

Hi. I was writing and didn't know what I thought of this chapter. Tell me what you think in the comment and please I would really love if you vote and comment.

Lots of love ...


"How? Why? When?!?!" I exclaimed

"I'll tell you but for now..." Luna tried to reason with me as she holds her hands out in front of her to calm me.

Luna was caught short by a bang, the noise had come from my room door. Well what was my room door, as it was hanging from it's hinges.

A she-wolf had practically forced herself in the room as I remember Luna bolting the door, she is a chubby looking woman, red hair and eyes, dressed in a sundress, as far as I remember she had always possessed that scowl on her face that couldn't get any worse, it really made her unapproachable with her red eyes and red pixie cut hair.

"The alpha demands to see Libitina.", She altered rudely as she eyed my freshly cut hair.

"Tell him...", Luna altered

She didn't even give Luna a chance to finish her sentence, she interjected immediately.

"He demands to see her now."

Luna seemed to weigh her choices she had in the matter, her eyes moving from the lady to myself.

"She'll be there.", Luna answers as she brushes my hair although I could see the look of suspicion on the she-wolf's face before she left.

"I thought the alpha was coming tomorrow?" I directed the question to Luna.

"He was but looks like he has other plans. Let's go.", Luna said as she exited the room.


We reach the dinning to see the alpha making merry with his subjects, the wolves really went all out with the decorations, it was a full moon and the stars were up, large tables were arranged outside. The food was already arranged on them with candle lights illuminating upon the already greasy meals just made the food more appetizing.

I turned to look at Luna to see if she shares the same expression as I, although her expression was nothing I was expecting, she had this look of confusion and disbelief. She all of a sudden started walking, leaving me behind, like she was been pulled by an unknown force and of course I followed her.

She moved in Radom motion covering the grounds as she sniffed, she seemed to engrossed in whatever scent caught her attention as she didn't noticed the giant in front of her.

"Luna!!", I called out to her, it was to late though, she had already bumped into the back of the giant.

I winced, I knew Luna was done for, this giant of a man could easily press Luna into pancake with his thumb, he was well built. He wore a black T-shirt with combat shorts and boots to go with it. He had red hair and eyes that on further inspection seemed to have grey glossed over his pupil.

Was he blind?

"I really hope, you aren't who I think you are." Luna seemed to say this in fear. For one, the man in front of us was unknown to us, I had never seen him in Sud, so he could either be the alpha or probably one of his men but why would the alpha stand alone.

Now that I take in my surrounding, there was no face that seemed out of place. The only face that didn't belong here was this man.

"And you are?" The he-wolf sneered.

By the looks of it, he was everything but delighted to see Luna, if the folds forming on his forehead weren't proof enough, then I don't know what is. Luna did nothing to him.

Luna frowned at him probably as puzzled as I am, that the man was unhappy to see her although this was their first meeting.

"Impossible. You are.....", Luna's mouth wobbled a little as she spoke almost like she'd seen a ghost.

The man raised his palm, interrupting Luna and surprisingly Luna kept shut.

"Who are you?", The man asked Luna as he approached her, encroaching her space in an act of intimidation.

Luna stood still, her eyes darting from one feature of his face to another seeming to put more attention on his eyes.

"Luna." She replied as she stood upright.

The man retreated in his act of intimidation, his face displaying a series of emotions.

"Where's the girl?", He asked nonchalantly.

Luna pointed at me, her tongue seemed to fail her.

The man kept silent for a while, his eyes didn't follow the direction in which Luna had pointed. The man failed to approach me.

He looked up to the sky as he took a deep breath.

"Lead me to her for as you can see. My sight fails me.", He gritted.

Luna turned to me. She nodded and I took that as my call.

I approached Luna and the man. Luna held unto my hand as she placed me in front of her. In between her and the unknown man.

The man's nostrils flared as her took a deep breath of air.

"Do you make fun of me? I heard footsteps but I can't trace a scent.", He raised a brow.

"She is in front of you alpha.", Luna replied not wanting to address the issue of my absence of scent.

Only then did I realize that this man is the alpha. Luna must have addressed him for my sake, she had altered the word 'alpha' as though it were poison.

I haven't had any experience with royals. I didn't know how to react.

I rocked my feet a couple of times, looking to my left to ask Luna for some help, but she was to busy staring disturbingly at the alpha.

The alpha raised his hand towards my face as he traced his finger over my face. His hands gliding over my forehead, proceeding to my cheeks. When I noticed he was also proceeding to lips, I retreated, taking a step back, I noticed his smile fall. He couldn't complete his ministrations.

The alpha scoffed. "Stupid girl. Didn't anyone teach her how to behave around royals?"

Referring the question to Luna, all the while with his eyes diverting from one point to another, when he got no answer, he took hold of my jaw, squeezing hard with a smile on his face. I had to give it to the man, although he was blind, it didn't slow him down in the slightest.

