
Ten Fold Multiplier: Sakura

A girl from another world was transmigrated into the body of Haruno Sakura. With her golden finger and her motivation, she will become one of the strongest existences in the world and also correct all the mistakes of her predecessor. A/N: Hey there, this is something I wanted to write for some time now, a fanfic where Sakura gets a better treatment and can also shine. I'm not good at writing so I hope whoever decides to read doesn't shy away from sharing their opinions. I will do my best to upload new chapters every week, and I hope you like it. If you don't, please explain clearly the problem in the comments or review section. I will carefully consider your opinions and make changes as the story progress. Tags: No harem, single female lead, AU, cheat code, romance, no yuri.

SwordDomainGod1 · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Four: Training and Hatake Kakashi

An embarrassed Sakura crawled into her room while her angry parents complained behind her. Closing the door, the sounds of their voices were completely muffled and she finally found a moment of peace for herself.

"Ah, Naruto, I got in trouble because of you, you better compensate me in the future." Complaining in her heart, she sighed in frustration and threw herself on the bed.

Curling up in the blanket, she stared at the increasingly darker sky outside through the window and began thinking about her future development.

"First, let's see how it affects my training."

Nodding to herself, she sat cross-legged and weaved the signs for the clone technique.

As soon as she finished, a single clone of her appeared in front.

Then, she closed her eyes and carefully perceived the sudden knowledge that appeared in her mind.

From her understanding, it was truly a case of results being multiplied by ten.

Also, it wasn't a simple repetition. In her memories, it truly felt like she practiced it ten times, fully carrying over whatever progress was obtained each time she practiced the technique.

Dispelling the clone, she grabbed a set of light weights on the bedside and tried three sets of twenty repetitions.

By the time she stopped, her muscles suddenly felt different, as if they had undergone an inexplicable experience. And to her surprise, there was indeed a few memories of her training.

This result completely stunned her.

"Shit! Does this mean even my physical training is multiplied?"

What about the times when she fights someone? Will it trigger this ability? If so, wouldn't it be like she has the Sharingan? During any fights, her experience of fighting the enemy will be constantly improved by ten times, as if all of it had been done that many times. Although it's not the same as actually having that doujutsu, just the experience of fighting that person for so long and so many times will accumulate very quickly, allowing her to adapt to and understand her foes way faster than most people could. Moreover, what would the effect be by then? If it triggers the equivalent of fighting the same person ten times, then, wouldn't she be able to grasp his secrets mid battle? Know the enemy's techniques before he even uses them?

The thought made her excited, unfortunately, she would have to wait till someone appeared to fight her. Perhaps Kakashi's test the day after tomorrow would be her opportunity.


The door of the classroom opened with a woosh, followed by a gust of wind. The crowd in the classroom stopped and looked at the door stunned.

What greeted their sight was the vision of an unknown girl with an unruly atmosphere around her.

She wore a black forehead protector of the leaf village on her forehead, a deep red jacket above a black shirt and gray shorts.

For a moment, nobody recognized her, but when they did, there was a gasp of surprise from the boys.

"Is that Sakura?"

"Yeah, she looks... Kinda cool, actually?"

"For sure, she feels like a different person!"

Not knowing what her classmates were thinking, she walked up to a free seat on the left rows and sat down with her eyes closed.

Inwardly, she was screaming with happiness.

'Hell yeah! I finally got some clothes that suit me! With this I can finally feel like myself.' Inner Sakura stared at her clothes with a glint in her eyes.

The jacket was the hardest one to get, she had to waist a whole half an hour making some modifications to suit her taste. After all, as a modern person, how could she wear those bland clothes from this backwards era?

The intensive flavor of the 21st century was like a fire that blew up in the middle of a forest, so of course, everyone noticed.

Maybe it was a coincidence, but for a split second, Sakura was sure that she locked eyes with Sasuke.

Looking away in an instant, nobody knew what she was thinking.

Not long after she arrived, a blond haired girl also came inside followed by a steady stream of girls.

They crowded together and advanced quickly like bulls, trying to take a bite out of the Uchiha. Uncharacteristically, Ino actually walked in the opposite direction.

"Oh? Have you understood once and for all that Sasuke can only be mine? Is that why you cut your hair like that?

Hearing Ino, Sakura laughed and shook her head. "Why would I do that? I just like this style more. I'm not trying to please anyone but myself."

"Hmph! Is that so? Because from here, it just looks like you gave up."

Annoyed, Sakura rolled her eyes. "Then, by all means, take it as such. Go on, throw yourself at him. I solemnly swear I won't interfere."

Faced with this answer, Ino froze for a moment.

Not knowing what to say, she stomped the ground in frustration and left, occasionally looking back at Sakura and murmuring something.

By her side, the black haired boy, Nara Shikamaru, shook his head and complained silently. "Tsk! How bothersome, I really don't understand what's so special about that guy."

"Hmph, how could you? You're just a brute who can only think about lazying around. Only someone as cool as Sasuke can attract the girls."

Shaking his head, Shikamaru ignored her.

Soon, it was Naruto who entered the classroom.

He too attracted the eyes of their classmates but for a whole different reason.

"Hey, Naruto, don't you know only people who graduated are allowed to come in today?"

"Yeah!" A girl nodded with a snort. "Don't think you can fool us just by wearing a fake forehead protector."

