
Terror Infinity: Monster

"Want to know the meaning of life? Want to live… a real life?" It all started with this unassuming message. Most people would ignore it, clicking ‘No’ by instinct more than careful consideration. But for those unfortunate enough to click on ‘Yes’, a whole new world unfolds before them. Several, if they are talented. All so they may experience… Terror Infinity.

SlyOW · Anime und Comics
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139 Chs


To read up to 15 chapters ahead: https://www.patréon.com/SlyOW


This conversation with Chris had made it clear enough that Chris wouldn't be of any help for my training, and that Thomas was mentally incapable of even entertaining the thought of joining us in our missions.

I did manage to find a way to get things going my way. Chris clearly did not need the entire day to train his aim, it was more to keep the form more than anything anyway. Hence, when I wanted to train, I would borrow his gun, and train with Thomas.

The poor man, despite being hardwired to not go into missions, still felt the terrible bore of this place, whether he says it or not, and me asking for his help with my training was godsend to him. He didn't have Chris' aversion to shooting a teammate either, making him the perfect training partner.

And so I quickly switched my training from dodging relatively harmless stunning spells to dodging shotgun slugs that could tear holes through my body.

After two days of training, I had not managed to enter the unlocked mode a single time with Jonathan.

With Thomas? It took a single shot.

I started from slightly further away, 50 meters, and as I started running, Thomas' reaction was almost instantaneous as he fired.

I might have been 50 meters away, the bullet traveled at around 465 meters per second. In other words, it would take the bullet barely a tenth of a second to reach me.

108 ms, to be precise. Something that was impossible to react to for a normal human. But I wasn't a normal human.

Although it couldn't really be called bullet time as I didn't see the bullet travel in slow motion, I did manage to catch a glimpse of it. And it was heading for my chest, where it would be hardest to dodge.

According to both Chris and Thomas, only newbies and snipers aimed for the head. When faced with a moving target, a really experienced shooter will go for the chest. There are plenty of vital organs in there, and it is the easiest target to hit.

And as the target left the shotgun, I felt a sense of danger, and my brain was immediately triggered, sending me into the unlocked mode.

My instincts directly drastically heightened, I felt a faint sense of pressure in my chest. I understood that if I didn't move, that's where the bullet would hit. By the look of things, my left lung would be partially destroyed.

Not something I wanted to experience.

I instinctively knew I wouldn't be able to dodge it, I was quite slower than a bullet after all. Moreover, I was mid-sprint.

My body moving almost by itself, I leaned forward, a little to the right, and brought both of my arms up to my left shoulder, where the bullet would hit.

In the next instant, I felt a strong force connect with my arms, the kinetic force hitting first like a bitch. However, before the bullet could start penetrating, I started rolling my body, using the force of the bullet to twist my body.

I couldn't move faster than a bullet, but I could use some of its energy to my advantage.

Finally, the bullet slid past my hands, flying off behind me as I had effectively dodged it. My arms felt numb, and I was mid roll, but I had dodged it.

Completing my roll, I landed on my feet, jumping forward as I started running once again.

Another bullet came at me, but this one wasn't as precise, and was aimed at my left chest. All I had to do was to lean to the side to dodge it.

Thomas only had had the time to fire twice before I arrived within ten meters. Now, however, he could still fire one last time, and looking down the barrel of the shotgun, I felt a sense of immense danger.

I tried swerving my body to the sides, but the barrel followed me.

Thomas fired, and I knew I was missing something.

I was too close and didn't have enough time to replicate what I did earlier, so I did the best thing I could think of, and brought both of my arms forward, shielding my chest as best as I could.

The bullet hit my armored arms, and this time in full force.

Despite my Muscle Density, I was flung off my feet as I flew a meter back, my back slamming into the ground first.

It took me a second to catch my breath, but as I did I looked down, and was surprised to find my gauntlets to be fine.

They didn't even have a scratch.

It seemed the item I had earned within Skyrim was better than I originally thought.

But while my gauntlet was fine, my body not so much.

"You alright?!"

Groaning as I sat up, I said, "Yeah, no holes that shouldn't be there to be seen."

Getting up to my feet, I shook my arms, trying to get rid of the numbness, which was quickly replaced with pain. I probably had bruises. However, better that than holes through them.

Much of the force behind the bullet was used for penetration, rather than impact, which gave it its anti-armor properties. But since these bullets weren't good enough to damage my gauntlets, it was actually safer for me to work with these slug shells than any other kind of ammo.

Of course, they still packed quite the punch, but I should be fine as long as they only hit my gauntlets.

And so, my training went from dodging stunning spells to dodging shotgun shells. It's actually quite crazy, now that I think about it.

Spending the rest of the time we had in God's Dimension training, the monotony of it was pretty much broken by the amount of pain I felt, although it did lower with every use.

My team also made good progress, familiarizing with their powers, and learning to work together. I did not really take part in these however, as even all of them combined couldn't take me on. We had tried.

[Enter the beam within thirty seconds. Target locked!]

God's dignified voice signaled the end of our break as twenty beams of light rose up around the mysterious ball of light.

Reaching it first, I looked at the rest of my team as they entered the beams too. On the side, four people waited. Yes, four.

Thomas and Shizuka, the first two Human Creations the team had gotten. As well as another two, a man and a woman.

Both miserable fuck toys.

I hadn't bothered their names, because why would I? All they did was represent the weakness of my team.

Both created to be the 'perfect' vision of the other gender by their creators, those were nothing more than constructs, built to be unable to do anything but love their creators, and be talkative sex toys.

Sarah's boy toy particularly annoyed me, for some reason. He was Asian, probably Korean, and screamed fuck-boy, or K-Pop, with his ridiculous cross-shaped earrings and constant look of aloofness on his face.

As for Erik's… she looked like she was made to be fucked, which happened to be the case.

Even more annoying, was that they had slowed down in their training with the creation of their Human Creations.

God it fucking annoys me. And here I thought I had a thing going on with Sarah…

Closing my eyes, I emptied my mind as I ignored my surroundings. It wouldn't have worked anyway, us being in the same team would have made things awkward. And I was probably just feeling attraction because of the constant near-death situations.

If I really need to let off steam, I still have my human creation available.

It was deep in my thoughts that I passed the last few seconds, completely ignoring the voices of my team and their flawed creations.

[Starting transportation to Naruto.]

Special thanks to Madlad

SlyOWcreators' thoughts