

"Thank you, ." Helena smiled, as Mark passed her a fruit salad, to help with her cravings.

The family sat in the couch, little Alice watching her favorite movie as she sat in her mother's lap.

"Hey, I'm just happy to give you all the pineapple I can find." He chuckled. "Now, onto what matters. This time I'm winning the bet. We're gonna have another boy."

"Honestly, I've told you, I have no idea." Helena giggled, putting a piece of fruit into her mouth. "What do you think, Ali? Are you gonna have a baby brother or a baby sister?"

"." The girl looked up to her mother. "I want a sister, mama."

"We don't get to pick, little munchkin." Mark smiled at her. "And, whatever gender they are, believe me, you're gonna want to bully them, at least at first."

At that, the girl simply looked between the two, confused, before focusing back on the screen.

"Well, and if they have a penis, there's always hope for Alice. We never know how they'll choose to identify as in the future." She shrugged.


"Really?" Arizona's voice softened, at the question she'd been asked.

"Yeah, really." Helena chuckled. "I spoke to Mark already, and we agreed that you should be the godmother. Since Callie already became Alice's after... after Lexie, we thought you should get to be this little one's. And you're great with kids, with your kid, so, yeah... will you be the baby's godmother?"

"Yes!" The blond chuckled, immediately giving the short girl a hug. "Of course I will, Lena. Come on, we're practically work wives already!"

"The residents are staring at me." April sighed, joining them at the nurses station. "They're all just staring at me, judging me, with their little resident eyes. Like they used to stare at you." She looked to Arizona. "Cheater eyes."

"Oh, yeah, cheater eyes are the worst. But it's not like you deserve it, right? I mean, you and Jackson is not the same thing." The blond shrugged.

"Right, I mean, it was a spur of the moment decision, you just realized you loved him. You didn't know before, but you do know. Right?" Helena asked.

"W-well, I-I..."

"Hey, Renee called." Callie interrupted, making Arizona and Helena share a look. They were still to get any information on the April and Jackson situation. "The carpets gonna be done my three, and then we have an appointment with the notary at five."

"Oh, you guys are signing papers on the house today?" April let out, glad to change the subject. "That's so great."

"Well, maybe not. There's no way I can be out of here before five." The ortho surgeon argued.

"No, it's fine. He's a traveling notary, he can come to us."

"Oh, and I have this ice cream maker I couldn't figure out how to send back. That will be your house warming gift." April smiled, leaving. "Congratulations."

"What happened?" Bailey joined the three attendings. "Did you get the dirt on her and Avery? I've been trying to get Ben to do recon with the residents, but he's all 'I don't like to gossip'."

"Well, nothing here either." Helena shrugged.


The pediatric surgeon charted by the peds floor nurses station, as she heard one of her kids scream.

At that, she immediately ran to the room, seeing a man turning to the child. "Hey, what are you doing in here?!"

As the man turned to face her, however, the doctor jumped in fright herself. He had whiskers and tattoos all over, his face now resembling a cat's. With a yell, she fell, her lower belly hitting the ground.


Helena nervously fidgeted as Mark held her hand, the OB doing an ultrasound.

"Is the baby ok? Please tell me they're ok..." Helena pleaded, tears in her eyes. "I-it barely hurt o-or anything, but I just... tell me they're ok."

"Yes." The on call doctor smiled. They had gone to the OB on call instead of their usual one, seeing as it was urgent. "I am going to ask you to watch for bleeding and other symptoms in the next 48 hours, but she seems fine."

"Ok, good..." Helena breathed out.

"She's fine." Mark repeated.

Then, the couple seemed to realize at the same time, their eyes widening. "?!"


Owens stood in front of the board, who sat in the meeting room. Helena was comfortably resting her feet on Mark's lap, the added weight of her daughter combined with the hours standing in surgery making them ache.

"Is this about what happened with Alex and Ross?" She asked, referring to when the attending punched the intern for endangering his father's life.

"What happened with Karev and Ross?" The red head asked.

"Nothing." The three twisted sisters let out in unison.

"One of our surgical residents has lodged an official complaint with Human Resources. Three separate complaints, actually. Directed sexual harassment, quid-pro-quo harassment and hostile work environment." He informed, the room bursting into whispers as Helena straightened up in her chair.



"Directed at whom?"