
Terranum Imperium

Cosmic Marines aka genetically augmented and cybernetically augmented soldiers born and bred for war check, world-destroyer spaceships a triangle shaped beasts of war check, an MC who doesn't give a f*ck and isn't a dance protag who goes the entire book without f*cking a single chick check, If youre a fan of kingdom building and Interstellar warfare and conquest then this book Is for you, current goal of two chaps daily so leave youre comments, reviews, and power stones I WANT THEM ALL MUAHAHAHA, alright enough with the bulls*it, Im off to write more chaps for you guys and gals.

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99 Chs

C35 Im In Need Of A Bit Of Exercise And Excitment

In the comfortable seclusion of my room, I sat back in my comfortable chair, savoring a cup of exceptionally strong coffee.

The aroma was rich and intense, a perfect companion to the task at hand. The room, filled with state-of-the-art equipment and spartan-like furnishings, reflected my status and utilitarian taste perfectly.

Wolf, my ever-reliable second-in-command, appeared on the communication screen, delivering his report with his usual efficiency. His demeanor was serious, his eyes focused.

"Imperator, we have a significant development,"

Wolf began, his voice steady.

"Hans has successfully extracted the location of the Humanity First leader after a thorough interrogation of several high-ranking members."

I listened intently, swirling the potent coffee in my cup. The liquid was so dense and potent that it could easily stop the heart of an ordinary human. But to me, it was merely an enjoyable beverage, a testament to my heavily augmented constitution.

"Wolf, what are our options for apprehending this leader?"

I inquired, setting the cup with the "best Imperator ever" letters printed out which was a gift from Wolf and my men down with a soft clink on the desk.

"We have two primary options,"

Wolf explained.

"An aerial strike to eliminate the target, or we deploy the Death Squad for a capture operation. The latter option allows for further interrogation and possibly extracting more intelligence."

I leaned back in the chair, considering the options. The thrill of direct action was tempting, especially given my current state of boredom.

"Prepare the Death Squad,"

I finally decided, a smirk playing on my lips.

"And inform them that I'll be joining. I need a bit of... exercise and excitement."

Wolf raised an eyebrow slightly, a hint of surprise in his otherwise composed expression.

"Understood, Imperator. I'll make the necessary arrangements. The Death Squad will be honored to have you lead them once again. Should I also prepare your personal gear for the operation?"

"Yes, do that. And ensure the squad is fully equipped with the latest armaments. I don't want any slip-ups,"

I replied, finishing my coffee in one final, satisfying gulp.

Wolf nodded, his image crisp on the screen.

"Will do, Imperator. I'll also coordinate with TAI for real-time surveillance to ensure we have the tactical advantage."

"Good. Keep me updated on the departure time. I want to strike swiftly before they have a chance to relocate their leader,"

I said, standing up from the chair, feeling a rush of anticipation.

"As you command, Imperator. I'll see to it that everything is ready for your departure,"

Wolf responded, his tone reflecting his unwavering commitment to the mission.

The communication ended, and I stood up, stretching my muscles. The prospect of action, of being on the ground once again, was invigorating. It was a welcome break from the strategic planning and political maneuvering that now often filled my days.

I walked over to the vast window of my room, gazing out into the vastness of space. The stars twinkled coldly in the distance, a reminder of the infinite possibilities and dangers lurking in the cosmos.

This mission was more than just a diversion; it was a statement. It would demonstrate the Imperium's resolve and my personal commitment to dealing with threats, no matter how small or hidden they might be.

As I turned away from the window, ready to prepare for the mission, I felt a familiar sense of purpose and excitement coursing through me. The hunt was on, and I was the predator at the forefront. This would be a night to remember.


In the dimly lit bar of the TIS Einherjar, Alex, a seasoned NCO, sat at the counter, his posture relaxed yet alert.

The soft clink of glasses being cleaned by the soldier in a black space uniform on bar duty echoed in the background.

Alex lifted his glass of vodka, downing it in one smooth motion, the high percentage alcohol clear liquid barely tickling his throat.

As he set down the empty glass, his holographic phone chimed with an incoming message.

Pulling it out from the pocket of his black service uniform, he saw Wolf's name on the screen, his expression shifted to one of focused attention as he listened to the briefing.

"The Imperator will be joining your squad for this mission. Head to the armory immediately and gear up. This is a high-priority capture operation,"

Wolf's voice came through the device, crisp and clear as all the additional Info regarding the mission appeared In the air.

Alex's eyes lit up with excitement, a grin spreading across his face.

"You heard the man,"

He barked to his squad, who were lounging around the bar in their standard-issue black space uniforms.

The men, instantly alert at Alex's command, sprang to their feet. Their movements were a well-coordinated symphony of trained soldiers responding to the call of duty.

In unison, they headed towards the armory, their boots thudding against the metal floor of the spaceship.

The corridors of Einherjar hummed with the energy of a warship readying for action.

As they reached the armory, the large doors slid open, revealing rows of high-tech power armor and an array of lethal weaponry with the technicians and engineers already waiting.

The air was charged with a sense of anticipation and readiness.

"Suit up, boys. We've got a high-value target to nab, and we're doing it with the Imperator himself. Let's show him that our name isn't just for show"

Alex commanded, his voice imbued with a mix of pride and determination.

The squad members quickly stripped naked revealing their scarred muscular bodies with black neural Interfaces embedded In their skin all over their bodies.

Alex approached his power armor rack, his movements practiced and fluid.

He began by donning the base layer of the suit, a skin-tight, nanocomposite bodysuit that looked like muscles without skin.

The moment he did robotic arms extended from the rack, sealed his suit shut, and began attaching a mechanical exoskeleton, the exoskeleton cables seamlessly connected to his neural Interfaces.

Next, where the more substantial components. The chest and back plate, a robust piece of armor with a built-in life-support system and fusion core, was the first to be equipped.

Automated arms from the rack brought the pieces forward and expertly secured them onto the base layer with a series of clicks and locks.

Following the chest and back plate, the leg armor was next. Each piece was carefully aligned and attached, encasing Alex's legs in a layer of near-impenetrable protection.

The armor was designed for agility and strength, allowing for extraordinary mobility despite its heavy-duty nature.

The arm pieces, including gauntlets and shoulders, were then attached, Alex flexed his fingers, testing the suit's responsiveness.

The interface between the base layer and armor allowed for seamless control as if the suit were an extension of his own body.

Finally, the helmet, a high-tech piece with an advanced HUD (Heads-Up Display), communication system, and sensory equipment, completed the ensemble.

As Alex lowered the helmet onto his head, the suit's systems came fully online. The HUD lit up before his eyes, displaying vital information and mission data.

Each member of the squad followed a similar procedure, expertly donning their armor with practiced ease.

While the technicians and engineers with their holographic tablets In their hands ran systems checks.

The process was a blend of Terran skill and technological assistance, ensuring each suit was perfectly fitted and fully operational.

"Remember, we move as one, we fight as one. No room for mistakes on this one,"

Alex reminded the death squad as he picked up his smart assault rifle from his weapons rack while the rest of the squad did the same while their power armor AIs ran their own systems checks.

The atmosphere in the armory was electric, a blend of tension and eagerness permeating the air with the sound of power armors fusion cores humming softly as they powered up the armors deflectors.

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