
Terror Trip: The Curse of the 13th Bus Last Trip

An otherwise laid-back bus driver, Li Yao, was assigned by the team leader to drive the rumored haunted 13th midnight last bus. Since then, various creepy and mysterious events have occurred one after another. It turned out that the previous three 13th bus drivers, along with the full bus of passengers, had all lost their lives, and he almost lost his life as if possessed by a ghost. Li Yao was scared to be out of his wits every day. Could there really be a ghost? To get rid of the curse in the rumors, he must find out the cause of the accidents that killed the previous three drivers, but the various inducements from those around him also made his trust crumble one by one.

rainy_ · Horror
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9 Chs

Chapter 9: Strange Phone Call

Upon seeing this old lady, my heart tightened. I remembered what Lao Tang had told me. She had appeared before the drivers of the three cars had an accident. Lao Tang was a ghost, then what about her?

Apart from having an exceptionally large number of wrinkles on her face, this old lady was no different from other ordinary old ladies.

However, since she was the first passenger to take my last bus, and I remembered that she said I was talking to an empty seat that night, which almost scared my soul away, my impression of her was particularly deep.

The old lady hunched over and saw that I was lost in thought at the door. She gave me a white look and shouted loudly,

"What are you spacing out for? Kid, haven't your mind healed yet? If you're sick, you need to get treated!"

I squeezed out a smile awkwardly and take a step back subconsciously, whispering, "Auntie, did you come to see me for something?"

The old lady noticed that I took a step back, obviously unhappy, turned her head away, and her tone was filled with dissatisfaction.

"Do you still remember me? Don't you recognize a good person, kid?"

I became angry in an instant. Because of what she said at that time, I almost mistook Uncle Liu for a ghost. This time, instead of looking for her to settle the score, I came to please her myself.

"Auntie, whether you are a good person or not is not up to you to say. Have you not recovered from your eyesight?"

The old lady became anxious upon hearing this, bent down to pick up a potato from the vegetable basket on the ground.

She moved very slowly, and I also saw the potato in her hand, but what I never expected was that she used this potato to throw at me.

With a "snap" sound, the potato, which was as big as a fist, instantly cracked my head.

I covered my head, and my eyes were about to tear up from the pain. Angrily, I shouted at her,

"Damn it, why are you hitting an old lady?"

I was so angry that my eight-pack abs popped out, but I could do nothing in the face of this sixty or seventy-year-old old lady.

When the old lady saw that I covered my head and didn't speak, she said slowly,

"Eat a potato to make you sober. Stay in the house on the fifteenth night of this month. Don't go out even if the sky collapses. Do you understand?"

Although I usually talk less, I am definitely not a person who can be slaughtered by others.I especially dislike this kind of behavior where you hit me and then give me a sweet date. Telling me it's for my own good, go to hell for being nice to me!

I replied impatiently, "Auntie, my head has been cracked open by you. Now you tell me it's to save me. Are you confused?"

Upon hearing this, the old lady frowned, bends down to pick up another potato, and throws it while cursing,

"Littke rascal, it's better for you to have your head cracked and see some blood than to have your head cut off."

Seeing that the old lady threw another potato at me, I quickly stepped back a few steps. This time, I was prepared and easily dodged it.

The old lady was not happy after throwing two potatoes, picked up the vegetable basket and turned around, and walked away slowly, muttering,

"This little kid is not sensible, I won't bother anymore."

Seeing the old lady walk away, I spat and quickly took a taxi to the nearby clinic. The doctor asked me how I got it, and I just said I fell off a motorcycle.

On the way back to the dormitory, I met several colleagues. Seeing the bandage on my head, they all started to pretend to care about me. I didn't pay much attention and just walked past.

These old foxes are very good at superficial work with smooth-tongued words, but who knows what kind of tricks they might play behind my back.

This old lady is really strange. She came all the way to crack my head and left.

She also said that I must not go out on the fifteenth night. How could I not go out on the fifteenth day? Master Liu Yunbo asked me to go to see him after the night shift on the fifteenth day.

I touched the bracelet on my wrist, feeling a moment of peace. I boldly guessed that maybe she was like Lao Tang, who couldn't bear to see me doing well and dared not touch me because of this bracelet?

Otherwise, how could the two of them disappear for so long and suddenly appear for no reason?

Recently, these one after another situations have made me unable to sleep well. When I returned to the dormitory and lay in bed, I wanted to take a good nap, but I couldn't help but think about the complicated things these days.

