
Terror Trip: The Curse of the 13th Bus Last Trip

An otherwise laid-back bus driver, Li Yao, was assigned by the team leader to drive the rumored haunted 13th midnight last bus. Since then, various creepy and mysterious events have occurred one after another. It turned out that the previous three 13th bus drivers, along with the full bus of passengers, had all lost their lives, and he almost lost his life as if possessed by a ghost. Li Yao was scared to be out of his wits every day. Could there really be a ghost? To get rid of the curse in the rumors, he must find out the cause of the accidents that killed the previous three drivers, but the various inducements from those around him also made his trust crumble one by one.

rainy_ · Horror
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: The Last Bus No One Wants to Drive

I am in my early thirties and a bus driver in the company's fleet.

Perhaps many people think that it is a very unpromising thing to drive a bus at such a young age.

But I don't care. I didn't steal or rob. I support myself. Besides not having a girlfriend, I'm not bad at anything else.

I leave the station on time at 5 o'clock every morning and return to the starting station at 7 o'clock. I run back and forth in the afternoon, and basically get off work at 4:30.

I am satisfied with myself and enjoy my life every day.

Lao Wu is our team leader, from Hubei.

Usually, everything in the fleet has to be checked by him first. There is a saying that "the nine-headed bird in the sky, and the Hubei people on the ground"

He is such a crafty and profit-driven nine-headed bird.

This Sunday was my day off, and I had a nice dream.

In the dream, I actually fell in love with Fan Bingbing.

After having a meal and watching a movie, I just held hands, and suddenly heard that the whole world began to surround with the most dazzling ethnic style.

At first, I was wondering why the square dance started before the time?

Later, in Bingbing's confused eyes, I suddenly woke up.

I reached for the phone that was screaming on the table, pressed the answer button, and impatiently scolded:

"Are you crazy? Why are you calling at this time?"

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and Lao Wu's annoying Hubei accent slowly came:

"Xiao Li, this is Big Brother Wu. You're at home, right? Don't sleep anymore. Come to the company quickly and have an emergency meeting."

Although very reluctant, I still gave a soft "um" and hung up the phone.

When something happens at the company, even on vacation, I have to be present. This is the system.

After a simple wash and no breakfast, I hurried to the company. Lao Wu's office was already filled with colleagues.

I managed to squeeze into the room. When Lao Wu saw me coming, he nodded to me and said:

"Okay, it's okay. I'll say something. The city issued a notice last week to add a shift from here to the paper mill.

Today, let's discuss and decide on the driver for this shift."

"What? The paper mill? There are hardly any people there. Who will take the bus to go there?"

As soon as Lao Wu finished speaking, some masters in the crowd grumbled.

Lao Wu frowned and said after hearing this,

"Don't worry about whether there are people or not. If the city asks for an additional shift, you can go to the city leadership if you don't agree. Why grumble?"

Seeing that Lao Wu was angry, no one dared to answer. Lao Wu looked around and continued,

"This shift only runs one round trip a day and gets off work. The driver who takes this job will get an additional 500 yuan subsidy per month."

When these words were said, the crowd became lively again.

"One round trip a day, and 500 more than others. Then I'll do it."

"I'll do it too."

Seeing the commotion of the crowd, Lao Wu glanced sideways and smiled and said,

"You see, isn't it? I can always think of getting something good for you, right?

You think you can call me Big Brother Wu every day without getting anything in return?

After saying this, a few people who love to flatter began to applaud.

The clapping sounds came, and Lao Wu smiled even brighter.

Looking sideways with a squint, I always felt that Lao Wu's eyes were problematic. Sure enough, Lao Wu continued,

"This job and this money, I've said it, it's like this, ah, it's a good thing, but there is a small flaw, ah, it's a night shift."

"Oh my, a night shift? I said why only one round-trip and with extra money. What's the point of a night bus going to the paper mill? To pick up ghosts?"

"Yeah, I've heard that Tangwazi Village over there is not clean and often haunted."

"Look at what you're saying. Where are the ghosts? Are you afraid of the dark just because you're a grown-up?

There is a village over there. Some villagers have reported to the city that many of them go to the city to sell vegetables during the day and can't go back at night. To facilitate the villagers over there, the city has approved such a bus."

"Oh my, those villagers sell vegetables in the night market until past eleven o'clock. Then when will this bus depart?"

Wu snoped his lips and said with a smile, "It departs at eleven o'clock in the evening."

The paper mill is in a very remote area on the outskirts. If the bus departs from our main station at eleven o'clock in the evening, even if there is no traffic jam at night, it will take an hour to get there.

That is to say, when returning from the paper mill, it will already be past midnight.

Considering this, I gave up the idea of driving this bus and leaned against the door frame, yawned.

Seeing that no one responded, Wu cleared his throat awkwardly and said,

"Oh, you are drivers, and you still pick roads and shifts? "

Lao Li couldn't take it anymore.

"Wu, it's not that we don't want to drive this car. We all have wives and children at home. You know, it's already past two or three in the morning when we come back from the night shift. The children are asleep, and it will disturb the children's studies, right?"

"Yes, my family also has a child in the third grade of junior high school, and there is a middle school entrance examination."

