
Ten Million Dollars Mission

{Warning: Mature content} To attain money and her life back, she is ready to seduce the big shots! ---- "So, I am dead for real?" Her brows wrinkled. "Yes, sort of. But you can return if you accept my offer-" "No" Without listening to the rest, she declined promptly. Stunning the man. "At least, hear me out-" "No" The woman shook her head. "I don't even know if I were poor or not. Why would I want to live the unknown life again? Sorry, I am not playing your little game" She scoffed. Giving up on the opportunity, which left the man at a loss for words. He sighed. "All right. You will get your life back, including the ten million dollars. Are you in or not?" The woman's eyes gleamed with bliss right away. "Yes! I am in!" A quick change of mood shocked the man. All she cared about was money! ~~~ With no memories of her life, she wakes up to a man offering the chance to live again; but under one condition where she has to succeed the missions in the system he created. He calls her 'L' and vows to give the share of money if she achieves the task which is to charm big shots and swindle them! {The novel is pure fiction. It contains no intention to ruin the image of organizations mentioned in the novel. My first language is not English. There may be mistakes in the chapters. I apologize for those in advance}

Hera_Cordelia · Urban
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115 Chs

The drive

The two shared the lift.

"Did Cherry tell you about my work days?" L's eyes looked up into the man's gaze. "Cherry?" Adelio frowned. "The girl from the café. She is my friend!" L beamed. It was when the man nodded. With the woman's open personality, it's no wonder she had a lot of friends.

"Yes, she said it without me asking" Adelio did not want the woman to misunderstand so that he had to defend himself first. It tickled L on the other side. How cute of him! "Cherry is always like that. I am sorry if she made you feel uncomfortable, Boss" L apologized.

"No, it is okay" The elevator reached the ground floor. The two walked out to head to the car. "Boss, can you drop me off a bit far from the café? I don't want Cherry to misunderstand. I also don't want to ruin your reputation" L made a request when they stepped in the car.

"Does Miss Cherry think of us as couple?" Adelio started the car engine. L's gaze shifted. This man was interested in that more? "Don't worry. I have told her there's nothing between us. She is aware we are in same company" L assured. "Why does she think of us as one?"

Adelio added another query.

L's lips corner curved up. He sounded really curious in this matter. "Who knows? She is always assuming things over just a look. Don't mind her, Boss" L shrugged the topic off. But the man did not let it slide. "I wonder what made her consider in that way" He retorted.

Hushing down the woman. Would he even drop this matter off? No, she did not think so. If that's the case, she must do something to leave him at a loss for words. "Maybe we look compatible?" Smiling, she turned to look at the man. Adelio's adam's apple moved up and down.

He glanced at her. "I can't tell" A murmur crawled up between his lips. Over his response, L chuckled out loud. "I am joking, Boss. Please don't take it to heart" She teased. "There! You can drop me off there, Boss" Once they arrived, L pointed at the street nearby. "There?"

Adelio furrowed his brows. It was quiet and dark street. It would take a few minutes only to reach the café. Would it be a good choice for him to leave her here? The man considered carefully whether he should stop or not. "Boss?" L scowled. And Adelio ceased the car.

"Thank you for the ride, Boss"

Grinning, L bowed her head before getting out of the car. The man nodded. "See you soon, Boss!" She waved her hand as he drove off. "I guess he is still a cold-hearted man" A sigh escaped between L's lips. She began to walk alone; holding onto the purse tightly. But miracle occurred.

The Rolls-Royce car drove backwards slowly. Stunning L. "Oh, it seems our dear Adelio can't leave me alone" She chuckled to herself. "What's wrong, Boss?" L bent down cluelessly as the car window was down. "It is not safe for you to walk alone at this hour" Adelio retorted.

Making the woman press her lips. She wanted to laugh so bad. How satisfying! This man had fallen into her trap, not too deeply but enough to show concern, drive her to café, and even ask her to attend the welcome party. If this was not the progress, then what else could be?

"But if we go together, Cherry will misunderstand, Boss. You don't wish it to happen, do you?" L teased the man. "No" The grip on steering wheel tightened. He gulped. His eyes pierced through the woman's gaze. "That's why we should part here, Boss" L flashed a beam.

She straightened her back.

Thinking the man meant he did not want the misunderstanding to occur. Howbeit, his voice caught her. "No, I don't care what others think about me honestly" Beneath a scowl, Adelio disclosed. It was when L's lips formed into a smile. She inhaled and bent down. "Really, Boss?"

