
Tensura: The Time I Got Reincarnated as an Elf

Once upon a time, there was a teenage girl named Sarah who was a big fan of Genshin Impact, a popular video game. She loved playing as Klee, a cute and powerful pyromancer who could blow things up with her bombs. However, one day she received a mysterious survey in which she answers but end up reincarnating her into another world as the character she used to play as.

Good_Doggo2001 · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

The Lesser Demon

[Klee POV]

It appears that things are getting more intense as time goes on. Which means I have to push myself to my upmost limits when facing against a formidable opponent.

That said opponent was an actual demon that the practitioner summoned in front of me. And here I thought the [Hound Dog] and [Dark Goblin] weren't intimidating enough, but I was wrong.

I mean seriously, the damn monster has a face of a goat and body of a tall skinny man. Not to mention, it has a pair of bat-like wings on its back, which is absolutely terrifying.

"So, what do you think, brat? Do you still want to continue or surrender from here"

The shaggy-haired practitioner asked me, giving two choices on what to do. However, if I were to choose from these choices, there's only one I would pick in order to ensure my goal.

"Mister, I want to-"

"You need to stop this, Klee. That is an order"

Before I could tell the practitioner about my decision to continue, I heard the voice of the guild master stopping me from doing so. I look at the direction where he was standing and saw him glaring at my direction.

"Is there something wrong, mister Fuze?"

"Something wrong? Of course, there is. You're facing against a dangerous enemy and you still want to continue. Don't kid yourself, Klee."


The guild master reprimanded me cruelly, calling me a fool for trying to continue a dangerous test. From the sound of his words, I knew he was right but I couldn't help myself to deny it.

"He's right, Klee. You don't have to do this test"

"Yeah, we already know you're strong, so just don't need to show off!"

"Please don't risk your life, Klee! We're begging you!"

Right after the guild master finished talking, Kaval, Gido and Eren all begged to me, telling me to stop while giving me looks of concern and worries.


And finally, there's Shizu who was silently looking at my direction. Even though she was saying nothing, I can feel she was anxious underneath that strange mask of hers.

However, despite hearing all of their collective cries, I will not back down from this fight. Hopefully all of them forgive me for doing this.

"I'm sorry, everyone. But I'm still going to take this test"

Upon telling them my final decision, they were all shocked to hear my response. All except for the guild master who got really angry. He intensifies his glare and then he begins to speak.

"You idiot! Do you want to die or something!? Why do you insist in continuing this!?"

The guild master angrily shouted at me, questioning me for the reason why I kept insisting on continuing the test. Upon hearing his inquiries, there is only one answer I have to say to him.

"Because I want to prove myself, mister Fuze"

"To prove what exactly!?"

"That I'm strong enough to be an adventurer"

"Listen, Klee. I know you're a strong child, we all do. But this is highly unnecessary"

"No, mister Fuze. This is definitely necessary"


The guild master fell silent upon hearing my resolve to continue. He could help himself to click his tongue in frustration.

'I'm truly sorry, mister Fuze'


After dealing with the guild master's argument, I return my attention to the practitioner and continue telling him my decision.

"Mister Jiggis, I want to take the test"

"I admire your bravery, brat. But I wish you should have listened to them"

"I know, but I'm already resolved to fight"

"Oh well, if that's your decision, then I won't stop you"

As the practitioner approved of my words, he raised his left hand in preparation to command his demon. So, I quickly used my [Bomb Creation] skill to prepare a bomb for the battle.

"Now, begin!!"

Upon hearing the signal, the practitioner ordered his demon to attack me. The creature followed its master's command and begins charging towards while clenching its fist.

Then the demon then proceeds to throw a punch at my direction, so prepare myself to dodge out of the way.


I successfully dodge to the side and avoided the demon's attack. Then I clenched the bomb on my hand and hurled it at the monster.

"Take this, goat head!"

As the bomb flew towards demon's direction, I expected it to make contact and explode. However, I was wrong, the bomb phase through the demon's body as if it was a ghost.

"Wait, what"

I was surprised when the bomb didn't touch the demon and watched it exploding behind the creature. The demon appears to be unfazed by my attack, which is frustrating.

'Dammit, I guess my bomb is ineffective against it. What now?'

I thought to myself as I ponder for a new way to beat the demon. But then I realized that I have another skill in my arsenal, which is the [Pyro Magic] skill.

'Ah, right. I forgot I can create fire'

After figuring out my other skill, I stretch out my arm and aim at the demon. Then I used the [Pyro magic] skill to shoot a ball of fire from the palm of my hand


The fireball flew towards the demon and I successfully hit it on the face. Unfortunately, despite that attack, the demon doesn't even flinch and it remain standing like nothing has happened.

'Urgh, what the hell is this demon made off, freaking metal!?'

Frustrated by the fact my attacks were still ineffective, I fired more fireballs to see if I can still able to damage it.


In spite of all the fireballs I shot from my hand, the demon remains unscathed from all of my attacks, which is totally disappointing.

"Hey Klee, look out!"

While I was busy attacking the demon's face, I heard someone warning me about something. But before I could react, a hand suddenly grabbed me and picked me up from the ground.

