
Template system in the multiverse

A man gets transmigrated in naruto with a template system. disclaimer: there will be stupid stuff and no struggle if you dont like that leave, there will be little to no plot and character development. writing for funz.

Cringe_Author · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs


The next day Nova went to buy some flowers, he needed them for the memorial ceremony – for those who died in the second shinobi war.

In his head Zarathos asked "why do we need to gift something to dead people?"

I thought for a moment and answered "I guess it's a way of showing respect to the dead"

Zarathos made a nodding sound and after that I went to the memorial ceremony

At the ceremony Nova placed some flowers on the previous owners parents bodies, as a show of respect.

After that Sarutobi came up and said a speech about how these people were heroes, and they will be remembered. Though Nova didn't particularly care.

While Sorutobi was talking Nova was having a conversation.

Mind POV:

"Nova, for now we should stay low, to not get in trouble."

I nodded he was correct, if Danzo or Black zetsu would take a interest in me, I would be quite literally fucked.

If Danzo gets interested in me, he could try to brainwash me.

If Black zetsu takes an interest in me, he could try to kill me or change his plan – through that making my greatest advantage, knowing the future useless.

"What would be the fastest way to increase my template? What do you think?"

"Probably meditation, because I don't think it would take physical training to strengthen our power, after all I am a spirit"

"Though we have time for you to grow, even with 40% of my power we could easily beat that Madara and Otsotsukis"

POV end:

Outside the ceremony ended and I went back.

We started training and Zarathos mentioned 'learn to control your anger, in our transformation even without me influencing you directly, you will feel great anger towards sinners."

So I focused on mastering my anger, through meditation. And after his session he fell asleep.


Though little did Nova know in the Root base Danzo was already eying him, though after seeing Nova's ninjustsu score he dismissed him.

"The other best student is Hatake Kakashi" said a Root member.

After hearing that name Danzo's mood turned sour remembering Kakashi's father, he made Sakumo Hatake a traitor because he was an obstacle in his plan to become Hokage and he didn't want another obstacle to his plan.

"keep an eye on that brat" after saying that he dismissed the agent, whilst thinking 'they will not stop me'

PS: unleashed Zarathos had defeated Mephisto and Mephisto could fight Galactus - theyr fight destroying the galaxy. and Kaguya needed the WHOLE worlds chakra to destroy a planet, and one Madara and the Otsotsuki deflinetly didn't have that much - AND even if they could the Ghost rider is immortal.

sorry for the shorter chapter :()