
Thankyou For The Last Time

Yuki a guy who sees no value in life got a disease that was incurable he was diagnosed with Vyrus Soralisis and informed that he only have few years to live, to a person who values nothing it was not surprising. At a library he finds a book and whenever he opens that book he always meets a girl named Hana. Both of them are carrying secrets that can't be told

Okaru · realistisch
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Who Was She?

"My life was meaningless until you came, Thank you for the last time"

From childhood to present I had only made about a few friends, I had the ability to see through a person, I would try to imagine it in one's perspective, I was often succesful. But still there were some people who I could not read. Growing up I never had any interest in anything, a few months ago I was diagnosed with a disease called Vyrus Soralis it is disease that disrupts cellular repair process. Therefore I only had a few years remaining I was not shocked, as I always felt that life was empty.

I remember when I was in middle school I met a girl who always seemed to be cheerful she was good at studies, she had a cheerful personality. I never seemed to take anything seriously because I had no interest in anything, when I was in middle school I could read anyone in my class but she was the only one I couldn't read, I can't even remember her name. One day she said

"I know that you are Intelligent but you don't seem to have any interest do you?"

I replied

"What do you mean?"

and I can't remember what happen after that, that was about 4 years ago. Sometimes I would get the same dream everytime about that incident when I would reply "What do you mean" everytime I would just wake up.

I have a disease that cannot be cured, it is called Vyrus Soralis this virus targets the body's telomeres. Telomeres are the protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that shorten with each cell division. When telomeres become too short, cells can no longer divide effectively and eventually die. VS accelerates telomere shortening, leading to premature cellular aging and organ failure. it may be possible that I may be the first one to get this disease, I live a day to day life only my parents know about my disease and I don't seem to be interested in telling others that I have a disease that can't be cured. Sometimes I just wonder what was the purpose of life.

It was on a hot summer day, I went to a library I picked a book it was called "Value of life" I started to read it "Have you ever felt that life is meaningless? What is the purpose of life? Then this book is absolutely for you" I had no Idea what book it was I just liked the title and I picked it, I resume reading "No Interest in anything, Just want to go along with life until you die? I would like to call that depression here are some tips to get out of depr-" The moment I realised it was a book about depression and mental illness I closed the book and put it back, then a familiar voice approached me

"I would recommend you 'Days before' by Aubrey Christopher"

it was a girl she was a bit shorter than me

"Oh sorry! my name is Hana, I was passing by and thought you were someone I knew"

I felt like I had met her somewhere before, I replied

"Oh... No problem"

then she left the library, I realised I have heard the name Hana and I had also heard that voice somewhere.

I left the library, I went home ate dinner and then as my daily routine I went to sleep but that girl was stucked in my mind, I tried to sleep but couldn't that night I slept around 2am I usually sleep around 10pm or so.

The next day I went to the same library and I had completely forgotten what had happened the day before I looked at some books and then I stumbled across a book "Thankyou for the last time" just when I was about to open the book, "Are you by any chance Yuki?" it was the girl who had approached me yesterday I replied "Yes, I am Yuki but who are you?" she said "it's me Hana from middle school remember?" then I realised it was her, the one who I couldn't read, the cheerful girl from my middleschool.