"Leave her alone." Luna growled holding the alpha's arm, pulling the alpha's attention from me to her.

That didn't help much as the alpha just applied more force. I winced in pain as he made sure to release his claws drawing blood. I'm sure everyone noticed what was taking place but diverted their attention to more pressing maters like chatting with their friends.

Luna and the alpha spend a good 15 minutes staring at each other, with Luna trying to capture the alpha's eye focus, I would have delivered a good laugh had it been my jaw wasn't on the verge of being crushed.

"Nice to meet you to, Luna." He answered not removing his eyes from me, at last he had let go of my jaw

I winced at the release, taking hold of my face in an attempt to ease the pain in my jaw. I still felt his hands on my face. I would have glared at him if I wasn't scared of the fact that he could easily pluck my eyes out if he wanted to.

"I'm not going to hurt her.", The alpha had said. I internally scoffed and rolled my eyes as the alpha continued. "I'm taking her to the central with me. The year is ending soon and we know, she needs to find her mate."

I took that as my que to take refuge behind Luna, after he had taken a hold of my jaw in such a way, I would never go anywhere with him. I took a fistful of her all white sundress, holding her waist for good measures. I'm sure I resembled a scared child by now.

Luna glared at the alpha. Releasing herself from my grip, I wanted to scream, 'don't leave me' but still had to hold unto to whatever dignity I had left.

I was at last able to hold the eyes of the alpha, it was as if he could feel my eyes on him as he gave me an overexagerated and practiced-way-to-many-times smile, I gave him a small scared smile of my own even though I knew he couldn't see it.

Luna poked the alpha's chest.

"You are just as bad as your father."

And she left, leaving me behind. I did the only thing a smart person would do. Run for their lives.


"Luna!!!" I scream as I peek into the living room looking for Luna.

I've been looking for Luna everywhere and I couldn't find her, although that didn't come as a surprise to me as she naturally is a very difficult person to find, I decided to wait in her room like I always do. I always like the sense of peace her room gave, I always thought it was as a result of the all white walls or  just the lack of any furniture in the room.

I did get to her room, the peace I normally felt when entering her room was replaced with fear.

And what I saw...What I saw shocked me though. Luna had grey highlights surrounding her figure, making it seem as though she were glowing. I remember seeing her glow like that way back but didn't think anything of it, I know now it wasn't a trick of the moon. Now with the fallen blinds in the dark room, she's the only object standing out.

"Luna!! Are you okay!?!?" I exclaimed running towards Luna.

"We don't have time." She sounded different, like she had two different sets of voices just colliding but still managed to sound melodious.


"The alpha wants you dead. You're not safe. He lied, he isn't taking you to the central, it's was just to let our guard down but no. We wouldn't fall for such."


As Luna and Libitina left, the smile on the alpha's face disappeared. He couldn't see the cub as his eyes deemed themselves useless but he knew according to his calculations that she wasn't 18 yet, well not until the clock strikes 12 that is, so she was still a cub in his eyes. The cub didn't give the slightest aura of what strength she possessed but that Luna, her aura was strong.

The lack of submission on the cub's part didn't sit well with the alpha either. She wasn't intimidated by him in the least. He only wished he tore her jaw of her face just like he fantasized.

He couldn't understand if, he also had a failing sense of smell or that the cursed cub had no scent on her at all.

But that didn't matter, he wished he realized he was being told a half-truth when he was told she brought death wherever she occupied, that was the only reason he brought her over to Sud, if she was bringing death, she would bring it upon people who weren't adding any importance to Terra Divera.

The alpha grunted as he kicked at the sand.

You could imagine his surprise when he found out she would be his demise as wellde. His own son had told him a half lie.

He left the environment for his room, he couldn't endure the joyful aura that the people of Sud evolved, it was almost suffocating. For the first time in his life he was happy over his lack of sight, only the moon goddess knows what he would have done if he could actually see the cub. His second in command, his beta, Ian was not far behind.

He didn't usually acquire escorts in the central but Sud was a new environment which he wasn't used to. To avoid making a fool of himself by maybe falling flat on his face, he acquired them to lead him in his path.

"I heard from some wolves that you would be bringing a wolf along with us on our journey to the central. Should I make preparations, Damon?" Ian asked.

He was faithful to his alpha in all ways and was even on first name basis with him but that didn't stop his alpha from delivering him a slap that left behind a ringing sounds at the back of his head.

Ian didn't make a single move, just like a statue, he stood still unaffected, probably because he was already used to such treatment.

Another reason to hate this land of Sud, the people just didn't know how to mind their business, the alpha thought

"Prepare nothing for that wolf as she wouldn't come with us." The alpha replied.

"But why?" Ian asked already used to the mood swings of his alpha.

"What's the time?", The alpha asked

Ian wondered what this conversation had to do with the time but he checked anyway.

"A little past 11, Damon."

"Because she'll be killed immediately the clock strikes 12."

It's not easy, I feel free just writing this chapter, what's going to happen next?

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