
5_Scholar's revision

Chapter 5: Outdated Truth

"You do realize I'm not going to where those humans live, don't you?" Blood Claw's voice has softened from his previous excited tone. It is primarily a problem of my race.

"Fully, or are you disgusted with my company?" After all, I made you do all of the heavy lifting. To you, I must carry the weight of death just to give you a chance to avoid execution." These harsh words are difficult to say, but I believe they are true to berate myself of my power. True, his prince may shield me from rumors about my upbringing, but can he shield himself from the entirety of hell? I don't want anyone to suffer in vain just so that I can be happy.

"No…Mikhail. "Do you really need to complicate things any further?" Blood Claw sighs. His goal is obviously to sway me to the side of his homeland. This type of division is clearly a watered-down version of the demon's previous lifestyle. I can at least deflect the blame by first learning more about his current situation and then making a decision.

"But aren't you the one who initiates the suggestive gesture?" I refer back to his previous question. He must have thought it to make such distrain expression to accumulate the same gesture of protection to be the opposite of disgust.

"I was thinking about how you felt. When you consider your previous environment, where I come must be somewhere difficult just to survive." He describes how harsh life is in his homeland. I expected nothing less from the knowledge I was gaining from library books. Barren wastelands and vast hostile enemies lurking at all hours of the day and night to deform you Because the sovereign is still new and irresponsible, the law was followed loosely. So, as I suspected, the land is basically swallowing itself. When he finishes his made-up story, a coup is expected, and my presence is required.

"I was already aware of your obligation when we were discussing my spell," I say. Some of his nonsense has become so far-fetched that plotholes still appear in his made-up story, despite my lack of real-world experience.

"Would you mind telling me what you've learned about me, Mikhail?" Blood Claw scoffs, he must be thinking something based on his story that has been foretold, something as general as some. True, angel societies mimic those of humans, but it would be foolish to assume that demons would do the same.

"You have a connection capable of serving a prince in hell." You must have been his royal retainer and a "demon earl." I point out and explain that many book records from before the structure of demon kinds. Royalty is simply bloodline magic that is passed down only to those related to descendants. Whether he is one or rose from the depths of hell, both are reliable feats to count as a partner with some level of magic.

"…" His silence validates at least one of my many accusations.

"Did my deduction prove correct, Blood Claw?" Isn't that your real name?" I ask. "Quaestio," I silently cast, concerned that he might tone down or make up an elaborate story to distract me from knowing the truth. His words from the beginning of this conversation are baloney; perhaps he did not trust me or that prince of his order.

"No, I'm just perplexed as to how you imagine hell to be." Blood Claw laughs as he casts a spell on the space between us to take a handkerchief. "Yes, I am the prince's so-called "retainers," he explains, "but that is because most of his support has fled to a nearby kingdom," he explains, as the kingdom is currently on the verge of being overtaken by another nearby kingdom.

[ Veritas ]

"I must admit that I am close to being a duke, but his majesty always bothers me on doing the task, so I can't complete the way to get that kind of title." Blood Claw describes the prince as a slacker who is always going out of his way to have fun while ignoring his parents' kingdom civil disputes, forcing him and others to do the prince's duty. Blood Claw observes how many of the subordinates are both dissatisfied and admiring of his ruling at the same time; does he have a pheromone similar to mine?

[ Veritas ]

He also says the prince to be a generous person and a good one to amplify this nonsense of a story. "While he continued giving me headaches every time he went out a few days, he is still my prince that has helped me while no one did. Oh and for your information, he is an almost "king", power is far from what consider a "duke" but he is too carefree to focus on getting the "king" title may it be another century or two."

[ Veritas ]

"As for my name, being a human and all, I do have a name for my former self." But I rarely use it because it's considered unfit for a demon to continue using their mortal names. Because of how frequently he uses my mortal name, the prince must still decide whether to give me a demon. But I don't want you to follow in his footsteps."

[ Veritas ]

"In terms of hell's power structure, there are, as you mentioned, "earl," "marquises" "duke," and "king." However, there was something of a record of another higher up that only the royal may be aware of because only those who are pure of demon manage to obtain that, as his majesty has stated to me."

[ Veritas ]

"What about your human that you're so eager to discard?" Was it a taboo subject for some?" I ask. He must have done something terrible to deserve such power.

" It is simply a common practice in hell to remove their name as a reminder of the grief they have caused in their life." I simply follow that type of tradition. Don't give it much thought, Mikhail." While looking away from me, Blood Claw says.

[ Falsetto ]

"Isn't there something more to it?" I confront him about the lie he told, regardless of how painful or sensitive the subject is. I'm sick of all the lies at this point, so I need to press on the matter at hand.

"So you've figured it out. I truly believe you are the older person in our conversation." "I don't want to remember my mortal life, and my human name is a bad omen wherever I step." When I was human, as a mercenary, I killed many people, even when they begged for mercy."

[ Veritas ]

" Oh, and as for the name Blood Claw, it wasn't given to me by his majesty, but by those who rumored me to be. I was previously transformed into a demon in another land and served a different lord. Because His Majesty was thought to be my last master due to a prophecy, the fact that you have saved me makes you the owner of my life. A servant, however, can never serve two masters with opposing ideals, so may I ask you to assist his majesty as well?"

[ Veritas ]

" My answer as always, you and I are partners. Following you in what certainly, even if our contract expired." I end this long conversation with a confirmation, to follow him is what is best for my path to tread on.

The end.