
Terror Trip: The Curse of the 13th Bus Last Trip

An otherwise laid-back bus driver, Li Yao, was assigned by the team leader to drive the rumored haunted 13th midnight last bus. Since then, various creepy and mysterious events have occurred one after another. It turned out that the previous three 13th bus drivers, along with the full bus of passengers, had all lost their lives, and he almost lost his life as if possessed by a ghost. Li Yao was scared to be out of his wits every day. Could there really be a ghost? To get rid of the curse in the rumors, he must find out the cause of the accidents that killed the previous three drivers, but the various inducements from those around him also made his trust crumble one by one.

rainy_ · Horror
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: Archive Room

I couldn't help but mutter a swear word softly when I heard the sound of locking the door. The person who was locking the door suddenly stopped.

Then came a long silence. I couldn't hear the thumping sound of his footsteps or any breathing sounds. In this dark room and long corridor, there was such a quiet standoff.

This kind of quiet instead made me expect more sounds, even the sound of locking the door. It was really creepy to be so quiet, and I didn't dare to breathe.

I always felt that there were a pair of eyes staring at me somewhere I couldn't see.

After about five or six minutes, I finally heard the sound of the lock person pushing the lock head for the last time, followed by a continuous "dong... dong.... dong"

The heavy landing sound of the leather shoes came closer and closer. I held my breath and didn't dare to move. Sweat on my forehead soaked my hair like a rain.

The footsteps finally stopped in front of the door of the room where I was hiding. Although I wasn't a thief and could walk out proudly, my sixth sense clearly told me that the lock person wasn't friendly and it was best not to see him.

I remembered the桥段 in the "Saw" series, where there were some perverts who liked to hide in the remote and abandoned buildings, waiting for the prey to take the bait, and then killing and dismembering them cruelly.

Heaven bless me, the lock person didn't stay long in front of my door, but dragged his leather shoes upstairs. This time I didn't dare to be careless. I didn't breathe easily until I was sure that the person had gone far.

I was wondering in my heart, "There is not even a hair in this abandoned and broken building. Why do you have to specially assign a guard?"

So the answer is only one, there is something important on the second floor!

Uncle Liu told me that there was a secret of Lao Tang hidden on the second floor, which surprised me a lot.

Lao Tang died in a car accident ten years ago, which is undisputed. It's not a homicide. There is no complicated forgery of evidence by the murderer. How could Lao Tang have a secret?

The only thing that surprises me is that Lao Tang's ghost doesn't haunt others, but only remembers me. He also makes up all kinds of words to introduce me to an old ghost who has been dead for ten years.

I think, these abnormal behaviors of Lao Tang are probably the secret that the old man referred to.

Right now, the main door on the first floor is locked, and there is a strange person on the second floor. I can't get out tonight no matter what. It seems that I can only spend the night in this broken room.

I sat next to the window, it was still raining outside, and there wasn't much light. I sighed and was about to swear, but I held it back.

Alas, this is life. Many times, there are full of sufferings in my heart, but there is no one to talk to.

Listening to the pattering rain outside, I gradually felt sleepy and had a dream.

In the dream, I fell into the endless sea. There was a small boat beside me, and two people were standing on the boat. I struggled desperately in the sea, begging the people on the boat for help, but no matter how hard I shouted, the two on the boat just looked at me coldly.

I tried my best to see the faces of the people on the boat, but as if there was a barrier between us.

Fortunately, at the last moment when I sank to the bottom of the sea, I finally saw them clearly. The two on the boat were actually Lao Tang and Uncle Liu!!

I woke up suddenly, took a big breath, and I didn't know when the rain outside the window had stopped.

This dream is even more terrifying than the appearance of a hundred thousand evil spirits. Old Tang is actually with Uncle Liu? The person I fear the most and the person I trust the most are actually on the same boat!

"Fuck, what kind of dream is this?"

Anger came up, and I gave myself a hard slap on the ear. "Pa" sounded, which was particularly harsh in this quiet building.

I suddenly came to my senses. I was really stupid. There was something in this building that I didn't know what it was.

Yes, after going through so many things, I now dare not be sure of anyone around me. Whether they are human or not!

I tiptoed up, took out my phone and looked at the time. It was 3:10 in the morning, and the sky was just beginning to brighten, and the visibility in the building had also increased a lot.

Just as I was about to continue to curl up in the corner, there was a burst of snoring from somewhere on the second floor.

The snoring sounded in this quiet building as if there was no barrier and freely shuttled.

Listening to this sweet snore, I no longer had any sleepiness, but instead had a bold idea. The person upstairs was already asleep, and now it was a great opportunity to go upstairs and find out.

I thought over and over in my heart what Uncle Liu said, "The secret of Old Tang is in the archive room on the second floor."

I couldn't help but clench my fist. I've come in anyway, and I can't get out now. There are not many opportunities.

So I made up my mind and took a step out of the room.

The second floor is more dilapidated than I imagined. With the faint light of my mobile phone, I looked around carefully and couldn't help but feel nauseous.

There are a lot of garbage scattered on the ground, waste shoes, bottles, and plastics. The smell is very unpleasant.

While walking, I suddenly felt that I stepped on something very soft. I quickly moved my foot away and looked down. I almost threw up my stomach.

