
Template system in the multiverse

A man gets transmigrated in naruto with a template system. disclaimer: there will be stupid stuff and no struggle if you dont like that leave, there will be little to no plot and character development. writing for funz.

Cringe_Author · Anime und Comics
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New universe

( Idk i decided to go with this, but i guarantee the next universe will be 'One Piece' )

8 years later: ( useless time skip don't pay attention it's just for making Nova 18 – so he can fuk )

In a glorious house woke up, a white-haired man, perfectly built with very handsome features. This was obviously Nova now 18 years old and the most feared man in the world.

He yawned then smiled and said "Good morning Zarathos"

The skeleton answered, "fuck you, I can't sleep" and Nova burst out laughing, Zarathos chuckled.

Nova reflected on his past while washing himself and checking his status

[Host: Nova Kimo

Age: 18

Template: Ghost rider


Weapon summon

Hellfire Manipulation Unleashment Transformation Penance stare Flame portal Heal

Main quest:

Save the ninja world = kill Madara and the Otsutsuki.

Reward: random template. ???? ]

By now Nova and Zarathos were bros and partners. Though the thing that bothered them was that everything was SOO boring, they tried everything.

After solo destroying most of the Land of Thunder's forces and a lot others. Nova got an SSS rank in the Bingo book description * Skull Demon, of Konoha:

EXTREMELY dangerous fire release user. Don't fight him, run. *

so that was fun.

After that he became bored, so he did what he wanted to do in his previous life, he became a baker. He had a pastry store in the center, though it was not runned by him, he 'retired'.

But even without that the biggest change in these years was his personality, probably due to Zarathos. It's not that he became cocky, he just became prideful, a little bloodthirsty, but mostly a nice guy.

Now they were both too bored, so they decided to complete the quest. They're plan was simple, in theory if Nova unleashed Zarathos he would be so powerful that he could sense the Otsotsuki and Black zetsu, Obito (no Bz and Obito = no Madara ). So, he said to Zerathos "ready?" and Zarathos nodded (in the mind).

Nova used the skill and instantly a mountain of blue flames erupted, there stood the Ghost rider, but with godly blue flames, and then came a voice "FiNaLlY"

While Nova was feeling weird, it felt like he lost control of a car and fell asleep.


He woke up after hearing a *Ding*

Save the ninja world = kill Madara and the Otsotsuki. (completed )

Reward: Soma Yukihira template, access to a random universe.

After reading the message Nova jumped in joy, even Zarathos seemed happy.

I said happily "NICE! And I can get even better at cooking with this template."

Though I need to go say goodbye to Kakashi.

After eating with Kakashi and explaining everything, he went back home.

He opened a portal while being the Ghost Rider and thought about going to a random universe.

When he stepped in it and came out; we were in the middle of Tokyo. I looked around everything seemed, strange.

Men were acting more like women, and some women had strange powers.

I did the most logical thing there was to do, I went to a café.

It was named 'coffee for you' so Nova stepped in, strangely only men worked here.

"Sick jacket bro, what would you like," said an employee.

"T-thanks, I would like a cappuccino." It was pretty weird talking with 'normal' people.

"That will be 3,99 sir." He said with a smile.

Now that I thought about it, I didn't have any dollars on me, so I asked, "can I pay in silver?"

He looked at me strangely but nodded, I whipped out a bar of silver and took my coffee.

The news were playing nearby, so listened in.

"Today on the news were going to discuss a problem – (insert news lady's enthusiasm) the shuuki in 'Mato' are evolving"

'WAIT, shuuki where have I heard that name," I thought.

"Riu Myouga – the vice chief of unit 1st will elaborate."


'sigh, I'm in Mato Sehei No Slave. Fuck – this world is pretty stupid and weak; I remember only reading this manga because it was on the echi page.'

'don't you want to start a harem?' asked Zarathos.

'How do you know that word? And besides I would like to be in a serious relationship' I said.

'I saw it in your memory's.'

But before I could say anything I was gone, the next millisecond I was in a rocky wasteland.

'hm, I guess this is Mato if I remember correctly – how lucky for me, I was getting bloodthirsty.'

PS: which FL (besides the 'Gods') do you want

every grill in the anti-demon corps is available

or maybe yuukis sister for those sick monster fans


(if u don't know wtf im talking about read the MaNgA)