
Chapter four - Becoming Elizabeth

As rehearsals continued, each cast member received a summons to the makeshift wardrobe department, where racks of costumes, a sewing machine and two ironing boards were squeezed into the old housekeeper's room. They called Jess in just before lunch, which provided her with a much-needed respite. She'd found it rather exhausting to work with Mrs Reynolds while she was in Lady Catherine mode.

When Jess opened the door the smell of freshly laundered cotton wafted over her; the comforting aroma rekindling memories from earlier times, sitting with the theatre dressers while they were mending tears or adjusting seams. Sebastian stood in the centre of the room while two women hovered around him, pinning here or adjusting there.

He smiled as soon as he saw her, and held out his arms, turning slowly. "Well, what do you think? Does Miss Bennet approve?"

She allowed her gaze to slide over his form, taking in his stone-coloured breeches and stockings, embroidered waistcoat and snowy-white shirt. On top he wore a navy coat with shiny brass buttons, its tails reaching almost to the back of his knees, while the cut-away front seemed explicitly designed to emphasise the wearer's masculinity.

Catching his eye Jessica realised that he still expected an answer. "Yes, Mr. Darcy. I approve very much. You look very smart. Every inch a gentleman." Some inches more so than others.

His answering grin held a touch of satisfaction, as though he knew just what was going through her mind. "I'm glad you think so. Would you mind giving me your opinion on this one?" He shook his fingers impatiently towards a second coat hanging on the rack. One of the assistants fell over herself to help him out of the blue coat, while the other held out a second for him to slip his arms into.

Jessica sighed. It was dark green, and again he looked wonderful.

After spending a few moments appreciating just how well he fit into his costume, one of the women in the room reluctantly turned her attention towards Miss Elizabeth Bennet.

Jessica had learnt from a young age that there was no place for modesty in show business. The changing rooms were nothing more than an open space behind two racks of clothing, standing across opposite corners of the room. However, seeing her own costumes, with their high empire waistlines, distracted her from any embarrassment. The first gown was a simple white cotton, decorated with delicate lace, and a deep frill at the bottom. The second dress had long sleeves and an all-over pattern of tiny blue flowers on a cream background.

After temporarily pinning up Jessica's long hair, the dresser settled a short velvet jacket over her shoulders before moving around to the front. Once she'd made a few adjustments—mumbling instructions around an assortment of pins sticking out from between her lips—she stepped back and instructed Jessica to turn around so she could check her handiwork.

The whole ensemble looked perfect, as though she'd stepped back in history to the early 19th century. Inhabiting the clothes made such a difference, and really helped her to feel like Elizabeth Bennet.

"Oh yes, that's very nice."

Jessica started. She had been so busy studying her reflection in the tall mirrors that she'd almost forgotten Mr. Darcy, who had returned to his everyday clothes. Leaning on the rail he twirled his finger around in the air, requesting a second rotation. When she obliged he nodded his appreciation. "And without the jacket?"

His question sent the assistant scurrying to do his bidding. As they peeled the little coat from around her shoulders, Jessica felt strangely under-dressed in the thin muslin, even though it covered her from collarbone to ankle. She did a second turn for him, without waiting to be asked.

"Miss Bennet has exquisite taste, I see." By the time she glanced back at Sebastian, his attention had turned to something on the props table; the fob watch, chain and seal that would complete his outfit.

She wondered why he was still hanging around. "Is no one waiting for you to rehearse?"

He shrugged. "All my scenes are with you. Besides, they'll be calling lunch in ten minutes. I thought I'd wait and escort you there. I trust you have no objection?"

Of course she couldn't object. The wardrobe staff seemed to look upon her with a new-found respect, and set to work a little faster to complete the last minute adjustments to her dress before they allowed her to slide it carefully over her shoulders. She settled comfortably into her jeans and t-shirt and they left wardrobe to head to lunch.


That afternoon, the cast worked their way through the remaining scenes. Mr. Darcy played his part to perfection, seeming to know exactly the amount of assurance and deference to give to the role. As they took up their positions for each scene he transformed, giving himself a more noble mien and regal aspect. If he'd reminded Jessica of Mr. Darcy in the blue drawing room the previous evening, it was nothing to the way he looked when he was consciously playing the part.

"If we had known you would be at home, Mr. Darcy, we would never have dreamed of invading your privacy. Your housekeeper informed us that you would not be here until tomorrow. Indeed, before we left Bakewell we understood you were not immediately expected in the country." Jess bit her lip, hoping she'd coloured Elizabeth's lines with the right amount of apologetic embarrassment.

Mr. Darcy stood, seemingly at ease, yet Sebastian subtly conveyed his character's own agitation by twisting the signet ring on his right hand. "That is true. Business with my steward occasioned my coming forward a few hours before the rest of my party. They will join me early tomorrow, including some who can claim an acquaintance with you; Mr. Bingley and his sisters." He paused for a scripted beat before adding, "One person in our party more particularly wishes to be known to you. Will you allow me, or do I ask too much, to introduce my sister to your acquaintance during your stay at Lambton?"

Knowing how surprised Elizabeth would be by his question, Jess dropped her gaze to the floor in a show of bashful modesty. "I would be happy to make her acquaintance,"

Sebastian's shoulders fell as his voice returned to its natural timbre. "Can you imagine how Darcy was feeling at this point? I know he was tongue-tied and awkward the first time he met her in the garden, but he must have been so aroused, knowing that the woman he loved was right there, standing outside his own house."

"Is that all you men ever think about?"

"That's not the point. This time in history must have been hell for any man in love. No phones, no internet, and no way of communicating without breaking all those ridiculous etiquette rules. He hasn't seen her in months, thought she hated him, and all of a sudden there she is!"

Jess sighed. "I know. It's so romantic."

"Romantic? It must have been agony for him. His mind would have been full of her, wondering what she would look like under all those layers. Although he couldn't even hold her hand, don't think for one second he wasn't imagining all the places he might be touching her if they were alone."

"No, no. Mr. Darcy is...was a gentleman. He was happy to see Elizabeth and eager for her to meet his sister. He wanted to show her that he had changed...that he wasn't the same man she'd rejected earlier in the book."