Thinking of this old lady first, she said that Uncle Liu didn't exist, that is to say, Uncle Liu is a ghost. Then Lao Tang said that this old lady had appeared strangely in the car accident ten years ago, so it could be said that the old lady might also be a ghost.

Later, Lao Tang told me that Liu Yunbo had been burned to death ten years ago and was a ghost.

Similarly, Uncle Liu told me that it was Liu Qingzhu who was burned to death ten years ago.

Now it's obvious that Lao Tang and Liu Qingzhu are in the same group, and Uncle Liu and Liu Yunbo are in the same group. Now an old lady has popped up in her own group.

Then these people keep saying that the other party is dead.

It's really complicated. These people have all met and talked to me, giving me a very vague and elusive feeling, making it hard for me to grasp and feel unstable.

Before coming to this company, I was also a man who would rather shit facing the outside of the toilet. In just a few months, I have become a coward who is cautious every step of the way.

While thinking wildly, I received a text message, which was sent by Bai Fan.

" Tonight is Friday. I'll take your car home tonight."

Bai Fan always has such a ability. Every time I talk to her or send text messages, it always makes my heart feel warm and pulls me back to the happy reality from the endless abyss.

I happily grinned and quickly replied to her, "Okay, we haven't seen each other for a few days. See you tonight."

I have been in contact with Bai Fan for some days, and we have had dinner and watched movies, but I still am not sure what our relationship is. Do we count as a couple?

In fact, I don't expect to become a couple with Bai Fan. She is so excellent and beautiful. If she really follows me, she will suffer a big loss.

I've been really tired these days. Thinking about it, I finally fell asleep drowsily.

I don't know how long I slept. The most dazzling national style successfully pulled me back from the dream again. Fortunately, it was Bai Fan who called.

I answered the phone groggily, trying to keep my voice strong.

"Li Yao, what are you doing? Can you come and pick me up to take the bus?"

I took away my phone to look at the time and replied, "What's the matter, Bai Fan? It's only 8:30 p.m. My shift doesn't start until 11:00 p.m."

"I know, but the power circuit in my community is broken, and the whole building is out of power. I live on the 13th floor, and the hallway is dark, and I'm afraid to go downstairs."

I found that since I started driving the 13th Route late-night bus, there have been constant coincidences.

First, Master Liu Yunbo's community where he lives is No. 2386 Huaiyuan Road, which happens to be my license plate number. Now Bai Fan's family lives on the 13th floor so coincidentally!

I was stunned for a moment, then quickly agreed, "No problem, I'll come pick you up now."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Fan sent me the address, and I got up, quickly packed up, and rushed out.

This matter is not big, but it is not small either. Bai Fan thought of me when she was scared, which is a plus for me. Who else can I be the hero to save the beauty?

Soon, I took a taxi to her community. While walking in the community, I was hesitating in my heart. What if Bai Fan asked me to stay in the room and have a drink of water?

In this dark and lonely man and woman, should I take the opportunity to take the initiative and sublimate the revolutionary friendship?

Just as I was thinking beautifully, Bai Fan called, "Li Yao, have you arrived?"

"I'm here, walking in the community."

"That's great, come up and pick me up quickly, I'm scared."

Hearing the goddess say she was scared, it immediately aroused my desire to protect. I pretended to be bold and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm not afraid of the dark. I'll go upstairs and pick you up right away."

"Okay, hurry up, I'll wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, I was excited beyond measure. For the first time, I felt that not all the darkness brings bad things, and it can even help me.

Bai Fan's house is a mid-range community, and the corridors are quite clean with small windows.

But after all, it was already past 9 o'clock in the evening, and the corridors without lights were still pitch black. I quickly climbed the stairs with the faint light of my mobile phone.

With good things in my heart, I walked with the wind, and my legs were full of endless energy, and I didn't feel scared at all. In a short while, I climbed to the 7th floor. At this time, Bai Fan called again.

"Hey, Li Yao, have you arrived? I just took a shower and came out. You can wait for me downstairs. I'll tidy up and then you can come up."

I listened to Bai Fan's words, feeling confused and said, "I've been here for a long time. Five minutes ago, you called me to come upstairs."

Bai Fan didn't speak for a long time and scolded me, "Idiot."

Then she whispered, "Li Yao, I'm scared. Don't joke and scare me. I was taking a shower just now, and I didn't call you at all."

After listening to Bai Fan's words, I looked around the endless darkness, and my legs froze instantly!