"Urgh! What the hell?!"

I soon realized it was the demon who was restraining me and tried my best to break free but to no avail, the demon then tighten its grip on me and I can feel my bones beginning to break

'Dammit, I should have listened to them. I'm such an idiot'

I quickly closed my eyes, praying for someone to save me. However, while I was in the midst of danger, a sudden burning sensation can be felt in my chest and then a voice spoke in my head.

<Confirmed, unique skill [Sparkling Splash] successfully acquired>



[Third POV]

While Klee was being restrained by Lesser Demon, everyone who was watching the battle were absolutely shocked on what is happening, especially to those who cares about her.

They were quite terrified of seeing the elf girl in the grasp of the demon, fearing she will soon if this horrible situation continues.

"Jiggis! Command your demon to stop this instance!" the guild master yells, commanding the shaggy-haired practitioner to command his monster.


However, despite his order, the man seems to be unresponsive and he kept staring at the battlefield, mesmerized by something.

"Hey! Are you listening?! I told you to stop your demon!"

"Fuze, how you ever heard about the [Wicked Crimson Witch] before?"

After the guild master once again yelled at the shaggy-haired practitioner, he was asked regarding a certain person, which confuses Fuze.

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Look over there...."

The shaggy-haired practitioner then pointed his finger at a certain direction and Fuze looks at where he was pointing. Then Fuze's eyes widen when he saw something hovering above Klee.

It is a clover-shaped magic circle and it is currently pointing directly at the demon.

"Sparkling splash...."

Klee whispers in a very serious tone, her eyes were glowing red, and her arm was raised in the air. The elf girl then she swipes her arm downwards, causing the clover-shaped magic circle to glow brightly and then....


A beam of light was shot out of the magic circle and it instantly disintegrated the demon's arm off, freeing Klee from the its demonic grasp and she landed on her feet.


The demon cries out in pain as they clutches at their severed arm. Seeing this causes most of the people watching this to be astonished on what was happening on the battlefield.

"What the heck is happening?" Fuze asked himself as he watches the whole scene in utter confusion.

"She uses the crimson witch's magic against the demon" the shaggy-haired man answers Fuze's question, which confuses even more.

"What do the heck do you mean?"

"Did you saw the magic circle earlier, right?"

"Yes, so?"

"That was the witch's signature move, [Sparkling Splash]"


Fuze was perplexed on what the shaggy-haired man just said, so he returns his attention to Klee and he saw her standing still while staring at the demon.

Then eventually, the elf girl raised her arm once again and the clover-shaped magic circle reappears, pointing directly at the demon.

"Sparkling Splash!"

Klee yelled loudly as she swipes her arm downward, causing the magic circle to glow brightly again and then....



Another beam of light was shot out of the magic circle, piercing through the demon's other arm, causing the demon to scream in agony again.

However, the elf girl wasn't satisfied of this. So, she raised her arm once more and swipes it downward, firing another beam of light.

"Sparkling Splash! Sparkling Splash! Sparkling Splash!"

She kept repeating the same word as she kept swiping her hand downward over and over again, shooting more beams until there's nothing from the demon has been spared.

Once the dust was slowly faded, the only one standing in the battlefield was Klee and everyone was completely stunned by her victory.


"That... was... AMAZING!"

"Yeah, Klee is so damn cool!"

"Woohoo, you go girl!!"

Regardless of the chilling performance just happened, the three adventurers were still hyping on their elf friend. They don't care if they saw her using a dangerous skill, they're just happy their friend was alright.

"Hey Klee, are you okay over there?"

Eren calls out to Klee who was oddly unresponsive to their voice. Then they noticed their elf friend's body swaying from side to side until she suddenly collapse to the ground.



Upon seeing the elf girl fainted, the three adventurers and even the guild master quickly rush towards Klee and one of them check on her vitals.

"Hmm.... Her breathing seems okay. It's a good thing she's just knocked out" says Gido while he place his ear close to Klee's chest.

"Thank goodness, she's alright" says Eren while she sighs in reassurance.

"You three, get her to the infirmary, now"

"""Yes sir!!"""

The guild master prompted the three adventurers to bring Klee to a safe place, which they immediately complied and take the elf girl away from the arena.

"Oh? Where did that masked woman go?"

Fuze ponders when he realized that Shizu was nowhere to be seen. He tried looking around the arena but couldn't find her anywhere.


Meanwhile, in a certain alleyway, a woman was running away from the direction of the guild and hid somewhere safe.

The woman in question was Shizu and she seems to be breathing heavily and her body was shaking slightly.

"What the hell was that? Why is she using that magic?" Shizu asked herself while she was reminiscing a certain event in the past.

She remembered seeing a similar magic to what Klee used earlier and couldn't forget that moment in her mind.


Then suddenly, while recollecting memories, Shizu felt a sharp pain in her body. She clutches her whole body and prayed for it to go away.

After few minutes of agony, the pain slowly fades away and she take a deep sigh when she can move again.

"It seems I don't have much time left.... I must depart soon" Shizu said to herself as she begins to walk away from the alleyway and return to the guild.

I tried fixing some part of the chapter

Good_Doggo2001creators' thoughts