Seeing those disgusting looks, he would have ignored it, but getting a look from Sakura, he actually gritted his teeth and retorted. "Hmph! Wether it's real or not, won't you know when Iruka-sensei comes? Besides, I don't think we are friends so why are you pestering me? Go eat dirt and quit being so annoying!"

Naruto's answer left them speechless.

If they knew what he did yesterday, they might even be frightened.

Alas, it was destined to be intel known only by a small group of people.

This time, even Sasuke had an unnoticeable look of approval. This crybaby only knew how to lower his head and leave in the past, has he grown some brains?

While everyone pondered on what happened, he came to Sakura's side and greeted her with a laugh.

"Haha! Sakura-chan, look! I told you I would graduate."

Facing the excited boy, Sakura laughed and changed to the seat to her right in order to let him inside the row.

"Is that so?" Sakura asked with a knowing smile. "Was there some last minute test for you?"

With a mischievous look on his face, Naruto nodded. "Hehe, let's just say that there was a fight and I won!"

"Really? Did you teach him a lesson?"

"Yeah, that guy has such a foul mouth! He can speak but he won't be able to harm anyone anymore."

Sakura nodded in deep thoughts. 'That sounded a little sinister. But hey, Mizuki did try to kill both Naruto and Iruka, so I guess it's acceptable if that's what happened.'

As the two laughed and talked about some miscellaneous topics, time passed quickly. Groups of students were divided into 3 according to a list in Iruka-sensei's hand and began leaving the classroom as their new Jonin sensei arrived.

At some point even Iruka left, and Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were the only ones left behind.

At the door left opened with just a small gap, Naruto angrily growled as he spied through the gap. "Why? Why are we the only cell whose teacher hasn't arrived yet?!"

Sakura who was lying on one of the tables out of boredom rose her hand and pointed to the window. "Look, it's him!"

Sasuke and Naruto turned with some expectation, but there was nothing there.

"Pfft, haha! You guys really believed that?"

Coughing, both Naruto and Sasuke lowered their heads with a small blush. Damn it! They really fell for such a childish trick!

Seeing their gloomy faces, she sighed. "C'mon, I'm just trying to lift your moods a little. As for our teacher... Isn't it obvious? He is taking this long because he is an irresponsible guy!"

Sakura nodded to herself and waited for their response but was stunned by their silence.

Opening her eyes, she saw a white haired man with a mask staring at her with a frown.

The man stared at the other two who had beads of sweat running down their face and with a dejected sigh, he said. "Hmm, how should I put this? Based on my first impression... I despise you."

Sakura's face twitched. Damn, she did change the future huh? Somehow, she felt that his evaluation of them was worse.


"Now, I'd like all of you to tell us a little bit about yourself." On the ceiling of the academy, facing the huge Hidden Leaf Village, Hatake Kakashi, the Jounin sensei of team 7, spoke.

Distressed, Naruto rose his hand impatiently. "How so? Coach? Can't you go first to give us an example?"

"Well, in that case..." Kakashi held his chin with one hand as he pondered.

"My name is Hatake Kakashi. I'm the kind of person who doesn't feel like talking about his likes and dislikes. My dreams for the future have nothing to do with you, and... Oh, I do have a lot of hobbies."

Staring without blinking at Kakashi, the trio felt like punchin this shameless teacher who spoke a lot of things but at the same time said nothing.

"Tsk." Sakura complained. "You spoke so much but the only thing you told us was your name."

Turning his head to the side, Kakashi ignored Sakura and said without much care. "In any case, now it's your turn."

Rolling their eyes, Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke stared at each other not knowing who would go first.

Seeing as no one took the initiative, she rose her hand and spoke. "My name is Haruno Sakura. What I like is spending time with friends, what I dislike is those people who bully others for no reason, and my dream is... I want to become the strongest Kunoichi in the world! I will surpass even lady Tsunade!"

Kakashi nodded at those answers feeling a little more appreciative of Sakura although he didn't show it in the surface.

"As for my hobbies? Hmm, I guess I like to imagine some powerful techniques to master when I become a powerful Kunoichi." Sakura shrugged.

Seeing Sakura put her hand down, an excited Naruto stood up. "Alright! Now it's my turn! My name is Uzumaki Naruto, what I like is instant cup ramen, what I like even better is when Iruka-sensei treats me to ramen at Ichiraku noddle bar, what I dislike is having to wait three minutes after pouring the boiling water, and my dream is... To be a better Shinobi than lord Hokage! And then, all the villagers will have to acknowledge my existence! As for my hobbies, it's pranks and practical jokes."

Kakashi's dead fish eyes finally expressed something other than boredom. 'Well, isn't that a surprise?'

Finally everyone stared at the broody edgelord.

Opening his eyes, Sasuke stared at Kakashi and spoke somewhat condescendingly.

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. There are many things that I hate, but I don't see that it matters, considering there's almost nothing that I like. It's also pointless to talk about dreams, it's just a word. What I do have is a goal, one that I will accomplish. I will restore my clan, and kill a certain someone."

Staring at Sasuke, Sakura felt a pang of pain in her heart. The things that he went through. She could only stare at him with pity.

Naruto on the other hand was trembling all over as he tried to keep a neutral expression. 'Sure hope it's not me...'

Kakashi's eyes narrowed. 'Just as I suspected...'

"Alright, that's enough." Kakashi spoke and stood up from the guardrail he was sitting on. "I believe we all understand one another. Formal training begins tomorrow."

Looking at the three members of team 7, Kakashi continued. "As for your first mission... It's a survival test."
