
Tensura: Bonds And Demon lords

A story about a slime and a dragonoid as they meet and start to have feelings for each other. (Rimuru x Milim)

rimu_ori · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

The Counter Attack 3

Instantly, numerous beams of sunlight were directed downwards to the droplets below, which shot them in all directions right in the middle of the camp. The effect was devastating; several hundred soldiers instantly fell over dead, chests or heads pierce and burnt clean through; armor was useless, as were magical barriers, since the beam itself was not magic but natural sunlight. Panic spread like wildfire through the camp as more and more beams rained down into their ranks, cutting them down like insects; it didn't matter at all who they were: old or young, malicious or not, strong or weak, they all suffered the same fate in a long but short nightmare. And he felt nothing.

Attention Great sage suddenly said Unique skill 'Merciless' successfully acquired

'Merciless?' he wondered as he continued to rain down death upon those below, but decided to leave it for later. 'Wonder how many I have to go?' he though to himself, not concern at all that he was talking about how human lives he had snuffed out Report: over 2500 enemies dead; 2550... Great Sage reported. He decided to order it to report only when he had reached the required 10000 souls- not that he would stop at just that- and had to steady himself as he realized that Megiddo was even more frighten than he had expected. Even so, he continued. After what felt like hours, but could not have been more than five minutes, the Sage reported he had almost reached the required amount; he continued. After a few more seconds, he turned his attention to a large, gaudy tent installed some distance from the center of the camp.

'Either some high ranking general...or the King who was supposed to lead this force.' he though with contempt. When he saw a knight leave the tent, he didn't hesitate to put a beam straight through his temples. A second later, a few other figures strode out; a young looking mage and two older men. One of them dressed in expensive clothes hastily walked to the knight, who had died so suddenly he was still standing, and patted the knight on the shoulder, causing him to fall over. The fancy dressed man quickly stumbled away, looking even more terrified than he already was. He concluded either him or the other older man must be the king, and so he decided to introduce himself. Flying down to the three, he landed with a thud.

-'Hello.' he said, ignoring their looks of fear 'Is one of you trash the king?'

-'You...' the young mage began in a fearful voice 'are the Lord of the Monsters?!'

-'You do not look like you're from this realm...' he said as he got a good look at his asian features 'are you one of the otherworlders that attacked Tempest?' he asked

-'No...' the mage answered 'My mind and soul are of this world...'

-'Whatever.' he grumbled 'You're an enemy either way.' and with no more words or warning put two beams through his heart and brain. As he fell over, dead, Rimuru marched over to the two other figures. 'Well?' he asked impatient. The bearded, fancy dressed one stepped forward after looking to contemplate his words; based on how the other looked more like a priest, he concluded that the fancy one indeed must have been the king.

-'Y...you violate proper manners, monster!' the man said in a haughty voice; Rimuru had to quickly replay his words in his mind to make sure he heard right 'Kneel before me, King Edmaris or Falmuth! For I wish...' and decided then and there to teach the maggot a lesson of 'proper manners' by instantly cutting off one of his arms; though he sealed off the wound with some flame as well to keep him from bleeding out. The idiot cried out in pain and fell to his knees, clutching his stump.

-'You there, baldy...' he turned to the other guy 'Is this man really the king, or just a double? Tell me.' he ordered. The priests looked ready to soil his pants, stuttering for a few seconds

-'Yes, yes! He is! As an archbishop of the Western Holy Church, I vouch for it!' he said with a panicked voice. Unlike the idiot on the ground, he seemed to have instantly realized their situation. 'M..my name is Reyheim...I hold great authority with the Church!' he continued, droping down to his knees and prostrating himself 'Please spare my life! I can vouch to anyone that you...'

-'Silence.' he decided to interrupt his pathetic pleading; since he did seem to be fairy high up, he decided to keep him alive for now. 'Do not move from your place. And you...' he turned to the king, who was looking up at him with absolute horror in his eyes 'I will hear you out, but know that I am not some pushover. Now, I permit you to speak.' he said, putting as much malice in his words and aura as he could

-'This is a misunderstanding!' the king said 'I..I came to you to form friendly relations! My army was only for my protection, I swear!'

-'You say that, but your scouts started a fight and killed many of my subjects.' Rimuru shot back

-'No, wait please! It was those otherworders, not me!' he shouted 'They acted foolishly, without my consent! I was fooled too! And the Church, as well...they hate monsters and so, I was only trying to prove you could be trusted...'

-'And?' he asked the obvious liar 'Are you willing to form friendly relations now?'

-'Ah, of course!' the king billowed in what sounded like relief 'Of course! My nation is much richer than Blumund! In fact...' his voice began creeping back to his previous haughtiness 'you should be grateful that...'

-'Enough.' Rimuru ordered, shooting him a dark look; he instantly shut up in fear. 'I heard enough. We will...talk later. For now...' he said as he turned around 'I will end it all.'

Attention: Unique Skill Merciless analyze. Use Merciless? Great Sage asked. He had only one thing to say: Yes

And so, everyone remaining in the camp but the king and the archbishop died. Not simply killed by some magic; no, Merciless had affected everyone who had lost all hope and begged for their lives. Instead, Merciless had ripped their souls straight out of their bodies, ending them all in a single instant.

Immediately, Rimuru could feel all those souls being absorbed. A great surge of power emanated from him as he turned back to the pathetic king, who, upon witnessing the scene, had literary soiled himself in fear. Reyheim had already fainted. 'It's too bad. I really wanted to be friendly, but you people forced my hand. And now...' he said as he took the mask off and looked the man straight in the eyes 'you will suffer the consequences.' Without saying another word, the king rolled his eyes back and fainted.

