
Template system in the multiverse

A man gets transmigrated in naruto with a template system. disclaimer: there will be stupid stuff and no struggle if you dont like that leave, there will be little to no plot and character development. writing for funz.

Cringe_Author · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs


I woke up, and went to the living room where I saw Himari and Kyouka training, I said,"Kyouka meet me at the beach I'll teach you"

I went to the beach and started doing some pushups after I removed my sweater.

After an hour came Kyouka in a training outfit.

'Zarathos can we strengthen her?' I asked and Zarathos said 'it should be possible'

"let's start," she said.

I nodded and said "draw your sword and attack me"

She looked confused and asked "won't I cut you?"

I laughed and said "of course not, your way too weak"

She was a bit upset and slashed at me, and to her surprise I parried her sword with my firnger.

"Pretty decent strike, but I can feel great hatred for someone in you, who?"

She explained everything about her childhood and 'One Horned'.

"I'm sorry. Now try hitting me with all your anger."

This time when she slashed me a ringing sound came, and I said "good! Now let's have a spar"

She nodded and got into position I did a couple of hand signs, *POOF* out of some smoke came a perfect copy of me who rushed at her, she slashed at it cutting it in half, but then *POOF*.

She was visibly shocked I came behind her and gently grabbed her neck and said "never let your guard down, no matter what the moment. Who knows what abilities the shuuki will develop?"

I let her go and we went into position, I could see the determination in her eyes, I smile and said "now, come!"

We trained for an hour, and she was learning very quickly.

She breathed heavily and asked, "how are you so good at fighting?"

I smiled and said "I had a very good master. (Referring to Zarathos)"

Now sit on the ground and take your shirt off.

She looked at me strangely and asked "why?"

I said, "relax I'll transfer a drop of my power to you."

She got calmer and did what I said.

I placed my hands on her shoulders and said, "if this works will you go on a date with me? And stay calm, though this should be painfull, ready?"

She said "sure why not" to that I smiled and said "it's a deal, now get ready"

She nodded and my hands went ablaze, transferring a drop of my power to her.

She groaned, but held on and I said, "hold on, almost there."

I finished, though unfortunately she passed out. I let out a *PHEW* sound, conjured a chair, sat down and took her in my lap, then I fell asleep with her.


I woke up in the morning, still on the chair and Kyouka was still sleeping on my lap.

Then a trumpet sound came out of her phone, she slowly woke up and checked her phone, she saw the emergency and her eyes shot open.

Then she figured out that she was sitting on my lap, so she quickly got off.

I smiled warmly and asked, "Was I an uncomfortable pillow?"

She blushed a little and said "No, you were quite comfortable, but there's an emergency let's go."

I was surprised by her response but still smile and nodded.

We both went back to the dorms and dressed.

After I dressed up, I went back, and Himari explained that a crater was spotted in Mato.

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