
Template system in the multiverse

A man gets transmigrated in naruto with a template system. disclaimer: there will be stupid stuff and no struggle if you dont like that leave, there will be little to no plot and character development. writing for funz.

Cringe_Author · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs


Its been 2 months since Nova graduated from the academy, though it was sad really. Kakashi and Nova, did D rank missions for 2 months.

The only things that improved were Nova's template and their friendship.

"Aren't you tired of these easy missions Nova?" asked Kakashi.

"I'm insanely tired. Minato when can we do some actual missions?"

"Please let me go I'll do anything"

"Tie him up and throw him into prison." As Kakashi and Nova were walking they heard shouts, so they went to check it out.

After coming closer, Nova could easily tell they were Uchiha.

"Well, not my problem" said Nova to Kakashi

"Not your problem? I know your not a hero or something, but at least help a person" Said Zarathos.

Now that I thought about it, my personality seemed to become cocky, and I didn't like that.

"Never mind, let's go help them Kakashi."

"What the fuck are you doing?!" shouted Nova angrily.

"Kid, what do you think you are doing?" both of them got angry seeing me talking to them like that.

"I'm helping them, you can't just hit them, they obviously didn't steal" said Nova angrily.

"we're the Konoha police force, don't butt into our business" they said threateningly.

"Do you have any evidence that they stole?" I said with a smile.

"You need to be thought a lesson" the Uchiha came closer to me, preparing to slap me.

"Don't do this" I said calmly, but they appeared to not listen.

So, I helped them fall asleep, they seemed tired. I hit them both so fast they couldn't react – knocking them out.

I helped them up and said to Kakashi "I'm going home"

Whilst going home Nova thought 'maybe it was good that their clan got eradicated, bunch of arrogant weaklings.'

'Zarathos, I want to learn how to fight with an axe, can you conjure it too."

'Yes, but why?' to that I just shrugged and said, 'I like the weapon.'

4 months later:

In a forest, stood Kakashi with a sword and Nova with a giant axe, both covered in blood.

"Finally, we can go home" said Kakashi.

"Nah, I quite like fighting, but yeah." I said with a smile.

It's been 4 months since Nova and Kakashi became a part of team Minato.

During the start they did some D rank missions, moving up in Ranks. Right now, they were both Jonin doing an A rank mission – killing some sand shinobi spies.

Minato teleported in and asked, "did you take care of them?"

We both nodded and Minato smiled saying "then we can return to Konoha."

Tomorrow Kakashi and Nova had one more spar. They both stood in a field.

Nova rushed with a chain thinking Kakashi would lose like always, but as soon as he puled Kakashi closer throwing a punch, the clone turned into electricity shocking Nova, after a couple of seconds Nova looked around and found Kakashi holding a kunai at his throat.

"You got me; I didn't know about such a clone jutsu. BUT did you know about this." I said smiling, Kakashi looked at me confused. ( Kakashi is MUCH stronger because of their rivalry and no sharingan drain )

The hellfire surrounding me got much stronger, and my face started burning off, Kakashi said "what the hell?!"

I screamed and my face burned off revealing my burning skeleton.

"Now let's fight, Kakashi." I said with a demonic voice

I think Kakashi shat his pants, but still tried to do some hand signs, though before he could finish, I blitzed near him, punched him in the stomach – knocking him out.

I turned back to normal and Zarathos asked, slightly angry "why did you show it to him, now you're going to have to explain yourself."

"Why not? And I can just tell him it's my Kekkei Genkai."

So after discussing with Zarathos, that it's no big deal and they couldn't do anything to us either way, I took Kakashi to his house.

( little people used an axe so he just asked Zarathos to teach him – he had hosts before Nova who used an axe )

( also don't ask how he became a Jonin so fast, fuck the system )