

Yin had expected the revelation to be upsetting for Zach and Suna because how long he had kept it from them. "Y-You are a descendant of some God long ago?!" Zach exclaimed as he could not believe what he heard in his ears. "And you are saying you got your Anima cells awakened from this sort of 'power' or System as you called it because of that?" Suna asked. Yin faced down and nodded. "Y-Yeah. I am sorry for not telling you that. I thought it would be better if I was guarding the secret without ever telling anyone. In fact, I do not think I would even tell you guys if not for the Reaper revealing some key details about my powers to the Commander and Gavin.

He was especially being considerate of how Suna felt. In contrast, she seemed like she deserved the System much more than Yin did. And quite honestly, she would have made a powerful System holder. That was what Yin was afraid of, to alienate the others and to make them feel small because of his secret being revealed.