
TENSURA: interuniverse

"The world whispers secrets to those who listen. I am here to lend an ear." To understand existence is to wield its emptiness. He walks the path where all threads of fate converge. ••••••• A TENSURA X OC FANFICTION. Featuring a fifth true dragon inserted into the story line. Changes will be changed to the plot, to the characters, and some to the power system. (I do not own the characters. Fuze is the creator of Tensura and the OC is an amalgamation of various elements from other franchises mixed with my own ideas. I do not own any of the arts, credits to the original owners.)

Aestics · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Prologue | Mantle

He was an irregular, an anomaly among anomalies—destined to redefine the order of existence itself.

Born as a consciousness, a rarity of which only four others existed, he embodied an exceptional miracle—a fundamental root of existence, the pinnacle of creation itself. With his first step, heaven and earth seemed to bow in reverence.

The very breath of the universe quickened with anticipation at his first step into the world, resonating in harmony with the birth of all beings before him. He is Velmorax, fifth of the True Dragons and the newborn prince—the myriad dragon of void and destiny, as well as the Lord and worshipped God of Cair Paravel.

Being awakened as among the highest-ranking beings of existence come naturally a sense of foreboding omnipotence, as if everything in the world revolves around you. With great strength comes two paths—either be shackled by burden or be absolutely freed from it.

A pillar of creation takes the path of the latter.

Since he was essentially a walking consciousness of nature and existence itself, it would take time for him to figure out who he really was as an abstraction—a moment to come to terms with his developing sense of self.

But True Dragons are born with a primal understanding of a singular and unshakable truth—they were deities. It is simply an intrinsic understanding of their nature of existence.

Immortal, unblemished, and absolute—unstoppable, completely and utterly eternal. They are unique beings perfect as one, the most complete spiritual and conceptual beings.

They are the purest form of forever there ever was and will ever be.

At his genesis, a thousand years ago, Velmorax's mind was a whirlwind of strong feelings and incredible possibilities, like a messy orchestra needing a conductor. Strange and wonderful secrets surrounded him, hidden everywhere in the world. Every time he breathed, it matched the rhythm of creation, and his heart's beat showed he was a powerful being.

As days turned into nights, and nights into days, Velmorax began to perceive the world with a clarity that transcended mortal understanding. He felt the flow of time and the pulse of the earth, the ebb and flow of life and death in raging currents, the very spread of space and the resonance of dimensions.

His very presence influenced the elements, bending nature to his will. An insight he's gained as a part of his soul. In Cair Paravel, the throne of his emerging power, Velmorax's influence began to shape the detached land beneath the Frozen Continent and above the Magic Continent.

Mountains rose and rivers changed their courses, flora and fauna evolved under the warmth of his gaze, becoming more vibrant and more attuned to his essence. His subjects and followers, initially awestruck and fearful, gradually came to revere him, sensing the balanced force behind his seemingly transcendental power and formed a dominion in the detached continent for worship.

Velmorax's consciousness, though immense, was still young at the time. The raw power that pulsed within him was a consonance yet to be conducted. He craved knowledge, a yearning to understand the secrets the world whispered to him.

His fellow True Dragons, the elder consciousnesses, would be his teachers, their wisdom guiding his first tentative steps into existence. The True Dragons are the ultimate powers of existence. Their very presence is a perpetual war against entropy, the slow and inevitable unraveling of all that is.

The rest of his dragon siblings save for one—each embodying their own natural aspects—came to him, taught him, guided him. There was Velzard, the dragon of time and frost, who would fill the maternal role of his early life. There was Velgrynd, the dragon of light and acceleration, who would teach him of what was to come. And lastly, Veldora, the dragon of storms and chaos, who's absolutely useless in his development.

Velmorax knew one was not present in his birth. Veldanava—the oldest of the dragon siblings, the dragon of stars and genesis, was dead—or inactive since the dragons aren't capable of dying.

The remaining dragons—for better or for worse with Veldora around—formed a complete and unbreakable chain that, along with the Great Holy Spirits of old, ensured the world's continued existence.



The continent that Velmorax proclaimed as his domain is the land above the magic continent and below the frozen continent. As a result of its location, it is a rich and bountiful land of a myriad number of seasons and natural resources.

Cair Paravel, a developed country seated amidst this land, boasts a population of two dozen million inhabitants from various races: demons, monsters, humans, and majins, all living under the absolute rule of Velmorax. Despite their differences, they coexist harmoniously, guided by the vision of their ruling dragon.

It is the closest thing to utopia one could get.

A realm where equality among races is fiercely upheld under Velmorax's vision. However, this very harmony and prosperity draw the ire of the Church of Luminous, whose strict anti-monster decrees and ideological clashes with the inclusive policies of Cair Paravel, leading to constant tension and conflict.

Trade relations with other nations are carefully regulated and limited, overseen by the five Sovereigns who operate under the authority of High Sovereign Velmorax himself. This ensures both the protection of Cair Paravel's interests and its continued stability amidst external pressures and internal challenges.

Despite the Church of Luminous' hostility and the stringent anti-monster decrees they advocate, Cair Paravel continues to thrive. Its unique economy, built on the careful management of natural resources and strategic trade partnerships, flourishes under the governance and the oversight of the Sovereigns.

Within Cair Paravel, advancements in magic and technology are pursued relentlessly, supported by the diverse talents and expertise of its inhabitants. The cityscape is a blend of ancient mystical architecture and modern innovations, reflecting both its rich history and forward-thinking approach to development.

Cultural diversity thrives, with festivals celebrating traditions from all races held throughout the year. Education is highly valued, with institutions dedicated to the study of magic, sciences, and the arts attracting scholars and students from across the continent.

This has continued for over a thousand years since Cair Paravel's founding.

Despite its apparent utopian qualities, Cair Paravel faces internal challenges as well. Political intrigues among the Sovereigns, differing opinions on governance, and occasional outbreaks of unrest test the stability that Velmorax maintained.

But it was all for naught. Despite not directly managing the affairs of Cair Paravel, which is instead handed off to the Lesser Sovereigns, the full political and military control of the country belonged to Velmorax. That meant that the other ruling factions will not be able to take military action without Velmorax's consent.

The governance of Cair Paravel is structured around the guidance of Velmorax's principles and the administration of the Sovereigns. Each Lesser Sovereign holds delegated authority over specific regions of the continent. This division of responsibilities allows for efficient and overseen management while ensuring that Velmorax's vision of equality and prosperity for all races is upheld.

Thus, for over a thousand years since its founding, Cair Paravel has endured—a land where prosperity, equality, and the coexistence of all races flourish under the watchful gaze of the Myriad Dragon.

I published the same book on Wattpad, although it is still relatively new and only has a few chapters for now. The user is still the same--Aestics. The title is also the same--TENSURA: interuniverse.

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