


Matthew and G smashed on the ground below them. "Matthew", was the first thing he heard before he heard a loud roar, it echoed all around him making his ear ring nonstop.

Looking up he saw it a man with a massive mutation going on his right arm. Matthew quickly grab his handgun and started to shoot him not aiming at all. All he had manage to do was anger G, who walked towards him with a pipe on his right hand. 'Oh god i'm so fucked', Matthew was having trouble getting up his vest had gotten stuck on the platform he had fallen from, he could only wiggle around a bit.

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he looked up their was Claire shooting at G from above, G turn towards her Roaring long and hard full of anger. Matt took this chance and quickly took a knife and cut the piece of cloth that was stuck on the platform and Quickly reached for his back and pulled the W-870 from his back.

Quickly loading it he took aim and BOOOM he hit G on his right arm close to a giant eye. G fell to his knees and started to roar feeling an intense amount of pain from the wound. Matthew took this chance to fire again but suddenly G jump up and he missed.

"FUCK where did he go?, Claire stay up their don't come down, try to help the little girl she might be hurt don't worry about me", Matthew finished a talking when he heard it G had drop right behind him quickly ducking down he heard the pipe passing by his head missing it my centimeters.

He quickly turn around facing G he fire a shot with out aiming hitting G in the chest only making it angry. Roaring at him he charged towards Matt. Looking At G rushing him he quickly moved away from G making space between both of them. But he was to late G had caught him grabbing him.

Matthew was then thrown towards a nearby wall, Matt felt some of his ribs breaking his sight was getting blurry. He pushed his body to the max to stand up but he was to slow G was hovering over him. Suddenly he felt it a massive amount of pain on his neck he look down and he saw it G had infected him. He was truly fucked now.

Soon before he could do anything G look at him he felt so powerless. He used all of his strength, and pulled his handgun out and started to shoot at the right arm making G release him and backing away in pure agony. Suddenly, Matt he felt his body was lighter and his strength returning to him, he quickly rushed towards his shotgun that he dropped and started to load it and started to move closer to G taking aim for his right arm the weak spot.


firing nonstop he made G move all the way to the edge of the platform, G was roaring like mad Matthew was in a lot of pain he fell to his knees barely seeing the sight of G falling of the platform. Then he heard Claire call to him "Matthew are you okay, wait right their ill be down soon enough". Not knowing where she was he look around but he could not get up he fell on his back and waited for her instead.

Both Claire and Sherry had seen the fight, both amazed by the actions taken by Matt. They both reached him and Claire started to check him for wounds but all she saw were a few large bruises on his body and some small cuts here and there. "Hey Claire did you get the license plate on that truck that just now ran me over", Matthew said trying to lighten the mood making Sherry laugh while Claire look at him clearly trying not to laugh at the stupid joke.

While lying down, trying to recover his breath they got to know Sherry she told them that she was looking for her mom "don't worry Sherry we will help you find your mom i promise you". After a few minutes of lying down Matt had recover he knew it was the G-virus making him stronger if he did not get the antidote he would most likely start to mutate.

They quickly when on their way reaching a set of ladders that lead to a parking lot where they had met Chief Irons, he started to talk he suddenly pulled a gun and said " come here sherry your mother is looking for you". He took Sherry at gun point from both Matt and Claire all they could do was wait for him to leave.

After he was gone Matt started to head towards the door that the Chief had come out "come Claire we can see what he was doing it might show us where hes taking Sherry, don't worry we will get her back i promise you".

so guys what do you think was it a good fight.

well leave a comment or not bye


by the way i suck at tittles that why i have been doing ?????

just letting you guys know bye

Starlaisedcreators' thoughts