Notice: Individual Rimuru Tempest has completed the Demon Lord Harvest a voice like the Great Sage rang out, but he realized it wasn't his skill. No, this was the Voice of the World announcing to everyone who could hear his achievement Now preparing evolution to Demon Lord Immediately as the Voice said that, he could feel his consciousness fading.

'Crap...' he thought through the sudden haze 'I'm feeling dizzy...' he turned around to the two unconscious prisoners, and noticed something strange; namely, that the body of the mage he had shot was missing...

Notice: one survivor detected through magic sense The Great Sage reported. However, he could not even stand up straight and fell down; 'I can't chase down some survivor in this state...l' he forced all his willpower to keep himself awake for a little while longer 'And I sure as hell can't fall asleep around them...what to do?' he had an idea.

-'Ranga!' he shouted. Immediately, the wolf jumped out of his shadow and got close to lean on him 'I will need you to take me back to Tempest...and those two...' he said and began channeling some magic in his hand. Barley keeping himself from fainting, he cast a summoning spell.

'Come forth, demons!' he chanted 'I seek your services! I offer the bodies of my prey!' a magical array appeared on the ground and in a gust of wind all the dead bodies vanished. Three demons appeared in front of him 'All those bodies and I got just three...well, I guess I did suck out their souls...'

-'Keh he he, what a familiar sensation...' the demon in the middle said 'The birth of a Demon Lord!'

-'Ah, yes...' Rimuru said fighting off the darkness 'There is at least one survivor around. Capture them and bring them to my city. When you get there, do what...Ranga...says...'

-'Of course!' the demon said with joy in his voice 'I accept this great honor! But may I ask that we continue to serve after our task is done?' he said, kneeling down.

-'We'll talk later...prove you're useful...I...'

-'Yes, master. Be at ease and consider it done!' the demon said. Then, no longer able to withstand the darkness, Rimuru's mind slipped. Be at ease, Master. he though he could hear a voice say I will handle the rest.

Benimaru, Shuna, Mjulan and the others were waiting in the town square for several minutes, waiting for news from their master. Shuna and Mjulan managed to successfully cast another barrier after the other one was taken down, and now all they could do was wait along with the entire city, holding their breath. Then...

Notice: Individual Rimuru Tempest has completed the Demon Lord Harvest the Voice of the World rang out for all to hear Now preparing evolution to Demon Lord. When it is completed, all affiliated monsters will be granted gifts.

The sudden words shocked everyone at first, most of which never imagined they would ever hear it in their lives, but that was quickly filled with overwhelming joy at their master's success. Almost the entire city began kneeling, praying for their Master. Benimnaru, fighting through his own desire to prey, however took charge

-'Steel yourselves! Our Master is victorious!' he shouted at everyone 'His return is imminent! Until he is finished, we must use our bodies and souls to protect him!' everyone around nodded with determination.

Some time passed as everyone waited, when suddenly someone shouted 'Clear the way! Lord Rimuru has returned!' The large form of Ranga made its way down the main street, stopping only in front of Benimaru and Shuna in the town square. Gently, he placed the slime form of their master down.

-'I must return to the town's entrance...' Ranga said as Shuna picked the slime up 'Master ordered me to keep watch for something.' Shuna and Benimaru exchanged a glance

-'Grucius, Yohm, could you escort Ranga?' Shuna said. The two, though hesitant, quickly followed the wolf. Shuna moved to gently place their master on a pedestal they had prepared beforehand. Then...

Attention: Demon Lord Evolution commencing' the Voice of the World said. As they heard that, everyone that was named by Rimuru began feeling weak and sleepy. Weaker monster simply fell over, sleeping, while the higher ones managed to hold on for a few more seconds.

-'No...we...can't...'Shuna muttered as she fought off the drowsiness; realizing that she could not, she turned to Mjulan and fell asleep. Benimaru looked over at her too but didn't manage to speak before falling asleep. Soon, only Mjulan and the three adventurers remained conscious in the square. And then an angel descended upon Tempest.

It was dark. Darker than he had ever experienced, even that time he had died. Even so, it felt oddly comforting. He could not feel his body, or anything at all. It was simply stillness. Then he heard a voice say Evolution from Slime to Demon Slime successful. All physical abilities greatly improved though it said that, he could not concentrate enough to truly register its meaning Acquisition of new skills and resistances, successful. He though he could see something in the distance; a faint form through the darkness, silhouetted against the empty. He tried reaching out...Evolution process completed; Notice: attempting to evolve Great Sage...failed...failed...failed... he could almost reach the form. Offering skill Degenerate as sacrifice; successful. Unique skill Great Sage evolving to Wisdom Lord Raphael the form took shape and turned to smile at him. And so, he woke up.

He could feel himself being held, though Magic Sense was temporary off. He willed it back on, and took a good look around...

-'Ah...good morning Shion. Your back...' he said to the ogress holding him; he looked around and saw they were on the porch of his private house.

-'You're awake, Lord Rimuru!' she excitedly said. Gently, she placed him down onto the porch itself 'and not just me!' she said, motioning to the large crowd of people gathered there. They all cheered as he looked over them. Finally, he could feel a burden lifting off of his soul. However, there were still many things left to do, one of which was even more personal

'Alright, Milim. I'll be coming soon. Just you wait...'

A long distance away, around the same time, the Destroyer was sitting in he room in Frey's castle, talking with the Queen about small nothings, when suddenly she shot up...ignoring the harpy, she focused all her senses in the direction of Tempest. She grinned, sending a shiver down the harpy's spine.

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