
Thankyou For The Last Time

Yuki a guy who sees no value in life got a disease that was incurable he was diagnosed with Vyrus Soralisis and informed that he only have few years to live, to a person who values nothing it was not surprising. At a library he finds a book and whenever he opens that book he always meets a girl named Hana. Both of them are carrying secrets that can't be told

Okaru · realistisch
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The girl from the past

"So, what are you doing now?" she asked me

since I knew that I was going to die soon I gave up in everything

and I had nothing left, I simply said


"What do you mean by nothing? You atleast go to school right? After high school

what do you want to do?"

she asked me as if she was curious about me

"I don't know"

I replied, she then said

"You gave up- "

She then continues

"Sorry, I have to go"

she left the library.

Then, I changed my mind I put the book back, and went back home.

Afterall today was sunday a guy who has no purpose in life had nothing to do. But from tommorow onwards it's going to be painful

as I have to go to school. I atleast had about 6 more hours free from stress, while going back home I wondered if I were to see her again

would my memory of the past come back? I don't know why but the past seems shattered, I feel like I have forgotten something really

important. While wondering about useless stuffs, I finally reached home now as I have nothing to do, I thought of killing some time by sleeping

or gaming even if I only have a short time remaining until my life reaches its peak, I could atleast try to get out of boring situations.

Thinking about it, I had only made a few friends since my childhood I even wonder if my friendlist atleast reaches 20. One of the only friends I had

was a peculiar guy I met during middleschool he seemed like someone who is not interested in anything. But I was wrong as I try to see through him,

day by day I got closer to the truth. And one day I found out he's an otaku. As I booted up my pc to kill some time, someone sent me a message.

It was the otaku

"Kanou: I'm feeling bored want to hangout? - 30 seconds ago"

While he was trying to maintain up his perfect personality, I simply replied

"How about a no? - 1 second ago"

Even if I had no purpose in life I atleast wanted to enjoy the time I spend gaming and minimize physical stuffs I do.

"Ok - 4 seconds ago"

He is trying his best to maintain his perfect personality.

~4 Hours Later

I have killed time 4 hours gaming instead of trying to spend rest of the day doing some things that would motivate me even if

I only had a few years left... I chose to sleep.

I lay down on my bed feeling tired, then as usual when I have nothing to do a thought came to me saying what am I even here for?

What is the purpose of me? The purpose of life? All the years I have spent were like nothing to me, none of them picked up my

interest. So what why do I still-

Then someone knocked on my door, who could it be I am trying to sleep just leave me alone.

I stood up, opened the door it was Akane, my little sister. In my family she is the only one that doesn't know about me having

Vyrus Soralilsis, my parents probably felt that it would be better if they didn't told Akane.

"So what do you want?"

"Mom told me that she needs you to go and buy some groceries"

When I was just trying to sleep, you just had to ruin it mom.

It was past 3, I headed out to the convenience store.

As I entered the convenience store, I checked the list that my mom had sent on my phone.

It included

-3 Cabbages

-Pottatoes 1kg

-Carrots half a kg

-Some eggs


A familiar voice approached from my back

"Sorry for earlier at the library"

It was Hana


What is she even apologized for?

she then said

"Can I ask you again? Do you still follow that path?"

"Uh what do you meant by path?"

"Your choice"

My choice? what does she meant by my choice? Does she means something that I have chosen?

I don't even know about what she is talking about, come to think of it as out of all the people I have met

in my entire life she is the person that is the most peculiar.

"My choice?"

"Sorry, I have to go I had this competition that I entered by anychance would you like to talk about it at the library after school tommorow?"

Wait what?

Then my mouth just went and said

"Uh... Yes"

She then left, what was that? Why does she appear out of nowhere? What does she mean by my choice and path?

For now let me just get my groceries and try to get back home as soon as possible as I want to sleep.