"My family also has a child in the third grade of high school, and there is a college entrance examination."

"My child is in the third year of college, and there is a major examination."


In order not to drive this night shift, these people's children, no matter how old they are usually, are about to take the exam at this moment.

While I was secretly cursing these people for not having any taste, Wu seemed to spot me from the crowd and smiled meaningfully and said:

"Xiao Li, with your words, you are still a single dog, without children, right?"

All the veteran drivers in the room looked at me simultaneously, and I was momentarily speechless. Before I could speak, a palm was placed on my shoulder.

"Xiao Li, you are still young and it's the time to work hard and make money. Work hard."

I was about to speak when another palm patted my shoulder.

"Xiao Li, there are fewer people and less traffic jams on the night shift, it's not tiring, and there are also many young girls taking the bus at night, so take the opportunity."

Before I could refuse, these guys seemed to have already decided on me and quickly smiled and rushed out of the door.

In an instant, everyone was gone, leaving only Wu and me in the room.

Wu's face was lined with wrinkles, like a dry, shriveled cabbage. With a forced smile, he said to me:

"Xiao Li, things have come to this point, so don't refuse. Well, I'll apply for an additional 200 for you, that is, you will earn 700 more than others."

I thought it was quite ridiculous when I heard it, and was about to throw him a swear word, but Wu took the lead and grabbed my hand.

Put a car key in my hand and say,

"Don't worry about your day shift. I'll arrange it. From now on, drive the 2386 parked in the northwest corner. If you have anything, just let me know. Your big brother Wu will look out for you."

I was about to speak again when Wu waved his hand and trotted towards the door.

Half of his body was sticking out of the door when he turned back and said to me:

"Oh, Xiao Li, the notice from last week, your Big Brother Wu just remembered it last night. It's urgent, so you have to drive tonight. The departure time is exactly 11 o'clock, don't forget!"

From the beginning to the end of the appointment, I haven't said a word yet, and I was blindly changed shifts.

Looking at the car key in my hand, I couldn't help but laugh and cry, but thinking about it, I let it go.

I can earn an extra 700 this month and be able to smoke a good cigarette.

While having dinner in the cafeteria, Old Tang brought his tray and came up to me, whispering mysteriously, "Bro, I heard that Old Wu asked you to run the night shift of the paper mill?"

I took a bite of white rice and nodded.

"Oh, my god, are you stupid? The road to the paper mill is not something you can run around?"

I heard that there was something in Old Tang's words, turned to look at his serious face.

"Why? Tang Ge, isn't it just a night shift? It's okay. I have strong yang energy and I'm still a virgin, so I'm not afraid of anything."

Old Tang shook his head, looking helpless, and continued, "You've been in our company for a short time, and there are some things you don't know. Do you think those old men are really afraid of the dark and being noisy and waking up their children, so they don't take your shift at the paper mill?"

I felt something was wrong, put down my chopsticks and asked, "What else is there, Tang Ge?"

Old Tang chuckled and whispered, "This line of the paper mill has been here for ten years. Later, the driver who drove this late-night shift drove a carload of people into the reservoir. Isn't that strange?"

I smiled and said relievedly, "Tang Ge, in our driver industry, it's normal to have a dangerous accident. What's so strange about that?"

"Not strange?" Old Tang was anxious, put down his chopsticks, and walked to my ear and whispered, "Later, the second and third drivers also drove a carload of people into the reservoir. In half a year, three drivers, driving three cars of people, all disappeared."

The smile on my face froze in an instant, and I asked Old Tang, "Why have I never heard of such a big thing?"

Old Tang looked around, saw that no one noticed this side, and then continued, "Such a big thing, how could you hear of it? The city took the initiative to make compensation and blocked the news.

Isn't there a new mayor? Maybe he is a non-believer, so he opened the late-night bus of this line again."

After hearing Old Tang's words, I was instantly filled with anger.

This matter, Old Wu must know. He forced this job on me. This is f*cking me.

Old Tang saw that my face looked ugly and patted me, "Bro, our relationship is good, so I'll tell you this. Maybe it really is just an accident with a bad road condition. Since you took it, you have to be more careful."

I nodded, took out a new box of Furong Wang from my pocket and handed it to Old Tang.

"Thank you, Tang Ge. I've been in this company for a year, and you're the only friend I've made."

Old Tang pushed his hand away and said worriedly, "Bro, you're being polite. Anyway, if you have something to do, remember to look for me. I'll definitely help you."

I finally gave the cigarette to Old Tang. In this society, it's not bad to have a friend who is willing to tell the truth to you.

After dinner, I was so angry that I went to find Old Wu to settle accounts, but he was never there.

I stayed in the dormitory with a worried heart until half past ten. After struggling for a while, I finally got on the driver's seat of Bus 13, 2386.

Holding the familiar steering wheel, my palm was sweating constantly.

I gritted my teeth and thought, whatever, I'm not afraid. I'm still a virgin.

Thinking of this, I started the car and, as I passed by the guard room, I glanced inside inadvertently.

This glance scared me.

The old guard in the guard room was standing by the window, looking at me with wide eyes and a frightened expression!!