
Template system in the multiverse

A man gets transmigrated in naruto with a template system. disclaimer: there will be stupid stuff and no struggle if you dont like that leave, there will be little to no plot and character development. writing for funz.

Cringe_Author · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs


3 months later:

It's been 2 months since my fight with Kakashi, I explained my transformation to him, but that doesn't matter because the village looks dead and, well shitty.

Probably because the third Shinobi world war started.

A anbu appeared and said "Nova Kimo, the third hokage urgently commands you to go to the Land Of Thinder and assist fellow ninja."

After the andbu left Nova told Zarathos "so here's the plan, we go there kill everyone, absorb their souls – reach 100% then kill Madara and the Otsutsuki's."

Zarathos said sarcastically "AMAZING plan Nova"

"I know" I said with a crazy smile.

"sigh, I was joking." Said Zarathos.

"I wasn't" I said.

I transformed into the Ghost Rider and summoned my axe and literally flew to the Land of Thunder's battlefield in 20 seconds.

Land Of Thunder commander POV – battlefield

"Get ready to attack in 30 seconds!!!!" Shouted the commander.



10…. 'The Land of Thunder will crush Konoha' thought the commander.

"WAIT! There's something coming." Warned the commander.

After looking closer one shinobi laughingly said "it's just a fireball, commander.


"that's not a fireball! Brace yourselves!"

Ghost Rider POV:

"HAHAHAHA," laughed Nova crazily. "Look at all these ants"

I increased my power going even faster.


Nova landed in the middle of them causing a fiery shockwave.

"DEATH" they all heard a demonic voice.

The dust cleared and they saw Nova's appearance.



Nova blitzed to them chopping, or burning everything in his path, only screams could be heard. (Imagine Madara's fight with the ninja's but with MUCH more gore and chopping)

10 minutes later:

Nova was sitting on a pile of skulls.

"M-M-MONSTER!" stuttered a random ninja.

I jumped down from the pile of skulls, near the ninja.

"I'M wOrSe." I spoke.

"Look into my eyes… Your soul is stained by the blood of the innocent… Feel their pain"

"AAAAAHHHHH, MERCY!!!" the ninja pleaded.


*PWOOSH* he turned to ash. (fuck u no sound effects)

"we're going to the biggest battlefield, near Konoha"

"May God have mercy on they're souls" said Zarathos.


*Near Konoha, in a battle that Konoha is losing*

"it appears Minato isn't here to save their asses. Guess the spirit of vengeance will do."

Another shockwave was heard, Nova there again this time without his axe and with a chain.


Nothing was said by both sides, but then screams were heard.

The dust settled and it showed 100000 ninjas tied by 1 giant chain and in the air, standing Nova holding a giant fire ball (spirit bomb kekw).

He threw it and an explosion the size of a nuke was seen. (it killed a bunch of Konoha ninja but they were collateral damage)

One ninja seemed to escape so I flew next to him. (GR turned off)

"It's your lucky day."

The ninja seemed broken, but could still respond.

"now my friend tell your bosses (GR turned on) My NaMe Is ThE Ghost rider (Nova Kimo) ThEy PiCk A fIGhT wItH kOnOhA aGaIn, YoUr ViLlaGeS wIlL Be nExT."

(GR turned off) "now get the fuck out of here"

The ninja who left a yellow puddle behind ran as fast as he could in a random direction.

"home time Zarathos"

Zarathos laughed and said "indeed, you did give him a good spook though, I'm proud of you"

(Toby from HP voice on) "I aim to please Masta"

"never use that voice again" Zarathos said angrily and I went back home laughing.