
Template system in the multiverse

A man gets transmigrated in naruto with a template system. disclaimer: there will be stupid stuff and no struggle if you dont like that leave, there will be little to no plot and character development. writing for funz.

Cringe_Author · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Kyouka Uzen

'Wait first of all let's check my status for any quests' I thought.

[Host: Nova Kimo

Age: 18

Template: Ghost rider, Yukihira Soma

Abilities: cooking (low)

Weapon summon

Hellfire Manipulation Unleashment Transformation Penance stare Flame portal Heal

Main quest:

Help the anti-demon corps = create your own unit, defeat the Gods of Thunder.

Reward: access to a random universe]

'Hm, the gods are useless, but the unit thing should be hard, there's never been a male chief.'

'Meh, I'll worry about it later' I thought.

But then a punch hit me, though I didn't even flinch - it was thrown by a shuuki.

"Heh, my turn." I threw a punch, but it obliterated the shuuki's upper body.

'How many are there, Zarathos?' I asked.

'Hm, about 500000.' Answered Zarathos.

I smiled madly and said whilst turning into the ghost rider "GOOD"

I kicked off the ground slashing everything, dual wielding my chain and axe.

Slashes were heard and body's fell.

A shuuki was decapitated, one was chopped, one was burnt and none survived.

1 minute later I was sitting on a mountain of corpses, my skull ablaze and me laughing.

"Hahahaha, these shitheads were a good warmup." But I saw a woman helping a guy, they were staying in a dome. 'here comes the plot.' I smiled and began flying to the place.

Kyouka Uzen POV:

"Wonderful! I didn't expect you to be strengthened this much."

"Try using your power," I told my new slave, and he killed everything in his path.

There was a huge shuuki, but a fireball was coming "huh, Yuuki dodge!"

Nova POV:

'What a big shuuki, maybe he'll survive one hit.'

Zarathos sneered and said 'humph, no chance' he said and he was right.

Kyouka dodged with Yuuki, and I chopped the shuuki in half, I thought 'sadge, of course it died'

I created a fire tornado with my chain, whilst seeing them smooching far away 'reward started, huh.'

I literally burned them alive and after that went closer, looking at them kissing with a bony smile.


They saw me and I came closer, Kyouka drew her blade though they both were visibly scared of me.

"Who are you?!" she shouted.

I turned off GR and said with a smile "I come in peace lady,"

She calmed down a little seeing my human appearance. "Who are you?" she asked

I came to her and said, whilst smiling and asking for a handshake "Nova Kimo, nice to meet you."

I blitzed to Yuuki while hearing her say "how'd you?"

I turned around with a smug smirk and said "I'm just built different."

I turned to Yuuki and asked "So how was the kiss? You should have bought her dinner first."

He started stuttering and explaining himself, to that I just laughed.

"Work for me Yuuki" she said.

"Ooh, can I work with you too." I asked with a smile.

"What can you do?" she asked skeptically.

"Well, I am INSANELY strong even stronger than your so-called commander."

She just scoffed, not believing it.

"Come I'll show you." I grabbed her by the waist, and with a small hop jumped 1km in the air.

She asked hurriedly "What are you doing?!" to that I gestured to the mountain of corpses.

We landed and I said, "I did that in 50 seconds, with 2% of my power." (she doesn't nead to know about enleashed Zarathos)

She was SHOCKED and said "impossible, but what else."

"Well, I am also an amazing cook, and I can teach you how to grow stronger, to reach your dream."

She had her eyes wide open and said hurredly, "you're both accepted."