L frowned to express the surprise. "Get in, Miss Larissa" Looking to the front, Adelio ordered. It was when the woman rushed up to step inside the car once again. "Thank you" L muttered. "You don't have to mention" The man responded, calmly. They soon walked into the café.

As anticipated, Cherry's jaw dropped over the appearance of the two. "Risa!" She shouted. Linking arms as she grinned. It was obvious how eager she was to listen to the whole story. Adelio's eyes traveled down on the two beside. "It's not what you think" L patted her friend's arm.

"Go. Our manager will kill us if she finds out we are not working" L nudged Cherry. "Alright, alright. Change your clothes and help me" Although the woman denied, a grin did not leave from Cherry's face. Adelio sat at table after ordering one espresso as usual.

"Thank you, Miss!"

When the customers went to settle down at tables, Cherry focused on her friend beside. "What?" L frowned. "Are you going to spill the tea or not? I know you were trying not to make him uncomfortable. Don't think I let this slide, Risa. You have to tell me in details"

Cherry eyed her friend with hint of threat. "Gosh, let me work first at least" L sighed. "Take the order to your boyfriend's table" Wearing a smirk, Cherry waggled her brows. Somehow, making the woman chuckle in amusement. "He is not my boyfriend" L turned.

"Awwn, shy now, huh? So, he is not your boyfriend YET" The girl continued to tease her friend. "Stop" At last, L had to walk away helplessly. Her steps approached the man's table. "Your espresso, Sir" L flashed a beam. "I did not order a cake" Adelio furrowed his brows.

Why was there a plate of cake across him? With perplexity gleaming in eyes, Adelio gazed up while L bent down. A few inches remained between them. Causing the man's heart to pound faster. "Actually, it is my treat, Boss. Please take this as my gratitude for the ride"

A smile spread upon L's lips.

Almost taking the man's breath away. "I see" He looked away, avoiding the eye contact. Her smile felt warm. Adelio could feel his cheeks heating up. "Enjoy your night, Sir" L bowed her head. As she turned, Cherry waited with crossed arms. Both of them beamed.

It was a success! The man seemed to have fallen for her smile! A rush of bliss ran through L. The reaction was quite enjoyable for her. Where was the cold-hearted man now? All she could see was an intimidated puppy under the skin of a Doberman! "You are a goddess of pure seduction!"

Cherry raised her thumb up. Causing the woman to chuckle. On the other side, Adelio gulped down the espresso. He could not handle the heat. It was a strange feeling that tingled his heart. The man's eyes rested upon the cake across. It was just a cake, nothing more.

If so, why would he be delighted this much over a mere thing? Adelio had a list of questions on the inside. He promptly finished the cake and espresso. "Have a safe drive, Sir!" When he walked out, L came to send him off. "Mhm" But Adelio did not spare a glance.

He left, unbothered.

In order to veil the chaotic heart, he pretended to be calm on the outside. "Risa, I think he is starting to fall for you. No doubt!" Cherry giggled. Such a refreshing sight to see the cold man melting for a lively woman! "You think so?" L's brow arched. Cleaning the table.

"One glance and everyone can tell! How did you wrap your fingers around him?" The romance was Cherry's favorite topic despite the fact that she could not fall in love in real life. She's a hardcore fan of romance novels who found the reality disappointing.

"Are you asking for tips right now, Miss Cherry?" L smirked. "What am I supposed to do with those tips? Men in real life do not meet my expectations at all" Cherry sighed. A hopeless romantic with high standards would be the description of Cherry's life. "I can find one"

The two headed inside the kitchen. "For me?" For a moment, Cherry's eye glinted with hopes. "No. For me" L beamed. "You! I thought you were a good friend!" Cherry pouted. "You really expect me to find a devil who has a human form and ask you to be his fake girlfriend?"

Beneath a scowl, L hissed.

Hushing down Cherry. "Right. But it is the lowest standard I could have. Do you even know the love story of a servant and a king? I wish I returned to some old time and be the King's favorite servant girl" The wish made L sigh. "You are worse than I thought" She muttered.

"Cherry, you are hopeless" L shook her head. "I know, I know. You don't have to remind me" Rolling eyes, Cherry picked the basket of plates to put on the shelf. "Just live the best romantic life with that Boss of yours. I will be the wingman" The girl grinned. "Awn. Thank you"

L beamed.