
Template system in the multiverse

A man gets transmigrated in naruto with a template system. disclaimer: there will be stupid stuff and no struggle if you dont like that leave, there will be little to no plot and character development. writing for funz.

Cringe_Author · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs


In Konoha:

The sun was shining on the village as it revealed the streets sounding with the laughter of children running around and conversations of people as this proved the richness of the village.

Village Hidden in The Leaf's, Established by the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju and his friend Uchiha Madara.

Despite fighting wars, this Village still held the position of the strongest in the World.

At a shop near the end of the street, a boy who was about 5 years old with white hair that faced the sky, a cute face but what the most noticeable was his silver eyes that revealed the experiences of an adult.


"I'm too poor" said the boy while holding some candy and looking at the withered wallet extremely depressed.

"Come again Kid" said the shop owner who was happy as his business was going well.

"Hard days are near" thought the Boy as he started to eat his food while marching towards his home.

"I'm home" shouted the Boy after he arrived at his home that was at the end of the village not big just a small house that had cracks at numerous places and a courtyard with numerous potholes.

The boy didn't get an answer of his shout which wasn't surprising since he lived alone, this was just an habit to relieve his lonesomeness.

"It's been 2 years already" thought the boy as he changed his clothes wearing a black jacket and knee length pants.

The boy's name is Nova Kimo. And he is not from the Ninja World, precisely his soul is from a parallel blue planet named Earth.

The predecessor couldn't handle the trauma of being left alone, without any family and died as a soul from another world took over his body.

when Nova learned through his predecessor's memory that this world had Ninjutsu, he immediately knew that he had traversed to "Naruto"– a very popular anime on earth.

He was a fan of Naruto in his previous life as he had watched every episode of it.

Nova was happy at first, he dreamed of traversing to „Naruto", but when he started practicing Ninjutsu, he learned that his Ninjutsu talent was trash, except for fire release, at best he could become an ordinary Jonin.

This was a deep blow to Nova's Confidence, as he knew that later in the anime jonins were cannon fodder.

Though Nova had hope, because he like every other traverser had a cheat, which would help him towards power.

"Today I'll be able to reach it" said Nova with some excitement while doing pushups at a courtyard.

Two hours later:

498....499...and... 500.

Nova's hands gave out and he fell - his whole-body trembling, though Nova didn't care and had a smile on his face.

Ding! * The Template "Ghost rider" has been unlocked to 10%*.

"Finally I have reached it" shouted Nova as he felt a flaming sensation throughout his body reducing his fatigue and strengthening his body.

"status" said Nova in his mind as a blue panel appeared in his mind.

[Host: Nova Kimo

Age: 5

Template: Ghost rider


Chain summon

Hellfire (low)

Main quest:

Save the ninja world = kill Madara and the Otsotsuki.

Reward: random template. ???? ]

Nova acquired a system that could extract the Templates of different characters from different fictional worlds and the first one he extracted was Ghost rider of Marvel.

Nova was excited when he knew that his first Template was Ghost rider.

because in marvel the Ghost rider's strength was insane, if he completed the template Madara and even the Otsotsuki wouldn't be threats.

"It's Hellfire" Nova muttered in surprise as he didn't expect to unlock the Ghost rider's main ability, and the strongest fire in Marvel.

Hellfire is an intense fire that could even attack a person's soul.

Then Nova heard a grumbly voice that sent shivers down his spine. "hello" it said.

Nova stood there, almost shitting his pants, and awkwardly said "hi".

The voice waited for a moment and said, "where is this? You should not be my host"

I answered wearily "the ninja world. I don't know anything about your hosts, but what's your name, and why are you in my head?"

"I see, my name is Zarathos and I don't know why you became my host"

Time seemed to stop for me, if he was the Zarathos I knew that would be very bad, because he would want to kill sinners, and nearly every person in this world is a sinner.

"Can you read my memories? It will take all day to explain it to you"

"yes" Zarathos answered. And there was silence, he wouldn't say anything even after 10 minutes.

So, Nova went home, hoping Zarathos wouldn't become a problem.