
Chapter fifteen - Reticules and parasols

Exley Hall late at night was a place of dark, cavernous rooms and a cold, penetrating silence. The only sound was the echo of their footsteps as Sebastian and Jess crossed the marble floor of the entrance hall. They passed the main staircase, heading towards the rear of the house.

Sebastian poked his head around the door, confirming the room was empty before they slipped inside. A pale light slanted through the long, uncovered windows. It created a geometric spiderweb of silver across the carpet, broken only by their shadows as they crossed the room to look out across the garden.

"Why are we here?"

Sebastian turned her so she faced the glass. He stood close against her back, one arm loose around her waist. "I thought you'd appreciate how beautiful the garden looks bathed in moonlight." His free hand stroked her hair, brushing it away from her face. "And because I thought you and Caroline might end up scratching each others' eyes out if we stayed downstairs for much longer."

Miss Bingley might have retreated from battle when Sebastian arrived in the green room, but during dinner she'd made it clear that she hadn't given up hope of winning her war. "She's a two-faced cow."

He chuckled in the darkness. "What has she done to deserve such a violent epithet?"

It was hard for Jess to admit her fears; they were like a ball of ice, locked away inside. Sebastian chose that moment to sprinkle kisses along her collar bone and up the column of her neck, leaving her with a warm glow in her chest. It melted the ice, making it easier to explain. "She saves her worst comments for times when you aren't close enough to hear. She said...well, she thinks I'm not good enough."

He continued his train of kisses until they reached just below her ear. "That's ridiculous. I can't imagine a more perfect Elizabeth Bennet."

"No, I think she meant not good enough for ."

Sebastian fell silent, seemingly content to hold her close as they both stood before the window. Then he took in a breath, releasing it in one long sigh. "If she said that then she's wrong, of course. You're far more than I deserve."

"You two were together once." Jess left her statement hanging in the air, wondering whether he would confirm or deny Ruth's earlier comment.

"Years ago. It didn't end well."

Jess turned to face him, unsure whether to push for more details. Curiosity was all well and good, but she didn't want to re-open a painful wound. The glow through the window shone on his face like a spotlight, highlighting dark brows furrowed in thought. Her fingers traced his cheekbone before running along his strong, stubbled jaw.

He captured her exploring hand in his before placing a gentle kiss upon her open palm. Then he smiled. "You must be dying to know why."

Jess attempted a nonchalant shrug. "I understand if you'd rather not tell me."

"It's ancient history, but given the fact that Ruth's not been on her best behaviour this week, you have a right to know." He moved them further down the room, where a window-seat offered a comfortable space for two. There he held her close, dropping occasional kisses on her forehead. "It wasn't her fault. If anything, I was to blame. I was young...we both were...and I should have been more supportive. Remember those phone numbers from the fans? And those women I mentioned?" Jess nodded. "Well Ruth couldn't understand that their offers were just as unpalatable to me as they were to her. She thought I encouraged their attention...that I wanted those females as much as they wanted me. She didn't trust me."

"I imagine it was difficult."

"And I could have done a better job of handling her concerns. As I said, I was young and foolish, but she didn't give me a chance to show her she was wrong. You listened to me...you believed me. That's why you're so special."

"When we arrived at Exley last Thursday, you and Ruth seemed close."

He laughed. "Appearances can be deceptive. We just happened to meet in the car park. It was the first time I'd seen her in...what? Three, maybe four years. She greeted me like a long-lost friend, and I played along. It's always prudent to get on with those you'll be working with. That's what you saw when we walked through the door together."

"So why would she try to scare me away?"

"Don't know, but I'll have a talk with her. We only have two more days here, and I don't want Ruth to spoil anything for us."

Jess snuggled against his chest. "Don't worry. I won't let her upset me any more."


Jessica had forgotten all about the Regency fair until she spotted the multi-coloured tents and stalls laid out on the south lawn on Thursday morning. They looked like confetti left behind after a giant's wedding party.

After a rushed breakfast Mandy granted them reluctant permission to look around the fair before it was time to dress. They had barely half an hour of free time, but it was enough for a quick browse in the early sunshine.

Glittering morning dew clung to the grass as the stall holders made last minute adjustments to their displays or warmed their hands on steaming cups of coffee. Jessica sauntered between the varied tents, pointing out items of interest to Georgiana, Jane and Mrs Gardiner. Caroline followed behind, wedged between Bingley and Darcy. Occasionally, her laughter would drift in their direction, but Jessica refused to look over her shoulder. She would not give Ruth the satisfaction of thinking she was jealous.

They passed one stall belonging to a dressmaker who made authentic Regency gowns for the most enthusiastic aficionados. The dresses were beautiful, but they cost a small fortune. A woman in the next booth offered frilly parasols, ivory fans, vinaigrettes and reticules; all items a well dressed Regency lady would not be seen without.

Jessica picked up one of the reticules—a confection in pink silk and lace—remembering the question she'd been posed earlier in the week. "It's just a bag. A drawstring purse." When the stall holder frowned, she added, "I've always wanted one of these," and promised to return later for another look.

Handmade paper, sticks of glossy red wax and seals bearing every letter of the alphabet sat on the trestle table of the next stand. Georgiana studied an elegant feather quill while Jane showed an interest in a calligraphy set with a selection of colourful inks. As Darcy caught up with them, Caroline picked up another of the long thin goose feathers displayed on the table.

"Allow me to mend your pen, Mr. Darcy," she said with a Cheshire cat smile as she waved the feather inches from his face.

"There's nothing wrong with my pen, thank you very much," Sebastian replied wearily.

Caroline tutted as she shook her head. "You ought to have said: 'Thank you, but I always mend my own.' Don't you remember?"

"No, because that's not part of this week's script." He shook his head before joining Jessica on the other side of the tent, where he feigned interest in a decorative notebook. "Save me," he pleaded in a plaintive whisper.

Jessica glanced over her shoulder. "What, from Caroline? You're a big boy, Darcy. You can take care of yourself." She grinned to take the sting out of her words.

"And you are a hard woman, Lizzy," he murmured, but was happy to accompany her to the next stall, where Bingley and Jane already had their heads bent over a display case belonging to the antiques tent.