What I stepped on was the carcass of a dead and highly decayed cat. The body was covered with maggots, and they were competing to enjoy their food. Now that I stepped on it with one foot, the maggots and rotting flesh were blurred together, extremely disgusting!

I quickly shook my feet to shake off some of the rotting flesh stuck to my shoes, but also inevitably made some sounds.

Suddenly, the snoring that had been wandering in the corridor stopped abruptly. My one foot was still in the air, but I didn't dare to move.

After another two or three minutes, the snoring sounded again. I felt relieved and slowly put down my already suspended and sore foot, and then moved towards the archive room in the east of the corridor almost in a moving motion.

The closer I got to there, the stronger the pungent stench became. I was afraid of stepping on something dead like a dog or a cat again, and looked at my feet especially carefully.

When I reached the easternmost room, the snoring sounded like it was right beside my ear.

As expected, the person who locked the door lived in the opposite room. The door of the room was half-closed, and it was dark inside, without any light.

This archive room is different from other rooms. A particularly large lock is hung on the door, and even the windows are nailed with iron strips.

This even aroused my curiosity. This building has been abandoned for ten years, but only this room is locked.

Without a doubt, there must be something hidden inside!

I tiptoed up, wanting to take a look through the window with the light of my mobile phone. Just as I looked up to look inside, "bang" came from the opposite room.

I was so scared that my whole body trembled, my hand shook, and my phone fell to the ground. I didn't even bother to pick it up, and quickly hid in the next room.

After a while, I heard the person in the room shout loudly, "Damn it, I was sleeping soundly, and it almost killed me to fall off the bed."

I finally breathed a sigh of relief. The loud noise just now turned out to be that the person had rolled over in his sleep and fallen off the bed.

But my phone still fell at his door. I was trying to figure out how to pick it up when I suddenly heard an harsh ringtone.

My heart tightened. It was just the right time for the phone call. I was doomed!

"Hello, yes, it's here. Okay, I'll deliver it to you now."

It turned out that the person's mobile phone rang. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and sighed in my heart:

I was really too nervous. I forgot that my ringtone was the most dazzling ethnic style.

Then, the person in the room opened the door, and a strong fishy smell came over.

I covered my mouth and nose, thinking that this person really resembled the murderers in the movies. I don't know what the fishy smell in his room is. Could it be the fragments of the brutally killed corpses?

This archive room is locked, and the windows are also nailed with iron strips. I didn't prepare today, so I definitely can't get in. Now that this strange person is just going out, it's a good opportunity for me to slip out.

Thinking of this, I picked up my phone and followed him from afar, hoping that this person would leave briefly and not have the habit of locking the door.

Thank God, the person opened the iron chain on the first floor and didn't lock it. I saw that he had been gone for a long time, and quickly slipped out of the staircase corner.

Just as I slipped out of the small second floor, the person suddenly stopped. I quickly hid behind a tree in the yard. This person probably remembered that the door was not locked, and looked back worriedly.

His turning back scared me almost to scream.

"Old Wu??!!!"

I returned to the dormitory, took a big gulp of half a bottle of Baijiu, and collapsed on the bed in a daze, with a confused mind.

Old Wu is the number two in the fleet, with real power in his hands. He doesn't lack money. Why does he live in this abandoned old building for ten years?

And he just lives in the opposite room of the archive room. Also, what is the fishy smell in his room?

When I thought of this, I felt really ironic. I have been in the team for more than a year, first discovered that my best buddy, Old Tang, was a dead old ghost who had been dead for ten years.

Now even my direct supervisor, Old Wu, is involved. The most terrifying thing is that whether he is a human or a ghost is not certain!

What's wrong with me? Everything happens to me. Will the colleagues and leaders of other people in this world be like me, all dressed up as ghosts?

I am really exhausted, but I have no choice but to resist to the end, because Master Liu Yunbo told me that if the matter is not resolved, I still have to drive this 13th Route last bus!

I touched the bracelet on my wrist, thinking that in half a month, I would go to see Master Liu Yunbo and ask him to find a way. Anyway, I also want to leave this company.

I really don't know. Liu Sheng and Fatty, who I often see in normal days, are either human or ghosts. I don't trust anyone now.

After dawn, I gathered my courage and went to Old Wu's office. Old Wu sat in the chair as usual, leisurely drinking tea and listening to the radio.

Old Wu didn't show any unusual expression when he saw me, which made me breathe a sigh of relief. I was sure that he didn't see me last night.

Old Wu turned off the radio when he saw me coming in, smiled and said:

"Why, Xiaoli, are you not at ease with your business? Don't worry, I have all the information ready. I'll go to the city to report the external driver in a while."

I shook my head and said, "It's okay, Brother Wu. I'll continue to drive for now. Let's talk about it later."

Old Wu looked puzzled and was about to speak when the doorman uncle knocked on the door and said to me,

"Xiaoli, there is a person outside the door looking for you, and he has been waiting for a long time."

I didn't want to talk more to Old Wu, so I took the opportunity to slip away directly.

On the way to the gate, I kept thinking about what happened last night, the dead cat, the stench, and the locked archive room.

When I came to the gate, I looked out indifferently, and suddenly became energetic.

The person who came to see me was actually the old lady who took my bus on the first night, the one who left the vegetable basket!