupted "Jaune" called out Rouge as she runs towards him 

"bro your gonna be late and you know what will happen if mom finds out that your late" she didn't need to finish her sentence as Jaune was sweating bullets and in a blink of an eye he disappeared as the two sisters blink at each other 

"so your not gonna go feed your football" Rouge smirked teasingly 

"For fuck! sake it was one time, ONE TIME! and your not gonna let me live it down Rouge!" Noir groaned in annoyance at her sister as Rouge laughed at her sisters suffering 



-At the Arc house-

"Oh Jaune im so proud of you I can't believe my little brother is going to beacon" Saphron yelled in excitement as Terra shakes her head while smiling at her wifes antics and caring baby Adrien in her arms she goes to hug Jaune as he hugs her back 

"now go there and beat there butts Jaune we know you can do it" she said some words of encouragement to him as Adrian has a little knight plushie as excited baby noises were heard and he held his arms out for his uncle wanting him to hold him and Jaune does as Saphron decided to take a picture of this cute moment as Jaune gently gave Adrian back to Terra but Adrian didn't want to let go of him 

"oh Adrian your uncle Jaune has to go now honey" said Saphron softly as Adrian still didn't let go 

"come on Adrian he needs to go or he'll be late"

"hmph" he still didn't let go 

"that's one stubborn baby" said Magenta as everyone looked at her direction

"maggy when did you get back" asked Or 

"just now the hunting party did pretty well today so we got back earlier and besides Jaunes going to Beacon today why would I miss saying goodbye to the idiot 

"says the one that asked if paper can cut paper" Jaune shot back as Magenta groaned with everyone

Else laughed

"It wasn't me it was Rose"said Magenta

"Hey! it's a legitimate question! if we can get paper cuts can paper cut paper" she said as all of them look at her giving her a look 'are kidding me'

"Hold on I think she's on to something" said Argent as her twin is looking at her

"You're joking right?" Or asked her as her sister laughed

" calm down I'm only pulling your leg" she said as she was laughing and Rose pouting cause everyone thought she was weird

And Terra is still having difficulty cause Adrian still didn't let go of his uncle. 

"Come on Adrian you're going to make uncle Jaune late for his school" said Terra and yet he still didn't let go of him as Saphron walked up to them as she looks at Adrian

"Come on honey let go of uncle Jaune and come to mama" she said softly and stretched her arms as she tried to get Adrian but

"mmm nwo" he said as the little guy refused as he was stubborn in not letting go of him

As a metaphorical arrow shot through Saphron's heart as her baby chose Jaune over Saphron as she sat in a corner as a cloud is seen over her head looking depressed.

Jaune walks to her as he tells Adrian softly.

"Adrian you made your mama really sad" he said as the baby looked at his mama as she was very sad and the baby felt bad as he reached out for his mama.

"Ma...Ma" said Adrian as it made Saphron finch then turn to her baby boy. 

"What was that baby can you say that again" she asked little Adrian to repeat what he said before

"Ma...ma" he said happily

"Yes its me I'm your mama" she said happy as well as jumping at joy and she hugged her little baby boy as he was giggling at how funny his mama was acting and hugs her back

"Sorry to ruin the mood but I need to go or I'll be late" before Jaune left he walked to little Adrian as kissed his forehead and looked at him in the eyes

"I promise you Adrian that I'll visit you when it's summer break ok can you wait for me and be brave" he said softly and it seems that Adrian is a smart baby as Adrian nodded but dejectedly as Jaune waves at them and walks out the door as he was confused at why his mom didn't see him off 

It felt strange

-at the village entrance-

As he was stepped out the gate his mother was standing infront of him holding something in her arms wrapped up as she gave him the gift and he looked back up to his mother as she smiles softly at him as tears that are threatening to fall are seen

As Jaune looks at her with worry

"Mom-" Jaune was interrupted for his mother hugged him tightly as Jaune returned her hug as the wind is heard whistling

"I'm so proud of you son" she said as tears began to fall as worries of the thought that her son not returning to them but she always tried to do what was right for her children and she always tried to be there in anyway she can think of she was needed as a pillar of strength for her family and she sure as hell tried

With Jaune just hearing those words made a tear fall but hugs his mother tightens but it was still gentle as when they both separated his mom cleaned up her tears and so did Jaune as she looks at him still having words to tell him

"Jaune I know that your set on this path and I won't be able to convince you otherwise but I am here to let you know that I support you no matter what path you take I will be behind you every step of the way or when you feel lost or stuck you can come to me if you need advice I don't know if I may say the right words that you will need to hear for you in the moment when you need them most but I will do my best and I will worry about for every day it may sound stupid" 

"Aw come on mom I'm almost 18 I'm a big boy now you don't need to worry about me" she tried to make an impression of a boys voice which was a horrible impression which made both laugh as she continued talking

"But i am your mother it's my responsibility to always be worried about you cause to me it won't matter how old you are you will always be my baby boy and I want to let you know that the life of a huntsman is a thankless job where there will be hardships around every corner you will meet new people and sometimes you will be forced to say goodbye where there will be difficult choices you will be forced to make but no matter what happens remember you will have people by your side that can help you, you don't need to carry everything on your shoulders there will always be people there to help you as long as you let them help you and promise me another thing no matter what happens whatever you experience Don't change do you promise me Jaune?" She said looking into her son's as he nodded

"You have my word mom" he said as his mother softly hugs him as he returns it

"I love you Jaune" she said as her hug tightened

"I love you too mom" he said also tightening the hug

As then a bullhead landed 

"Well this is my flight wish me luck" he said as he walks towards the bullhead and before stepping in he looks back as everyone from the village suddenly appears out of nowhere saying their goodbyes to him

"Beat their asses kid!"

