
System's End

There were about two hundred Slayers left alive so far. Gamma and Beta finally managed to meet up in the front lines with Alpha. "Yin! Suna!" Zachary shouted from the back as he ran towards them. The three core of the Six Blades finally reunited. "I thought you guys were dead meat already." Zach said which made Yin snarl at him. "I could say the same thing to you." He responded back. 

"The Vessel…what is she doing?" Luken asked the others. "I might be wrong, but it definitely does feel like the Angels are slowly vanishing one by one when they come close to that beam up above right there." Ignis Silva said as he adjusted his glasses. "I am going to have to agree with Ignis here, all of those Angels flying right into that pillar of light's Anima cells just straight up vanish." Fen Kaori uttered out in support of Ignis' statement.