"You can do it Jaune, we believe in you!"

"We'll miss you!"

"Make us proud, blondie!"

Each word of encouragement that he heard from his smile brightened as he looked at the door and walked through and the bullhead engine began and it flew of as Jaune sees his village and the people waving at him and to the left side he was shocked he sees Mercury on the hill with Raven leaning on the tree giving him a two finger salute and a light green haired girl with blood scarlet eyes also waving at him goodbye

And then his village started to become smaller and smaller

Until he couldn't see it anymore

And looked back at the gift his mom gave him

As he unwrapped it he was shocked

It was Crocea mors but the sheath was also upgraded as well to make it an even bigger sword and it still had the Shield function as Jaune was admiring the sword that belongs to his... deceased father he looks at it as the sword went back to it's sheath mode and he unsheeths Crocea Mors a beautiful metal sound is heard in cutting the air

As his eyes stare at his reflection in the sword the eyes that look back from reflection changes into one of purple and the other of green with wolf like slit

"Everything will be Okay Jaune" said the reflection with the purple eye trying to calm Jaune down from his thoughts going rampant with negativity

"You can do this Jaune you know you can" said the reflection with green wolf eyes

Jaune took a deep breath yet he doesn't feel confident but it might just be the nerves and anxiety getting to him as he is going to beacon and Jaune leans into the chair he noticed a sealed envelope where Crocea once layer as he sheaths Crocea Mors and gently puts to the side

And grabbed the envelope and turned it around and his heart has leap in his throat as his eyes was on the word that on the envelope

 To: Jaune Arc

 From: Gideon Arc

It was from his father but when or how did his mom know where the note, he doesn't remember seeing his writing a letter... but maybe just maybe

As Jaune delicately opened up the envelope as if it would turn to dust in the wind

As he saw the 3 pieces of paper in the envelope as Jaune begins to read it

"Dear Jaune if you're reading this that means I have sadly died I don't know how I died but I hoped to Monty and the brothers that you will never have to read this but if chances are that if you are I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not being able to be there for all of you I'm sorry for not being there for your birthdays, I'm sorry that I wasn't selfish enough to want to keep trying to teach you in the path of a huntsman and that you'll have to learn the hard way, I'm sorry that I won't be able to give advice for you to be able to get me a future daughter-in-law"

as that got out a Mirthful chuckle out of Jaune as his mother told him that his father gave the worse advice when it came trying to catch a girl's attention but he kept reading and went to the 3rd letter

"I'm worried about you Jaune I may not know what has happened to cause my death but I do know my son in that in someway or somehow you will be blaming yourself for my death if your wondering how I know then that'll be my little secret to keep but what I want to tell you is that you will go through hardships in everyday life even in peaceful times its natural to life but most of the time it will be when your at your lowest point where it seems like there's no way out of the tunnel you see yourself in, you will tumble and fall it's only natural cause no matter what happens there will be times that you will fall but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing we all fall to grow at some point in our lives for every time you fall there is a lesson behind every failure be it either good or bad but it depends on you on what knowledge you gain from that lesson son you are as stubborn as a bull and sometimes it can be huge pain in the rear"

A small laugh escaped his lips he remembers being extremely stubborn on some things like wanting to be a huntsman as he began reading the last letter

"Jaune is it ok that I can make a final request a dead man's last wish if you will"

And Jaune was reading this carefully word for word embedding every word written in the letter

"Whenever you fall you pick yourself up if you can't run walk, if you can't walk crawl, no matter what you have to keep moving forward if you need help we as your family and everyone in the village and including your future teammates will be there whenever you need help it may be hard at times seeking help like you Don't deserve it like your not allowed to and believe me I have experience in that sometimes asking for help can be more difficult then silently and slowly killing yourself from within I wish I could have lived long enough to be proud of the man that you will become and I'm proud of you now and again I would like to apologize for being tough on you son I was trying to keep you safe and I don't know if you would forgive me and you don't have I just i wanted to toughen you up cause reality is mercilessly cruel and at times unfair but after all you have seen all you experienced I wanted to see you stand tall my son

I love you Jaune you and your sisters are my pride and joy and I am immensely grateful and proud of you

Take care of them for me

I want to add so much more adding some jokes some advice for when you felt lost and maybe some advice to get a girlfriend but we both know that you and i would be here for hours but this isn't a goodbye think of it as a see you later


Take care and remember Jaune, to Stand tall my son"

As Jaune finished reading wet spots on the paper are seen As Jaune had been unknowingly tearing every word that his father said as he turned the paper over and it said

"P.s all you need is some confidence a girl likes a man with confidence " as Jaune couldn't help but try to laugh but it came out as a whimper as his voice went hoarse and the intercom spoke. 

" greetings passenger's this is you captain speaking we are a few minutes away from the Kingdom of Vale" said the captain

As Jaune looks out seeing the city and in the distance Beacon

This is a new beginning and Jaune now feels like he can hold his head high up and-

*stomach growls*

'You forgot to take your motion sickness medication didn't you?' Said the voice of Cloud

....well shit